Democratic Republic of Allograd

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The Democratic Republic of Allograd
Motto: Glory to Our Allograd!
Other languagesEnglish, Italian
GovernmentParliamentary Republic
• President
• Vice-President
• Prime Minister
• President of the Senate
Establishment15th June 2022
Time zoneCET (Central European Time)

The Democratic Republic of Allograd (before also known as the Independent Republic of Allograd) is a micronation based on the Discord platform, founded on the 15th of June 2022 by its President Sissiogamer1, Vice-president Devisi and President of the Senate AR_.

Allograd was founded in the time of the second Cloudiland, before the Qardashan attack, by Sissiogamer1, a political dissident, long time rival of the Cloudiland government and critique of Cloudi I of Cloudiland, saw the treachery, evil and how bad Cloudiland has become, decided to make a new nation to shelter and save all the citizens of Cloudiland 2.0. That's why the founders all come from Cloudiland.


Allograd operates as a Parliamentar Republic with elections to be held regularly, every 6 months for Senate and every year for the Presidency, whichever party gets a majority of seats in the senate becomes prime minister that is decided into the party, and whomever group gets the most votes in the presidential election they become respectively President and vice-president, the allocation of seats in the Senate is proportional to the votes and not majority.

The current government is made up entirely of the Socialdemocratic Coalition, with 4 seats from the Socialdemocratic Party of Allograd, and 1 of the Revolutionary Workers Party, after the opposition rejected the candidacy and dissolved the main party, The Bear Party led by Jamie, who is now the leader of TFP.

On Saturday 30 October 2022, the Prime Minister Laurel resigned from his post to allow the newly formed opposition to come into government, and also to form a stable government, given the instability that was being generated in the PSDA, the new elections for the 2nd Legislature will be on November 5 and 6 2022 It was also admitted by Allograd President Sissiogamer1, that he also pushed the Prime Minister to resign because of the server's inactivity, which also caused referendums to fail to reach the quorum, in the hope that new elections with an opposition could involve more citizens

On Monday 7 November 2022 in the elections for the 2nd Legislature, the PSDA again succeeds in winning an absolute majority, but the number of voters is getting lower and lower and complete political disinterest is always shown by the citizens, the PSDA gets 75% and the TFP 25%, getting 5 and 2 senators respectively, between the two parties an agreement was made whereby Jamie will go up to the Foreign Ministry to help Allograd get new citizens, and it is hoped that the two parties have a good cooperation following common goals for the development of the country. On Monday 7 November 2022 In the elections for the 2nd Legislature, the PSDA again succeeds in winning an absolute majority, but the number of voters is getting lower and lower and complete political disinterest is always shown by the citizens, the PSDA gets 75% and the TFP 25%, getting 5 and 2 senators respectively, between the two parties an agreement was made whereby Jamie will go up to the Foreign Ministry to help Allograd get new citizens, and it is hoped that the two parties have a good cooperation following common goals for the development of the country. The 2nd legislature was the first to have established ministers, the first list defined
Culture Minister: Desslok
Economy Minister: William Velton Hall
External Affairs Minister: Jamie
Defense Minister: Cobra
Resource and Development Minister: abidano
Justice Minister: Phoenixel
Propaganda Minister: Edward
However, PSDA member Cobra said it would be useful for him to be there as External Affairs Minister, and Jamie was decided as Defence Minister William Velton Hall, known for his talents as an economist was now retired from micronationalism, had offered to help but not officially as Minister, Jasmine, an independent PSDA elector who was acquainted with the Prime Minister, was proposed but turned down, so Alvinus, an independent but with ideas nonetheless very much akin to the PSDA, also a friend of the Prime Minister but also of many party members was chosen The final list nominated: Minister Culture: Desslok (PSDA)
Economy Minister: Alvinus (Ind.)
External Affairs Minister: Cobra (PSDA)
Resource and Development Minister: abidano (Officially Independent, but in fact of TFP)
Justice Minister: Phoenixel (PSDA)
Propaganda Minister: Edward (PSDA)
The people hope that this government can save Allograd from crisis

Foreign Relations

The government of the Republic of Allograd believes that a nation can grow and have importance by increasing foreign relations with other micronations and establishing various collaborations Listed below are the micronations with which Allograd has friendly relations, with which it has also signed a treaty

- Republic of the Golden Hill
- The Land of the Bears
- The Nexan Republic

Listed below are micronations with which Allograd has friendly relations even if not signed by a treaty

- Islamic Sultanate of Qardasha


On 10 December 2022 the Democratic Republic of Allograd merged with the Republic Of The Golden Hill and Greater Russia, founding the Federal Union of Democratic Soviet Socialist Republics