Constitutional Convention (H.U.C)

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The Constitutional Convention of the Hausgurd Union of the Crowns (H.U.C) was a series of meetings starting on the 8th May 2020 and, as of the time of writing, still underway. The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to write the Constitution of the Hausgurd Union of the Crowns.


Membership of the Constitutional Convention was entirely voluntary, except for the members of the Imperial Council. There was no obligation for members to attend sessions, with one or two merely observing, but the members were mostly active and engaged. The members of the Constitutional Convention were:


At the time of writing, there were three meetings of the Constitutional Convention. There were no set times or dates for meetings, and so they occured when at least two members were free.

Date of Meeting Members in Attendance Topics Covered Minutes
8 May 2020 HIH Elector Joseph I, Jayden Lycon (Cupertino Alliance) & T̂û Krīyēītêr (AERS) Minutes, Proclamation, Citation, Commencement, Area Jurisdiction, Amendments, Questions & Legislature Minutes of Meeting 1
19 May 2020 HIH Elector Joseph I & Jayden Lycon (Cupertino Alliance) Legislature Minutes of Meeting 2
6 June 2020 HIM Emperor Muchnieg I, HIH Elector Joseph I & T̂û Krīyēītēr (AERS) Meeting Times, Review of Previous Meetings & Ideas for Executive Minutes of Meeting 3