Avatic Republic of Valdstein

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Avatic Republic of Valdstein
République avatique du Valdstein(French)
Motto: Nothing
Anthem: Nothing (de jure)
Official languagesFrench, Esperanto
Demonym(s)Avatic (Avatique)
Leopold Deuff
• (as of 2017 census) census
CurrencyAvatic Dirna (Dirna avatique in french)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
File:Flag of Veyssannia.jpg Republic of Veyssannia
Republic of Jailavera [[File:|20px|border|link=|alt=]]
Avatic Soviet socialist Republic of Tholon

Avatic Valdstein (in French Valdstein avatique), officially the Avatic Republic of Valdstein (in French République avatique du Valdstein), was a socialist micronation founded on the 16th of April 2017 by Leopold Deuff, wich claims a house in Martigues. Its goals is to become the all workers paradise.


The name Avatic Valdstein come from the Beethoven's w:'''Piano Sonata No. 21''' in w:C major, Op. 53, known as the Waldstein, and the Avatics (in french "Avatiques"), Gallic celto-ligurian people wich had founded Maritima Avaticorum, today Martigues.


Origins and foundation of Avatic Republic of Vuldstein

The Avatic Republic of Valdstein was founded the 16th of April 2017, on Martigues by the founder president, as a transition between the Soviet Socialist Avatic Republic of Tholon and the Republic of Jailavera.

Politics and government

Main articles: List of heads of state of Jailavera, List of governements of Jailavera, List of legislatures of Jailavera and List of political parties of Jailavera The president of the Republic was Leopold Deuff.


There was no governement and the President was the only leader of avatic valdstein


The Convention of Republic, the actual legislature, was proclaimed on 28 September 2020.
The actual list of political coalitions is the next:

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Law and order

Main articles: LGBT rights in Jailavera

Gouvernemental decrees act as laws.

Foreign policy

Main articles: Foreign relations of Jailavera

From 2019 to 2020, Jailavera was member of the Union of Republics of Veyssannia and Jailavera ("Union des Républiques de Veyssannie et Jaïlavera" in french).


The Workers Army of Republic of Jailavera(in french "Armée des Travailleurs de la République du Jaïlavera") is the unified armed forces of the Republic of Jailavera, founded on October 4, 2020, is response to a project of integration of Socialist Nations Military Union. The Workers Army of Republic of Jailavera consists of both ground and naval forces, and has a standing troop strength of 7. All citizens, including the President of Republic, are citizen soldiers who proudly wear the uniform of the Workers Army of Republic of Jailavera. The primary responsibilities of the armed forces are emergency response, disaster relief, environmental protection and national defence.


The territorial claims consists in:

-A house in Martigues, as the Ordinary Jailaverian Province of Avatics Figuerolles ("Province ordinaire jaïlaveranne des Figuerolles avatiques" in french).It was claimed at the Foundation Day, the 18th June 2017.

-Two houses and two agricoles acres in Montjoux, as the Autonomous Jailaverian Province of Veyssannia ("Province autonome jaïlaveranne de Veyssannie" in french). It's claimed since the 4th August 2020, day of integration of Veyssannia in Jailavera.

The Regions

Flag Emblem Long Name Short Name Date of etablishment Anthem Head place Population
1 Region of Figuerolles (in french "Province ordinaire des Figuerolles avatiques") Figuerolles (in french "Figuerolles avatiques") June 18, 2017 N/A Vallier-le-Touret 2 inhabitants
2 Autonomous Province of Veyssannia (in french "Province autonome de Veyssannie") Veyssannia (in french "Veyssannie") August 1, 2020 N/A Mielle-la-Batisse 2 inhabitants
3 Autonomous Province of Theline (in french "Province autonome de Théliné") Theline (in french "Théliné") August 31, 2020 N/A Castel Takeda one inhabitant
4 Autonomous Province of Jezicosiumia (in french "Province autonome de Jézicosiumie") Jezicosiumia (in french "Jézicosiumie") September 5, 2020 N/A Al-qaṣabah Massinissa 2 inhabitants
5 Autonomous Province of Allobroges (in french "Province autonome des Allobroges") Allobrogia (in french "Allobrogie") September 5, 2020 N/A Curalo one inhabitant

The Departements

Emblem Long Name Short Name Date of etablishment Head place Prefect Province
1 Departement of L'Arche de Figuerolles (in french "Département de Figuerolles") L'Arche de Figuerolles October 18, 2018 L'Arche de Figuerolles Oscar Magaud Ordinary Province of Avatics Figuerolles (in french "Province ordinaire des Figuerolles avatiques")
2 Departement of Tholon (in french "Département de Tholon") Tholon June 8, 2017 Vallier-le-Touret Leopold Deuff Ordinary Province of Avatics Figuerolles (in french "Province oridnaire des Figuerolles avatiques")
3 Departement of Lez (in french "Département du Lez") Lez August 1, 2020 Mielle-la-Batisse Guy Faure Autonomous Province of Veyssannia (in french "Province autonome de Veyssannie")
4 Departement of Viguiere (in french "Département de la Viguière") Viguiere (in french "Viguière") August 1, 2020 La Viguiere (in french "La Viguière") Leopold DEUFF Autonomous Province of Veyssannia (in french "Province autonome de Veyssannie")
5 Departement of Semestres (in french "Département des Semestres") Semestres August 31, 2020 Castel Takeda Hanako Sintes Autonomous Province of Theline (in french "Province autonome de Théliné")
6 Departement of Pont Langlois (in french "Département de Pont Langlois") Pont Langlois August 31, 2020 Pont Langlois Hanako SINTES Autonomous Province of Theline (in french "Province autonome de Théliné")
7 Departement of Al-qaṣabah Massinissa (in french "Département de Al-qaṣabah Massinissa") Al-qaṣabah Massinissa August 31, 2020 Al-qaṣabah Massinissa Nasser Aimene Autonomous Province of Jezicosumia (in french "Province autonome de Jézicosumie

Culture and Medias

The principal media is the Republic of Jailavera Youtube channel of the Republic.


Date English Name French Name Esperanto Name Remarks
From 31 October to 2 November Trinosamos Trinosamos Trinosamos Celebration of Halloween (in french "Veille de la Toussaint"), All Saints Day ( in french "Toussaint"), October horse ( in french "Cheval d'Octobre"), Armilustrum, and Battle of Maighe Tuired, as Celtic New Year
November 7 October Revolution Day Jour de la Révolution d'Octobre Oktobra Revolucio Tago Celebration of Glorious Russian October Revolution of 1917
December 15 Day of Zamenhof Jour de Zamenhof Zamenhofa Tago Celebration of birthday of Doctor Zamenhof
From December 24 to December 26 w:Christmas, or Yule, or Nowel w:Noël ou Jolif w:Kristnasko aŭ Julo aŭ Noelo Celebration of Christmas
From December 31 to January 2 Gregorian New Year Nouvel an grégorien Gregoria Nova Jaro Celebration of Gregorian New Year
March 8 International Day of Struggle for Women's Rights Journée internationale de lutte pour les droits des femmes Internacia Tago de Lukto por Virinaj Rajtoj Demonstrations for Gender Equality
March 18 Paris Commune Day 1871 Jour de la Commune de Paris 1871 Parisa Komuna Tago 1871 Celebration of Insurrectional Commune of Paris, the most famous of old french revolutionnar socialist governements.
From 8 to 9 Mai Days of Victory 1945 Journées de la Victoire 1945 Tagoj de la Victorio 1945 Celebration of Victory against Fascism in World War 2


1De facto "Jailavera avec fin'amor sur ses terres", "The Internationale" and "La Espero"

External links

-The official website of Republic of Jailavera

-The official blog of Republic of Jailavera

-République du Jaïlavera - Twitter