Second Empire of Paxaris

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Second Empire of Paxaris
Tuon Emproo ta Súkiad (Paxari)
Flag of Second Empire of Paxaris
Diplomatic flag
Coat of arms of Paxaris
Coat of arms
Motto: Ulciscere eos qui se non possunt vindicare
Anthem: “Surfin’ Bird
StatusActive (3 years)
LocationGreat Lakes Basin
Official languagesPaxari
Recognised national languagesEnglish
Freedom of religion, but mostly Christianity
• Empros
Xander IV
• Acting Chancellor
• Independence and creation
September 4, 2021
• End of the Makt
March 17, 2023
• Estimate
Time zoneUTC+6/+5 (PCT/EST)
Date formatMM/DD/YYYY
Driving sideright

Paxaris, officially the Second Empire of Paxaris, is a micronation located in the southern United States and Sakhalin (Mirklyuchey). Paxaris is in a dormant state, meaning that while it is active, not much major is happening that involves it. Paxaris was founded as the Roupica Democratic and Republic on 4 September 2021. Paxaris played a large role in the r/micronations revolt and founded r/freemicronations. It is the founding member of the Entente of Sovereign States and has fought wars alongside the rest of the ESS. It's capital is Nativine. Paxaris used to have 2 capitals, the other being removed when Xander Mintz legally moved back to Nativine. Paxaris' most recognised symbol is The Key of Tranquility and Peace. Known as TKoTaP by the YouTube channel of Paxaris, is the most famous symbol of the Lakeshore State of Paxaris. It dates back to its first flag, and hasn't been excluded from any flag. Xander Mintz considers it one of the spirit of Paxaris, because it is a symbolic addition onto a regular flag.

The nation is governed as a total monarchy, with the chancellor having not many duties and responsibilities. The Paxari Imperial Family is the House of Austin. The monarchy is passed down through the Austin System, from where the oldest of any monarch's child in the house is selected. If they are born on the same day, it will be the personal preference of the ruling monarch, but the one not chosen will get compensated for not being chosen. If there are no children of a monarch, the dynasty passes to their oldest sibling if they have one. If they do not have any siblings or any fit to rule the crown, the dynasty passes over to cousins. Again, if there are none or none to fit the crown, it passes to their closest family able to have a crown. To have the crown, one must:

a. not be a full bastard (Full bastards are royals born out of wedlock when their unwedlocking parent already has a marriage.)

b. must be able to hold the throne (People who have a serious disability cannot rule the throne if they have health risks.)

c. must be part of the House of Austin or other endorsed houses

d. embrace the crown (They just hve to embrace it at all. They can ask for changes to the system, but not the end of the monarchy.)

Paxaris has foreign relations with many nations like Sylnovia, the Sovereign State of Ridgeland, and Sunia. It has well known in the micronational Reddit community and one of the most controversial micronations, primarily due to it's history of large land expansion. Paxaris is part of the Entente of Sovereign States, a micronational political and mostly military alliance. It co-leads the alliance along with Ridgeland and posts propaganda for the ESS on it's TikTok page, It was one of the 3 countries declaring war on the United Socialist Republics during The Grand Finale and often views itself as brave for declaring war on it, as the USR is largely feared by the micronational community due to doxxing.


The name Paxaris comes from the latin “Pax” for peace and “aris” as a latin suffix. It means Peace of the Key.

Name in chronological order


Paxclavis is an alternate name for Paxaris, given it will input Pax Clavis if you translate “Peace of the Key” in Google Translate. Xander has said Paxaris will not change it’s name into Paxclavis because of tradition and it not being an important issue.


Paxaris was founded on 4 September 2021 as Roupica and began working on national symbols like a flag. Xander then told William Brown about it via iMessage, and convinced William Brown to create his own micronation, which would be called Wilance. Xander began working on an EAS sound which would be used to alert Roupicar citizens, but was never actually used in an alert context.

Germania Incident

For a few weeks, a micronation named Germania was posting in r/micronations and LARPing. Germania was banned in r/micronations, but came back as a new nation. After Romersk came out as Germania despite being changed from the time, they were banned. This made the Micronational Peace Alliance (which included Paxaris at the time) feel that Romersk had changed, so they decided to hold a protest and were banned.

The Union Era

On 4 July 2022, Paxaris and Terredepaix merged into the Great Lakes Union, a short lived union as on July 18 of the same year, it broke apart. On August 7 2022, the nations formed a second union called the Unified Kingdoms of Paxaris-Terredepaix. On 19 August 2022, Xander Mintz proposed that the area around both Xander and William's residences would become a jointly-controlled territory, to which William agreed to. On 21 August, William disputed this and claimed the disputed zone. After a bunch of bickering between the two, Terredepaix left the union, sparking a war that would eventually come to an inconclusive result.

The Grand Finale and period of peace after TUE

In July 2023, Paxaris declared war on Almendria as part of a war that sparked due to Sunia leaving Almendria. After TGF, Paxaris began to slow down as a micronation, presenting the first signs of inactivity since before the foundation of the MPA.

Paxari role in the 2022 Sink of the Moskva

Xander Mintz, the leader of Paxaris, technically played a role in the sink of the Moskva, a Russian warship used in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, by being in a public intelligence agency that gave out information to the USA and coordinates to the Moskva at that time. Ukrainian forces then proceeded to sink the ship, which made international headlines. Xander is quite proud of this feat, however, it is disputed by most other micronational leaders.

Proclamation of the Second Empire

On 3 Feb 2024, Paxaris began the transition into a Second Empire, changing flags.

Politics and Government

Paxaris is a semi-constitutional Empire led by both an emperor and a chancellor. The emperor bears duties like managing national symbols, issuing alerts to Paxarites, and representing Paxaris in diplomatic chats to allied or enemy nations. The chancellor bears other duties like managing provincial elections, representing Paxaris in diplomatic chats to neutral nations, and managing the economy. The current acting chancellor is Yogi II.

Legal system

There used to be a 2 chambers system within Paxaris, dictating laws and the government. Those 2 chambers were Supre and Enfer. They acted as the 2 legislative bodies for Paxaris. When a rogatia (proposed law) would be proposed by any individual, it went through Enfer. If the rogatia passed Enfer, it went through Supre. If the rogatia failed, the law would be cancelled. The same process repeated until either the law is cancelled or it goes through the leader. There, they would ultimately decide either to make it law (Transe) or the leader can cancel the rogatia. (Receptrogatia)

Temporary suspension

Both chambers were temporarily suspended until a different platform from Reddit would be found to host chamber decisions until the proclamation of the Second Empire.

Foreign relations

Paxaris generally maintains foreign relations with any that accept with small limitations. Paxaris is a member of the Entente of Sovereign States and is a state that serves in the Entente of Sovereign States Military Sector, a branch of the ESS that focuses on military.

Unilateral recognition

Molossia Sealand

Mutual recognition

All Entente of Sovereign States members Ridgeland



Formerly recognised

[[Empire of Cronic|Cronic] (Cronic dissolved, leading to Paxaris no longer formally recognising it as a sovereign state.)


Paxaris is located in the southeast United States from the east of the Savannah River to the east of the Appalachians to south of the Potomac River leading to a mostly humid subtropical climate classification.

Participation in Reddit and the intermicronational community

Due to the Paxaris-Terredepaix Union, Paxaris was a very active member in the Reddit and wider side of the Micronational community and had found itself in many relations with other micronations including micros like Garakhem and Besonia.


President William of the Republic of Terredepaix jumpstarted Xander’s involvement in the Reddit Micronational Community by making a very influential alliance in the Reddit subreddit, the World Micronational Alliance [WMA]. This alliance eventually merged with the United Front Against Warmongers [UFAW] to form the Micronational Peace Alliance [MPA].

Early MPA conflicts

In the first few days of the alliance’s life, Paxaris and the MPA saw no conflicts among other micronations until when Germania collapsed, leaving everybody to scramble for its territory, since Germania was defunct. The S.F.R. Serboslavia, which was led by a man known as Mr. Serb, claimed all of Germania, and when the other MPA members wanted some of Germania's territory too, he disagreed and threw what many recall as a tantrum. Mr. Serb [and Serboslavia] was then forcefully kicked from the MPA.


Xander IV made the first Paxari citizenship prototype applications on august 20, 2022. It asked for your:


Current residence Abroad or Inland


Reason for living in Paxaris


after those questions have been filled out, the leader of Paxaris would personally accept or deny your citizenship application.


This field asks for the most important part in identifying a Paxari citizen, the name. Paxaris also accepts nicknames if the person requesting citizenship is not comfortable with shafring their real name.


This field asks the applicant if they live within or without Paxaris' claimed borders.


This field asks the applicant their gender. In addition to male and female, non-binary is also recognised.

Reason for living in Paxaris

This field asks the applicant why they would like to live in Paxaris.


This field is for the applicant to sign their application to become a Paxari citizen.


Relations of Paxaris
Colonies Allies Mutual Recognition Neutral Sour Enemy
Kanawha Terredepaix Roscamistan - de facto Besonia Arstoria Almendria
Block Cronic Martiaterra Aistiai
Et Amor All PFDN members
Kaiser All Entente of Sovereign States members
Brighton Ridgeland
New Tybee

Paxaris has strong relations with the aforementioned kingdom of Terredepaix [which is now the Terredepaixan Federation.]. Paxaris also defacto was one of the founding members of the Micronational Peace Alliance. Leader Xander I was also a very active member in that alliance, and got along with some of the other micronations representatives quite well.

Entente of Sovereign States

On February 26, 2023, the Sovereign State of Ridgeland and Lakeshore State of Paxaris formed the Entente of Sovereign States. The ESS had a major boost in relations, which made Xander consider Ridgeland as Paxaris' best ally. Later on, after a short war, Sunia unofficially joined the ESS, something that the Paxari leader expected to hurt Paxaris' reputation.


Paxaris has limited symbols, but decided many of them for the first time on August 29, 2022. These were revitalised with the founding of the Second Empire officially on 4 Feb 2024.


Paxaris had a Capybara, but it was removed due to Capybaras not habiting the area in Paxaris. Other animals include the Yorkshire Terrier, Parakeet, and Pomeranian-Chihuahua as its national animals. The rest of his official animals come from his real life “royal” animals, Diamond, Dixie, and Yogi.


The Key is used as a national symbol for peace, and has stuck through every single flag of Paxaris. It has changed designs 1 time, and the 2nd design was made by Emperor Xander while the 1st was a Google image.


Swimming is the only national sport of Paxaris.


Paxaris’ national days are September 4th and April 19th. April 19th is Xander’s birthday, and September 4th is Paxaris Day, but is considered a separate category called “Political Days”.

Political Days

Paxaris Day is the Independence Day of the first known equivalent of the Second Empire of Paxaris, being created on September 4th, 2021. There’s not much to say about it, other then the fact it was created exactly 3 months after it’s original country, the United States of America’s 245th Independence Day, which Paxaris does not celebrate.


Paxaris only has 2 awards so far: Order of the Golden Key, which is only reserved for the monarchs of Paxaris, and currently is only held by Emperor Xander Mintz and Elizabeth Mintz, and the Order of Friendship, which can only be given by the monarch of Paxaris and is usually only given to their close friends, which is currently only held by King William Brown of Terredepaix.


Pankosmia was a theoretical country created by the Micronational Peace Alliance, that Paxaris would have been a part of. Pankosmia never came to fruition.

Constitution Crisis

The Constitution Crisis in Paxaris was a issue Paxaris had yet to solve, being its original constitution was thought to be deleted. A constitution would be made afterwards, but is not currently being solved.

Articles of Security

In the meanwhile, Paxaris made a solution to the problem by making it's own document called the Articles of Security, or AoS. The AoS was a document of 5 principles protecting Xander Mintz and their family's grip on the country. The Articles goes as follows:

This document will outline security issues in the Empire of Paxaris, and will attempt to fix them.

Article I No radical ideology such as communism or nazism will be allowed as the ruling party in Paxaris. If such party tries to take Paxaris, we will take it back.

Article I, Clause I This includes variations of radical ideologies like Syndicalism.

Article II Any attempt on the Emperor or Empress' life will not be tolerated.

Article III Terredepaix will be called if a coup is staged.

Article IV Any internet attempts to try and coup Paxaris will be seen as LARP and treated as such.

Article IV, Clause I Real attempts to coup Paxaris will be refuted fiercely.

Article V The Royal Family will remain in power until Paxaris as a state ceases to exist.