Ulciscere eos qui se non possunt vindicare

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"Ulciscere eos qui se non possunt vindicare", in English as "Avenge those who cannot avenge themselves", is the national motto of the Second Kingdom of Paxaris and it's client states. It was codified into law on 2 December 2023 via the Vindicare Act but was first used as a national motto by Xander IV in late February 2023, replacing the previous unofficial motto "For freedom, and for you".


The motto symbolises protecting people, as described by the theme of exacting retribution unto someone (Avenge those) for a wrong deed did unto another person, whom cannot defend themself. (who cannot avenge themselves).


Main article: Vindicare Act

The motto was inscribed into the Paxaris Code of Law on 2 December 2023, making the national motto official and to be used on official government documents. The law states "“​​Ulciscere eos qui se non possunt vindicare” shall be codified into law as the national motto of Paxaris and it’s client states."


"Ulciscere eos qui se non possunt vindicare" is used on official government documents where the national motto is needed, but is also used by the government in English in patriotic statements, speeches, or other pieces of media. According to the Paxari government, it is needed where a signature by Xander IV is official after 2 December, to make note of their presence and cooperation in the signature aside from other guidelines to make sure it is not a fraudulent signature.