Armed Forces of Uzkukia

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His Majesty's Armed Forces
Lluoedd Arfog Ei Fawrhydi
Founded1 August 2024
Current form1 August 2024
Service branchesUzkuk Army
Royal Uzkuk Navy
Royal Uzkuk Air Force
Commander-in-ChiefKing Colin I
Chief of DefenceVacant
Vice Chief of DefenceVacant
Active personnel0
Reserve personnel0
Deployed personnel0

The Armed Forces of Uzkukia (Welsh: Lluoedd Arfog Uzkukia), officially His Majesty's Armed Forces (Welsh: Lluoedd Arfog Ei Fawrhydi), are the military forces of the Kingdom of Uzkukia. They are responsible for the defence of the state, promoting Uzkuk interests, intermicronational peacekeeping and providing humanitarian aid.

The commander-in-chief of the armed forces is the monarch - currently Colin I. All personnel swear allegiance to the monarch. As commander-in-chief they govern the armed forces alongside the Defence High Command (DHC). The Chief of the Defence Staff is the professional head of the armed forces and has oversight over the DHC in the monarch's absence.


The armed forces were one of the first national bodies to be established. Created by an order issued by Colin I, the armed forces have existed since 1 August 2024. The order establishing the armed forces was written shortly after the formation of the monarchy.


The armed forces are a union of three distinct branches with their own structures, ranks and units.


The Uzkuk Army are the ground forces of the armed forces. A primarily infantry force, the territorial integrity of the state is the primary focus of defence of the army. The army conducts ground operations, but members can specialise in areas such as artillery, cavalry, airborne and special operations - depending on the regiment they join.

The Army Board has overall command for the army, with the Chief of the General Staff serving as the army's chief.


The Royal Uzkuk Navy is the naval warfare branch of the armed forces. Defending Uzkuk waters, the navy executes sea-based operations. Additionally the navy protects important national trade routes. The navy operates all ships commissioned by the government for military purposes. The navy is also permitted to have their own small air wing to help in aerial operations at sea.

The Navy Board is the branch command board. The navy is headed by the Chief of the Naval Staff.

Air Force

The Royal Uzkuk Air Force is the aerial warfare branch of the armed forces. The air force focuses on air superiority and defending Uzkuk airspace. It also serves as the de facto space force. The air force maintains both aerial and ground units to conduct its duties. The air force also provides aerial support to naval and ground operations conducted by the navy and army respectively.

The Air Force Board is the branch command board, and the Chief of the Air Staff is the professional head.


The armed forces recruit exclusively from the Uzkuk population. It is generally expected that citizens will be at least sixteen to enlist and eighteen to commission as officers, though exceptions can be made if prior authorisation is granted by relevant government authorities or the applicant receives sponsorship from the specific division of the branch they wish to join. Additionally, recruits deemed suitable in basic training may be fast-tracked to officer training upon graduating basic training. If any foreigners wish to join the armed forces they should seek to gain citizenship first, unless the monarch grants them a special waiver permitting them to join without citizenship.

The application process to all branches of the armed forces includes fitness tests, interviews and medicals to ensure candidate suitability for the role they are applying for, and have the fitness level necessary to be deployable.

Before fully joining the armed forces, all recruits and officer cadets must swear allegiance to the monarch and undertake basic (or phase 1) training. After graduating basic training as an enlistee or a commissioned officer, personnel undertake specialist (or phase 2) training that prepares them for their specific roles. Further training may be offered to personnel after their phase 1 and 2 training, if deemed eligible and given authorisation to attend the courses.

Command Structure

Supreme military authority is vested in the monarch as commander-in-chief, who has oversight over the armed forces. The monarch commissions all officers and appoints all warrant officers. All personnel swear allegiance to the monarch.

Authority over the armed forces is usually exercised on the monarch's behalf by the Chiefs of Staff Committee - a committee of the defence high command consisting of the Chief of the Defence Staff, their deputy and the chiefs of staff of each branch. Nominally, the Defence High Command has ultimate authority for the armed forces on behalf of the monarch but only acts in this capacity as a whole body when the monarch attends meetings of the command.

Each branch of the armed forces has their own command board consisting of their chief of staff and other senior branch staff. Each board is a subdivision of the defence high command.

All members of the defence high command and the branch command boards are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the monarch.

See also