AI-controlled micronation

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An AI-controlled micronation (or an AI micronation or AI nation) is a concept of a micronation or any other political entity with limited recognition which is created or controlled by the help of Artificial Intelligence.

AI can be used in generating names, flags, symbols and also writing the laws and constitution. It also may be put in control by people who created the nation and be the de facto leader of the nation. Some nations may even use AI as a religious or spiritual figure as well.

AI nations can be considered as a high tech form of Simulationist micronations or Cybernations. They even may have territorial claims and be part of other micronational movements as well. The micronational community may have some considerations for some form of mutual recognition or diplomatic relations with AI nations (e.g. a nation may not consider a sentient bot as a legitimate citizen) and this depends on what is their mission statements or beliefs about AI micronations.

AI tools micronation can use

Language Models

Language models such as GPT-3 by OpenAI are very common to write essays or summarize articles. These tools can be utilized to generate very well structured constitutions, mission statements, punishment codes and diplomatic letters. They also can be utilized to be intelligent chatbots which can help new explorers and also being in charge of the whole nation.

There are also other language models such as online/offline translation models which can help nations translate their official documents to other languages as well. This can be quite helpful for non-English speaking micronationalists who want their voices to be heard by a greater community.

Image/Art Generators

Image generators such as Dall-E 2 or Midjourney or Stable Diffusion can help micronations build their own symbols, flags, coats of arms and emblems. They also can be quite helpful for futurist movements like New Utopia where they want to build their utopian community in future. Also some of these models are really great in generating historic images or just modify an image and add some sort of artistic style to them.

Examples of AI Nations

The interim constitution. of Ogygia. Aswell with its national motto was generated by ChatGPT

See also