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Taigontopia is a state of Markarpolis. It has no cities. The state is named after it's founder, Duke Tai.


The state was founded on the 5th of December 2021 after the dissolution of Taibanoa.


Taigontopia encompasses the residence of Duke Tai.

Flora & Fauna

The state animal is a Goldfish (Carassius auratus). The state has a garden.



Taigontopia has a population of 5.


All citizens are salvation army Christians.



Duke Tai ran for election after the 2021 Markarpolossian general election, and won as he ran unopposed. No state elections have been held since. Iotastan and Taigontopia are the only states with Markarpolos.


List of nobles

  • Tai, Duke of Taigontopia
  • Oliver, Marquis de Taigontopia
  • Charlie, the adopted one

The adopted one

"The adopted one" is a noble rank exclusive to Taigontopia. Charlie, Duke Tai's younger brother, has held the title since July 2022, when the title was created. The title is given to the Duke's brother if the brother is believed not qualified to rule.