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Iotastan is a state of Markarpolis. Iotastan borders Scandia. Spanning 4 square kilometres, Iotastan is the largest state. The capital and largest city is O'sullivan.


Iotastan was the first Markarpolossian state and originally the capital. On the 27th of July 2022, the territory was extended to include more bush.


Iotastan is primarily bush, with few signs of civilisation outside of the O'sullivan area.

Flora & fauna

some wild blackberries not unlike the ones growing in Iotastan.

The Wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila Audax) is the state animal. Large crops of wild blackberries (Rubus fruticosus) are a common sight in Iotastan.

Notable landmarks

Apart from the house (O'sullivan), there is a treehouse and a bike park, as well as a caravan and outhouse that are usually uninhabited.



Iotastan has a population of 5. It had 8 at it's height, Before some citizens moved to Scandia.


Iotastan is mostly Atheist. It is the most Atheist Markarpolossian state.



  • Jude O'sullivan, Marquis de Iotastan.
  • Reuben, Count of Iotastan.


Jude, Marquis de Iotastan, Is also the governor. He has been governor since the 2021 Markarpolossian general election, and no state elections have been held since. Iotastan and Taigontopia are the only states with governors.