Spencer Zhang

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Spencer Zhang is the vice president of the Republic of Valkerion, as well as the head minister of many ministries within the government. He was the co-founder of the Republic of Valkerion, and would also be the founder of the Social Party.

Vice President

Spencer Zhang
Other namesrip_slayer
Occupationvice president

Political Career

Spencer Zhang would enter Valkerian politics after the Republic of Valkerion was founded, founding the Social Party, in order to "spread and influence the people of Valkerion with the virtues of Socialism". However, he has also stated that his left-wing position is mostly not serious, though he does have actual left-wing elements that he believes in.


Spencer would run for president in the 2024 Valkerian Presidential Election, however after a lengthy debate with Harlan Guh, pre-election, he realized that he was going to run against a much more experienced opponent, he instead decided to collaborate with Harlan to form the Centrist Unity party-Social Party Coalition, a political alliance. This was mostly due to fears of his sister, Sofia Chen winning the election and installing a monarchy with herself as the "Empress". He and Harlan would win the election, and Spencer would get the role of Vice President.


Unlike President Harlan, Spencer Zhang supports a more isolationist approach to foreign policy. He soon became impartial to the reliability of Grovia as a useful ally, and opposed any involvement in conflict.


Spencer views Grovia as a glorified joke nation, with no real contributions for Valkerion or the Long Island micronationalist community. He views the president of Grovia as an immature child, who doesn't know how to run a nation.

Opposition to NZRLI Confrontation

Spencer views conflict in general as a larp contest, and a threat to the nation and thus opposes Valkerion's potential involvement in a conflict against a "stupid 10 year old". Despite this, he still hates the NZRLI for its racist behavior.


"yall are goin crazy bro thinks a stupid 10 year old is their number one opp" - Spencer criticizing Grovia and Valkerion's hostility towards the NZRLI

"I STRONGLY discourage any aggressive activity to ensure the safety and good relations of our nation." -Spencer warning against war