Second Kingdom of Sajaka

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Second Kingdom of Sajaka
Flag of Sajaka
Coat of arms of Sajaka
Coat of arms
Motto: "Coronam gentem, gentem a populo"
"Crown of nation, nation from people"
Anthem of Sajaka.
Royal anthem: 
God Save the King.
LocationChicago, United States
Official languagesEnglish (SJ)
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• King
Sean I
• Prime Minister
Daniel McGill
• President
Kanaya Maryam
House of Nobles
• Founding
17 January 2018
• Constitution ratified
17 September 2020
• 2023 census
CurrencySajakan Royal soleer
Time zoneUTC-6 (CST)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1

The Second Kingdom of Sajaka, more commonly known as Sajaka, is a micronation in Illinois. The nation was originally founded as the Democratic Monarchy of Sajaka on 17 January 2018 and has gone through multiple regime changes since. Sajaka has three provinces and one lordship: Vebgard, Jackile, Parko, and Deanland.

Sajaka is a constitutional monarchy as laid out in its written constitution. The nation is co-ruled by a Monarch and a Parliament, which consists of a Senate and House of Nobles.

Sajaka does not formally claim any territory, instead allowing people to choose to become citizens regardless of where they reside geographically. Sajaka’s districts are divided geographically, but expand in all directions rather than having set borders. Sajaka has a formal alliance with the Kingdom of Sanctimonia, but overall has a tendency to function independently rather than engaging with many foreign micronations.


“Sajaka” derives from a combination of the names of its two founders, “Sean” and “Jack”.


Democratic Monarchy of Sajaka

Sajaka was originally founded as the Democratic Monarchy of Sajaka on 17 January 2018. It was effectively an absolute monarchy under Sean I as its constitution was never ratified. The nation was allied with the Democratic Kingdom of Deanland and both nations grew together. Sajaka created a paper currency, the Soleer, which was frequently used by both citizens and non-citizens. Many small rebellious factions arose during this time, but the Sajakan military was able to defeat them. The military began demanding increasing compensation for their services, which resulted in hyperinflation of the Soleer.

Sajakan Dark Ages

In late 2018, a faction self-titled B0RT was able to overwhelm the nation's military and destroy its government. During the subsequent Sajakan Dark Ages, many cult-style quasi-nations rose to power, including the Followers of Symbol and Wooden Piece. These two factions engaged in a war that lasted about six months. Fighting eventually stalled into a stalemate, so the Follows of Symbol recruited mercenaries from ROPL, a neutral faction. Because of the added military support, Symbol came to dominate Wooden Piece in the conflict. They teased the Ragnarok Event, which they claimed would bring justice, strength, freedom, and authority to the land.

Neo-Sajakan Republic

The final confrontation between Symbol and Wooden Piece, the Battle of Gilbert, took place on 03 June 2019. Charles of Parko initiated the Ragnarok event, and soldiers of Symbol ran across the field hosting the Sajakan Flag. All factions involved in the war united under the Sajakan banner. Each faction, however, had different ideas on how the new united government should be structured, with republicanism winning out over monarchism after a brief skirmish. The Neo-Sajakan Republic was proclaimed from atop Fort Gilbert on that same day. The Senate of Sajaka held its first session within the Rotunda of the fort. The Republic was a unitary republic, with the Senate as its only governing body.

First Galactic Empire

The Republic gradually declined, with meetings of the Senate becoming less frequent as time progressed. New weapons such as the launchcap and bowsniper were invented, leading to warlords gaining power. In January 2020, the Republic was formally succeeded by the First Galactic Empire, an authoritarian military powerhouse. The Empire was ruled by a militarist diarchy consisting of Emperor Sean and Chancellor Michael. The Imperial military invented various new weapons and controlled the population by intimidation. The Empire hunted down those it felt threatened its authority, labeling them as "skyers" and using their arsenal to deter them from acting. Any supporter of reinstating Sajaka was labeled as a "rebel" and fired upon.

Second Kingdom of Sajaka

An underground plot was formed to overthrow the Empire and on 17 September 2020, the Second Kingdom of Sajaka was proclaimed in the Proclamation of the New Order. The founders justified this act by claiming that the Empire had conquered all remaining Sajakan rebels and was thus the true heir to the Sajakan State. The Constitution of the Second Kingdom of Sajaka was ratified by Sean I, Lord Bamberson, Lord Quinlan, and Chancellor Michael, and so the Galactic Empire ceased to exist. The Royal Army of Sajaka inherited the Empire's full arsenal and most of its soldiers swore allegiance to the Crown.

Sajaka faced minimal rebellion in the months following its reinstatement. It began recruiting citizens, both previous ones and newcomers. However, it was not able to find enough volunteers for the elected positions mandated by the Constitution to hold an election. This resulted in limited government power, as the King refused to transgress the Constitution. The Monarchy exercised its powers to the fullest extent allowed by the Constitution, which included symbolic acts and militarization. Modernized versions of Imperial weapons were created and tested by the former Chancellor Michael, who began using the alias Tyrone-Lordan.

During the Independence Day celebrations on 17 January 2021, Lord Bamberson of Deanland did not appear to his post to share his speech intended to be given at the celebration. This angered King Sean, who after a small number of similar incidents declared the First Sajakan Incursion on 24 April 2021. During the Incursion, martial law was established in Deanland and streetcorner checkpoints were set up to screen any citizen moving between Parko and Deanland. On 30 April 2021, a Royal Army force of about eight along with the King moved to Fort Stone to meet Lord Bamberson at a neutral location. After talks between the two parties failed, four Sajakan soldiers defected to the Deanish nationalist cause. The Battle of Stone ensued and the remaining Sajakan forces were defeated, but Lord Bamberson resigned during the battle. The Incursion formally ended on 10 June 2021 after over a month of silence from the King.

On 23 December 2021 King Sean announced the New Sajakan Revival (NSR) program. Its stated goal was to restore order to Sajaka through peaceful means and to encourage the nation's democratic process to take place in accordance with the Constitution. Notable changes made through the NSR included the creation of the Royal Bank of Sajaka, which printed new paper currency and maintained bank accounts, as well as the Department of Defense. Secretary McGill was appointed as Secretary of Defense, and he initated the Royal Sajakan Armed Forces Realignment Commission, a body which aimed to restructure the outdated military to be more efficient. The First Sajakan General Election was held in April 2022, where President O'Meara was elected along with four Senators. Very little actual legislation was passed during this term, but the King claimed it as a victory for the NSR.

On 19 February 2024, King Sean issued the Sajakan Progression Act, which used the House of Nobles to redistrict the Senate. The Senate now consisted of only one district, the Royal Administrative District, with existing provinces and lordships suspended temporarily. A special election was held which re-elected Senator McGill and elected President Maryam. The Senate called for a Constitutional Convention on 21 February 2024 in response to a resolution by the House of Nobles.

Politics and government

The vast majority of Sajakan politics is deliberated in the Senate, as the monarch is customarily neutral and the nobility are more focused on effectiveness and constitutionality. Currently, the most prominent issues in Sajakan politics are amending the constitution, obtaining revenue, military budgeting, and Deanish nationalism. All elections in Sajaka are done through ranked choice voting.


The current Monarch is His Excellency, the Sovereign King Sean I of Sajaka. The Monarch is Sajaka's Head of State, with mainly symbolic rather than political power. The monarch is commander-in-chief of the Royal Sajakan Armed Forces, speaker of the Sajakan House of Nobles, and is in charge of both the nation's symbolic powers as well as preserving stability. The Monarch also has veto power over constitutional amendments.

The Royal Cypher of His Excellency, the Sovereign King Sean I of Sajaka
Sajakan Royal Cypher


Sajaka's legislative body is Parliament, which has two houses: the Sajakan House of Nobles and the Senate. Parliament votes on laws proposed by Members of Parliament or by citizens and possesses most legal power not reserved for the Monarch.


The Senate of Sajaka is the lower house in Sajaka's bicameral parliament. The Senate is made up of five elected citizens, four of which are Senators of their respective districts: Vebgard, Deanland, Jackile, and Parko. Senators may propose laws, and they vote on both their own laws and laws passed by the House of Nobles. The President of the Senate is the house's speaker. The president determines parliamentary procedure, organizes Senate meetings, and votes on laws in the case of a tie. The office of President is currently held by Kanaya Maryam. Each term of both the senators and the president is 3 months. The Prime Minister is the Majority Leader in the Senate and regarded as the Head of Government. The office is currently held by Senator Daniel McGill.

House of Nobles

The Sajakan House of Nobles is the upper house in Sajaka's bicameral parliament. It is presided over by the Monarch, who also appoints Lords and Ladies to the House. These appointments must be approved by the Senate, and the number of appointments is not limited. Nobility members serve for life or until resignation unless another condition is individually agreed upon. The house is currently occupied by one member: Lord Tyrone Lordan.

Law and order

The Constitutional Supreme Court of Sajaka is vested with the power to consider constitutional matters and the constitutionality of both legislation and royal acts. The Supreme Court consists of three justices elected nationally by the people. The Royal Court of Sajaka is the nation’s criminal and civil court and operates under the authority of the sovereign. The Royal Head Judge is appointed by the monarch and carries out its trials. The current Royal Head Judge is Liam Smith.


The Royal Sajakan Armed Forces, more commonly referred to as the Sajakan Military, are under the direct sovereign control of the Monarch and are divided into branches. The military uses kinetic-energy based weapons such as bowsnipers, skewersnoops, and G2 pistols, originally invented during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The Sajakan military and its technology was spearheaded by Lord Major Tyrone Lordan, RAS., a former Imperial Veteran. The current form of the Sajakan military was incorporated on 28 October 2020 through the King Sean I's Military Creation Act, which created the Royal Army. The Royal Space Force, Royal Navy, and Royal Air Force were added by the king as citizens became interested in these endeavors.

Name Emblem Ensign Date Founded
Royal Army of Sajaka Coat of Arms of the Royal Army of Sajaka Sajakan Army Ensign 28 October 2020
Royal Space Force of Sajaka Coat of Arms of the Royal Space Force of Sajaka Sajakan Space Force Ensign 23 March 2021
Royal Navy of Sajaka Coat of Arms of the Royal Navy of Sajaka Sajakan Naval Ensign 19 July 2021
Royal Air Force of Sajaka Coat of Arms of the Royal Air Force of Sajaka RAFS Ensign 18 January 2022


Departments operate under the authority of the Crown and are created through a delegation of sovereign power.

Department of Defense

The Sajakan Department of Defense organises the Royal Armed Forces, manages materials and supplies, assigning troops to operations, and the planning and execution of operations. It was established on 21 December 2021 under the Defense Reform Act, a Royal Decree. The current Secretary of Defense is Daniel McGill. He instituted the Royal Sajakan Armed Forces Realignment Commission, which overhauled the command structure of the military. Both ceremonial units and mission-specific fire teams were created, and the air force was separated from the army.

Department of State

The Sajakan Department of State manages both friendly and unfriendly foreign relations and advises the monarch on foreign policy. It was created on 24 October 2020 through the Secretary of State Creation Act, a royal decree. The office of the Secretary of State is currently vacant, as the king has a tendency to engage in diplomacy on his own.

Foreign relations

Sajaka tends to focus on its own internal affairs rather than interacting with other micronations. However, it does actively participate in certain micro national communities. Sajaka is not currently a member of any international organizations.


Administrative regions

Sajaka is divided into four districts by the Sajakan House of Nobles. Each district elects one Senator regardless of population. Of these four districts, three are provinces, and one is a lordship. Provinces are under the control of the central government and do not have their own lower-level government. A lordship is presided over by a Lord/Lady in addition to submitting to the central government. Deanland is Sajaka's only lordship and was given this status due to its history as an independent micronation.

Flag Arms Name Population
Deanland 7
Vebgard 8
Parko 3
Jackile 5


Sajakan culture is heavily inspired and influenced by British, American, and Irish culture. Sajaka uses a variation of English that incorporates the defunct letter Thorn (Þ, þ) from early English. It replaces the “th” digraph in all use cases and is used in all official Sajakan documents. Sajakan English uses British spellings for words and uses American terminology. Sajaka has a Roman Catholic majority, but it is officially a secular micronation.


Date Name Remarks
17 January Sajakan Independence Day A holiday honouring the founding of Sajaka as a micronation.
03 June Ragnarok Day A holiday commemorating the Ragnarok event and the Battle of Gilbert, resulting in the founding of the Neo-Sajakan Republic and the end of the Symbolian Wars.
17 September New Order Day A holiday celebrating the ratification of the current Constitution and the end of Imperial rule.

External links
