Republic of South Meadowen

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Third Republic of South Meadowen
Coat of arms of South Meadowen
Coat of arms
Motto: "Forward"
Official languagesEnglish
Ethnic groups
(December 2023)
Demonym(s)South Meadoweners
GovernmentProvincist Presidential Republic
• President
Aydin Fisk I
• Declared Independence
12 October 2023
• Total Independence from Schpecktenia
8 November 2023
• December 2023 estimate
Time zoneUTC-2 (XST)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+1
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Empire of Taydrostia
Free Republic of South Meadowen

The Third Republic of South Meadowen, more commonly known as South Meadowen, is a micronation in the Greater Metro East. South Meadowen was originally a region in the Imperial Federation of Schpecktenia but declared independence on 12 October 2023 as the Empire of Taydrostia. After a war for independence, Schpecktenia won and Taydrostia had to change its government to remain independent. As of November 2023, South Meadowen has four provinces, the Mainland Province, the province of Bradford, the province of Vaughn, and the province of New Drostia.

The provinces have devolved powers and autonomy in areas of local governance, as defined by law. South Meadowen is a democracy, with a president as the head of state and a legislature as the governing system.


South Meadowen's name comes from the nation being almost directly south of Schpecktenia's Province of Meadowen. The old name of South Meadowen was Taydrostia, which comes from the union of the words Taylor and Drost. Taylor comes from the emperor Aydin Fisk's middle name. Drost comes the name of South Meadowen when it was a Schpecktenian State.


Province of Drost

The Province of Drost was founded on 15 June 2023 while Schpecktenia was involved in the Lackluster War. Taydrostia's current president, Aydin Fisk I, was a close friend of Ruby Specht I but wasn't too interested in micronationalism. The plan for Drost was for Opstandia to annex the province if they won the Lackluster War. This plan ultimately did not succeed due to Aydin Fisk I wanting to be involved in Schpecktenia more.

Aydin Fisk I would later support Drost in the Grand Assembly of Schpecktenia, backed by the Libertarian Party of Schpecktenia. Fisk would start to develop a distaste for Schpecktenian politics, and declare independence from Schpecktenia on 12 October 2023.

Empire of Taydrostia

Aydin Fisk I would form a government with Michael Scholz, the current prime minister, and several other members and officially declare independence and the Empire of Taydrostia. Ruby I didn't check her e-mail often, so it was entirely unknown that Taydrostia was independent.

Taydrostians would go around recruiting more members and founding colonies and provinces. Some colonies and provinces overlapped with Schpecktenian and New Prussian territory. Finally, on 28 October 2023, Schpecktenia was made aware of Taydrostia. The nations decided to coexist peacefully, until Ruby I was made aware of the territorial problems. When confronted, Aydin I would not let go of the territory, so Schpecktenia and New Prussia had no choice but to declare war.

Greater Metro East War

The Greater Metro East War between Taydrostia against Schpecktenia and New Prussia was a physical war. Taydrostians attacked in short bursts and attempted to take Schpecktenian land. Taydrostia was successful in the beginning, but Schpecktenia would repel the attacks. Schpecktenia and New Prussia worked together and took down many Taydrostian colonies during Operation Loki. Schpecktenia and Taydrostia would formally fight in airsoft skirmishes during the Battle of Shadowfoxia over the Haven Colonies.

Schpecktenia found out on a technicality that Aydin I was still a Schpecktenian citizen and broke many laws such as treason, battery, and solicitation. The United Military of Schpecktenia would work with a Taydrostian government official that left to capture and arrest Aydin I. He was arrested on 6 November 2023.

Reformation Era

During Aydin I's trial then punishment, Ruby I and Michael Scholz met to reform Taydrostia as a whole, writing a new constitution and changed land. When Aydin I got out of Schpecktenian jail, Schpecktenia and Taydrostia promised to work together in the future and have a strong alliance. On November 10, Taydrostia's new government established English, German, and Lakewoodish as its official languages. Taydrostia along with Schpecktenia and New Prussia joined the Metahr-Orientale Pact on 14 November, an alliance with all Greater Metro East Micronations. Taydrostia started to free itself from isolation and ally with other micronations, but was cut off by New Prussia.

Civil Unrest Era

On 5 December 2023, Taydrostia changed its name to South Meadowen, alluding to its now stronger ties with its predecessor state, Schpecktenia. Schpecktenia, more specifically the Province of Meadowen and the Duchy of Stallion, have strongly influenced the now South Meadowen's government, making the country seem more like a Schpecktenian puppet state. Upon the reformation, the citizens in South Meadowen started to protest against the government. The original founding members of the Empire of Taydrostia, excluding Aydin Fisk, started their own movement called the New Independent Taydrostia Movement. The group, now called the Nitms by the South Meadowen government because of its acronym, attack South Meadowen by destroying the physically printed documents. Schpecktenia has backed the South Meadowen government by supplying it with weapons.

At 7:20, The Kaiserreich of New Prussia sent a message to both sides of the civil conflict, instructing them to lay down their arms and allow occupation by the Reichsheer.

Politics parties

South Meadowen is heavily inspired by Schpecktenia, using the micronational compass for its parties.

Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum (micronational compass) Ideologies Executive Legislative
South Meadowen Nationalist Party SMNP Aydin Fisk Constructed Left Simulationism, National Identity
1 / 2
2 / 5
Vaughnese Secessionist Party VSP Allison Regner Constructed Right Secessionism, More Provincial Power
0 / 2
1 / 5
Organic Party of South Meadowen OPSM Michael Scholz Organic Left South Meadowen Constructed Culture, free from being a Schpecktenian puppet
1 / 2
1 / 5
Centrist Party of South Meadowen CPSM Gregory Bard Center Centrism, Equality
0 / 2
1 / 5