Lakewood Language

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Flag of Schpecktenia
Created byRuby Specht I
Date12 February 2023
Early form
Old Shpeck
Latin script
Official status
Official language in
Imperial Federation of Schpecktenia
Language codes
ISO 639-1fed
ISO 639-2fd
ISO 639-3fl

Lakewood is a Germanic language spoken by the Schpecktenian people, and is the official language of the Imperial Federation of Schpecktenia. Lakewood has had many rapid advancements in language, most recently in December 2023 with the addition of many words, striving further away from English. Lakewood takes inspiration from English, German, and Latin words.

Lakewood was formerly named Shpeck, and is called Östlichesprache in New Prussia.


The Alphabet of Lakewood takes letters from the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Elder Futhark alphabets.

Capital Lowercase Name (In english) Sound in International Phonetic Alphabet
Ą ą Aeih /a/
Б ƃ Beih /b/
Ɛ ɛ Saeih /ç/
Chaeh /⁠t͡ʃ⁠/
D d Deih /d/
E e Eih /i/
Effet /ɸ/
G g Geih /g/
Haerette /ʝ/
H h Haitch /ʍ/
Ƴ ƴ Ihte /ɪ/
Ɉ Ɉ Juh /d͡ʒ/
K Kay /k/
l Ell /l/
M m Ehm /m/
П п Ehn /n/
Ɲ ƞ Nott /ɳ/
O o Oh /ɵ/
P p Pehy /p/
Phot /f/
Ɋ ʠ Qwuot /q/
ϼ Rho /ɻ/
S s Ess /s/
ſ ſ Sheck /ʃ/
T τ Teih /t/
Thael /ð/
U u Ueh /ä/
Ʋ ʋ Vuh /ʋ/
Ų ų Waerss /w/
Ʊ ʊ Whaeh /ɧ/
X x Ecks /x/
Y y Yuh /j/
Zeah /z/


Number Names
0 Nehno
1 Aln
2 Rue
3 Thal
4 Frak
5 Haver
6 Sub
7 Seik
8 Olghth
9 Ostine
10 Set
11 Alnth
12 Ruenth
13 Thath
14 Frakset
15 Haverset
16 Subset
17 Seikset
18 Olghset
19 Ostset
20 Ruenen
30 Thalnen
40 Fraknen
50 Havnen
60 Subnen
70 Seiknen
80 Olthnen
90 Ostnen
100 Setred