The Ratican-Saspearian War, also known as the Three Weeks War, was a micronational conflict between the nations of Saspearian and what was known at the time as the Ratican Empire. Ultimately the war ended in just three short weeks. On 8 May 2018, the Ratican Empire made a post on the MA's Google+ community asking permission to wipe Saspearian off the map; Nations such as Senland supported the decision and it passed. A few days after Ratican declared war on Saspearian, Ratican called to end the war due to the fact that the Ratican Empire was in New York and Saspearian being in Texas at the time. On 29 May 2018, the Treaty of Bedlamsan was signed by both nations thus ending the war, and the then leader of the Ratican Empire gifted Saspearian an island, though the island itself wasn't officially annexed by Saspearian. No known battles occurred during this war.