Principality of Icenia

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Principality of Icenia

Official language: Holcetaean English
Capital: Braden Hill
Date founded: Ogronnos 2510(Coligny Calendar)

Number of citizens: ?
Number of active citizens: ?

Religion: Roman Catholicism
Government: Monarchy
Current leader: HSH Princess Elen I
Currency: Imperial Oro, O<

Demonym: Iceni, Holcetaean
National animal: ?
National food: ?
National drink: ?
Nation's Total GDP: ?

The Principality of Icenia is one the original realms of the Empire of Holcetaea. The first Prince of Icenia was Ioames I of McClean-U'ilson. Ioames I abdicated after pleading guilty to conspiracy against the Government. Elen of McClean-Tagtmeier became the second Prince(ss) of Icenia. It is named in honor of the ancient Iceni tribe of Britain.


Assembly of The Principalities: Any citizens of the Principalities are allowed to raise and vote on issues. The Assembly democratically elects two Representatives to the Imperial Council. The Assembly may demand that an issue be dealt with by gaining a simple majority, then the Prince Elect is obliged to bring it before the council as the Will of The People.