Nolan MacLellan

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Emperor of Vasilias
Reign30 June 2023 - Present
King of the Universe
Reign6 June 2023 - Present (as Emperor and King)

NOTICE: Please delete this article. I no longer can permit the use of my name on any article whatsoever. Delete this article immediately. has been Emperor of Vasilias since 30 June 2023.

Titles and Styles

30 June 2023 – Present: His Imperial Majesty The Emperor

Long Title

The state title of the Emperor is used on most official occasions.

30 June 2023 - 6 July 2023: His Imperial Majesty The Emperor

6 July 2023 – Present: His Imperial Majesty The Emperor, King of the Universe, Grand Knight Sovereign Commander of the Most Excellent Order of The White Horse