Millian Assembly

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Millian Assembly
First Millian Assembly
House of Representatives
Founded7 August 2023
New session started
7 August 2023
Vice President
Secretary to the President
M, Independent
Length of term
6 months (Senate)
3 months (House of Representatives)
House of Representatives voting system
Senate last election
1 July 2024
House of Representatives last election
1 July 2024
Senate next election
1 January 2025
House of Representatives next election
1 January 2025

The Millian Assembly is the national legislature in the Republic of Millius. Though it was founded on 7 August 2023, it was officially named as the legislature for Millius in the Constitution, which was ratified on 27 October 2023.


On 7 August 2023, Atreus of Millius wrote the Declaration of Independence from the Confederation of Davonia. This Declaration of Independence came with an agreement between the three co-signers of the nation that there must be a legislature. In the first draft of the Millian Constitution, Atreus detailed the need for a Millian Assembly in the first article. Though this draft was not ratified, the existence of the Millian Assembly remained. In the following two drafts, both also not being ratified, the Millian Assembly was still detailed in the first article. Now, in the final draft, which was ratified on 27 October 2023, the Millian Assembly is detailed in the first article.

The Millian Assembly held its first elections on 1 January 2024. Despite a clause in the Millian Constitution stating that Senate elections must only occur after the Millian population reaches at least 50 individuals, the Millian government voted to have an emergency Senate election to take place the same day as the House election. This happened due to the President, Vice President, and Secretary to the President all agreeing that it was inappropriate for the president to hold a position in the Senate. Along with this vote to have an emergency Senate election, there was a vote to increase the amount of Senators in the Senate, and the Representatives in the House. This vote was unanimously passed. This change made the Senate go from one position to two, and the House from two to four. This was to disallow one party from holding a monopoly over either chamber of the Assembly.

Following many scandals regarding his personal relationships, many citizens of the Republic of Millius called for Percy K's resignation from the House of Representatives. Following these calls for resignation, Percy K proposed a tyrannical bill. Which, among many other stipulations, proposed the illegality of criticizing the government and government figures. Other members of the Millian Assembly were infuriated by this bill, which began a call for impeachment and removal from office.

This call for Percy K's impeachment was quickly approved in the House, which then passed the proposal to a vote. This vote was unanimously passed, with President Atreus even supporting the impeachment, despite him having no power over the impeachment.

Following the impeachment of Percy K, there was a vacancy in the House that needed to be filled. President Atreus called for an emergency election, which was then approved by the Millian Assembly. In this emergency election, many people ran. Four independents, one MGP member, and two MTP members all ran against each other. However, with the backing of the MGP member from President Atreus and Vice President Jarod, London easily won the election with more than 80% of voters voting for him.


Logo Name Ideology Political
Leader Seats in House of Representatives Seats in the Senate
Millia Green Party MGP Green Anarchism
Far-left Atreus of Millius
2 / 4
1 / 2
Independent IND N/A N/A N/A
2 / 4
1 / 2


Title Chamber Party
Indigo Senate & House Millia Green Party
London House Millia Green Party
Victor House Independent
Shane House Independent
Joshua Senate Independent