Micronational Peace Alliance

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Micronational Peace Alliance
Micronational Peace Alliance
PredecessorWMA and UFAW
Merged intoAugust 20, 2022
FormationAugust 20, 2022
FoundersWilliam Brown, Xander Mintz, Darth and Joesph Baker
TypeMicronational alliance
HeadquartersMisol, Besonia
President of Parliament
Ran DB

The Micronational Peace Alliance, or MPA, is a Micronational alliance created on 20 August 2022 after the World Micronational Alliance (WMA) and the UFAW (United Front Against Warmongers) merged into one alliance. The alliance’s main goals are peace, stability, tranquility, happiness, justice, equality, friendship, allyship, and diplomacy. It is against war, conflict, violence, doxxing, and instability.


The MPA was preceded by the WMA (World Micronational Alliance, August 10, 2022 – August 20, 2022), and the UFAW (United Front Against Warmongers, July 19, 2022 – August 20, 2022). These micronational alliances merged into the MPA on 20 August 2022 because of similar goals, values, and members.

UFAW History

The UFAW was a Micronational alliance created on July 19, 2022 by Former prime minister Owen Mcgarry (Cronic) of the Kingdom of Cronic and former prime minister of the Federal Republic of Cambria, (Darth, Darthcipher, or Doc), to “counter many growing threats and possible human right violators, like Germania.” The main aim of the UFAW, was to grow and become a UN sort of alliance while also trying to preserve peace and at the same time trying to spread equailty for all. The UFAW had many opinions on certain subjects including the recent outbreak of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (a member was eventually banned for trying to force his opinion on other members and generally being toxic) and the status of Hong Kong and Tawian. The UFAW lasted for 22 days before merging to create the Micronational Peace Alliance, this was considered a great action by both the WMA members and the UFAW members. While there is no offical paperwork for the offical dissolution of the UFAW it is considered by many members of the MPA that The MPA Merge Document suggests that both alliances did dislove however Owen I of The Empire of Cronic disagrees. He says that if the MPA is ever to be disolved that the UFAW along with the WMA will be re-formed with immdiate effect. He also has said that "the UFAW is like the WMA's puppet" since he pointed out that the UFAW members had barley any say in the MPA Treaty.

First Socaland Crisis

In the first Socaland crisis, an infamous micronation known as United Socialist Republics (or more commonly Almendria) gained access to the UFAW using an alternate Reddit account using the name random-username. Darth later pointed out that random-username was almendria, and random-username got kicked from the UFAW Reddit group chat and the UFAW entirely. Tensions with the UFAW and the Micronation Republic of Socaland were at an all time high at the time, and the leader of almendria joined the UFAW group chat to manipulate these tensions. The random-username account was eventually banned from the alliance after he was uncovered as an almendrian so after that happened Owen and Darth began to de-esculate the situation.

Gary’s Toxicity

Evidence, provided by Cronic, showing what Gary did

According to former members of the UFAW, a person who goes by “Gary”, and who runs the micronation known as “Garmaxia,” was extremely toxic to the members of the UFAW, after most of their members thought differently than Gary about the ongoing Russian Invasion of Ukraine and a key person in that macronational conflict, Vladimir|Putin. He was eventually banned (offically) for being toxic and trying to force his views on other members of the alliance and Owen and Darth were not going to let this slide, what gary was doing was considered anti-UFAW behaviour.

WMA History

First flag of the WMA
Second flag of the WMA

The WMA was a Micronational alliance created on August 10, 2022 by founder of Terredepaix, William Brown (AKA Legend), after he decided he was ready to re-open Terredepaix’s doors to diplomacy after what happened to the Union of Peace. William at first started a Micronational alliance with The then Federal Socialist Republic of Serboslavia (led by a person who goes by “Mr. Serb”), and the Kingdom of Yoppinland (led by a person known as baguette, raisin, or district raisin), but also referred to by his diplomatic alias “Brad Blakerson,” known as the NAEMDA (North American and European Micronational defense alliance), but that didn’t really pan out, and it died soon after its creation. A couple days later, William put out a couple advertisements on Reddit, the alliances founding platform, and they quickly gained traction in the Micronational Reddit community. William, mr. Serb, and raisin decided to try out a Micronational alliance again, and formed the WMA. They made a treaty, a flag, a logo, and all the other things that make a good micronational alliance.

Germania Situation

The Germania Situation is an unofficial name for a major micronational conflict that occurred from an unknown date to around late august, 2022. The Conflict occurred when a Reddit user, known as nefarious, began posting about his micronation, called Germania. Nefarious was an atheist, and as such, He made Germania follow atheism as well, by restricting religious viewpoints and worship in the micronation to the citizens own homes, but not outside of them. Nefarious would also post posts that depending on the person asked, were either Nazi, larping or just a person having some fun with his micronation. Either way you slice it, this caused drama in the Micronational Reddit community. Seeing all the hate and drama that erupted after Nefarious began posting about his micronation, he decided to move from the r/micronations subreddit, to the r/micronation subreddit, but for whatever reason, his Nefarious account got banned, and Germania dissolved. Because Germania was up for grabs now, one of the WMA members at the time, mr. Serb, decided to annex Germania. However, the other WMA members also wanted some of Germania, so the WMA members discussed this with mr. Serb, as it was his idea first. They argued, but for the most part agreed, on territorial claims. They even made, and signed, an unofficial treaty. However, mr. Serb decided to randomly call the WMA members who participated in this annexation of the former Germania: “Robbers who unfairly stole his land,” and refused to recognize any claims made by any other WMA members other than him to Germania. He then left the WMA Reddit group chat, and said that Serboslavia and the WMA members were no longer allies, and ties between them were cut. After mr. Serb left the alliance, the current president of the WMA at the time, raisin, advised the WMA members to let the situation cool off and not cause any more drama than was needed. The WMA members agreed, and everything was peaceful, until Mr. Serb made a post on the r/micronation subreddit, asking how to declare war. He also posted that he was “preparing for conflict” and doing a self-called “casus belli” on the WMA. Following article 2 of the WMA treaty, which states that the WMA, as well as its members, will not involve themselves in micronational wars or conflicts unless provoked, the WMA declared war on Serboslavia. The war was mostly a joke, but Mr. Serb took it way too seriously, by LARPing, and saying that the WMA was coming to attack an archipelago in Italy, where Serboslavia and Mr. Serb are apparently located. This was false, and the WMA was not actually doing this. Mr. Serb said, along with this claim, that he was “preparing his navy.” The WMA and Mr. Serb considered and discussed battling online in a game such as territorial.io, but that idea never came to fruition. Eventually, the “war” ended in a stalemate, and Germania became disputed territory. Eventually, all parties dropped their claims, and the conflict ended. Video made on the Germania Situation.

The Merge

For a few days, the WMA and UFAW realized they had similar members and similar goals, and realized that merging the two alliances would be a good idea, and would make the two alliances more powerful and influential. Members from both alliances talked about it, and planned it on a Google doc. Eventually, on August 20, 2022, the Leaders and founders of both alliances signed a treaty, which officially merged the two alliances. An election was shortly held, and Darth became the first president of the new alliance.


After the merge on August 20, 2022, the MPA became a more stable alliance, and grew more. It even soon had a full-fledged alliance government.

Creation Era (August 2022 - September 2022)


Just after the merge occurred, and the MPA was founded, Nefarious, former leader and founder of Germania, who the MPA had previously dealt with back when it was the WMA, had founded a new micronation called Romersk and joined the MPA, unaware to any of the members of the MPA that it was Nefarious, the person the MPA had gone head to head with just a few days prior. Eventually, Nefarious revealed that he was Germania to the entire alliance after the alliance for close to him. He also revealed this to the entire r/micronations and r/micronation subreddits. The r/micronations subreddit did not respond positively to this fact being revealed, and banned Nefarious. In response to this, the Kingdom of Cronic began a hashtag called "#Justice4Romersk" and the alliance began making posts with the hashtag. The people who participated in the hashtag was later banned by the moderators of r/micronations because the hashtag was "spamming the sub,” as well as “brigading,” which is against the Reddit Terms of Service. Nefarious was later banned from Reddit all together. Looking back at this event now, some alliance members have branded it a silly mistake and many regreted getting involved including Cronic and Terredepaix.

Brief name change

The MPA, as well as the WMA and UFAW when they still existed, were constantly engaged in conflicts, but as the conflicts slowly died down over a few weeks, the MPA members decided that maybe the MPA should change its name. There was a vote, and it was determined that a new name would be adopted! The new name was soon agreed upon: the NMA, or the Neutral Micronation Alliance. The name was soon reverted back to the MPA, however, due to it serving no purpose.

Operation: Skinwalker

Discord DM conversation between Josh Alexander, a spy who was part of Operation: Skinwalker, with the person who took over the MPA representative of arstoria’s discord account. Translated from Morse code, that means: “AID THE REBELLION IF YOU DON"T WANT YOUR SECRET TO BE TOLD.” What Josh said reads: “ NO, I DON"T WANT TO JOIN SOME STUPID CIVIL WAR. DONT BLACKMAIL ME.”
Image of the taken over arstoria account telling HHBE about the operation after the MPA declined to join the arstorian civil war

Operation: Skinwalker was a spy/intelligence operation carried out by the MOCG, an integrated defense alliance of the MPA created by darth, which serves as the MPA’s official intelligence and spy agency. Operation: Skinwalker was meant to infiltrate the MFA, Micronational Freedom Alliance, which is a Micronational alliance made up of the MPA’s enemies, and people who the MPA have had bad relations with in the past. The entire operation was blown after an unknown person who is a key figure in the arstorian civil war (arstoria was a member of the MPA) told holy hill Billy empire, AKA HHBE, about the entire operation. The person found out about the operation because the representative of arstoria who joined the MPA actually shared her discord account with other arstoria members. A few of these members were part of the civil war. After the operation was blown, and the representative of arstoria got her account back, she changed the account passwords and made in inaccessible to the other people it was once shared with.

First Growth Era (September 2022 - ~ November 2022)

The Great Reforms #1

The Great Reforms #1 were reforms implemented on September 22, 2022, after almost losing many members, most of them being very crucial and important members to the alliance, multiple times, due to constant drama, constant internal conflicts, and more. These reforms were implemented by President William Brown and Vice President Ran DB, and consisted of 2 polices.

Policy 1

The No-drama policy, stating that the MPA would not involve itself in any drama or conflicts between micronations anymore.

Policy 2

The minimization of internal conflicts policy is exactly how it sounds: this policy states that the MPA would minimize how many internal conflicts it would get into. The MPA members understand that conflicts, fights, and arguments happen, but they were happening way too much, and this policy was enacted to minimize them as much as possible.

The Great Break

President William’s announcement

On October 1, 2022, many members of the MPA declared that they were taking a, mostly, week long break to focus on their lives more. Some MPA micronations temporarily disengaged themselves from the alliance until their break was over. Since President William and Vice President ran were taking a break, they installed Raisin, King of Yoppinland, and Owen, former King and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cronic, as acting President and Vice President respectively. Once the break period is over, the Alliance is set to majorly change how it works, like making a new treaty, abolishing the presidency and vice presidency, and more.

The Great Reforms #2

The Great Reforms #2 is a set of reforms that took place after the great break concluded. This reform included the adoption of a new treaty and brought more seriousness to the alliance.

The Treaty of October 2022

The treaty of October 2022 was made after the original August 2022 treaty's articles were not put to fruition. The new treaty included that the MPA would be run under a democratic oligarchy, the oligarchs being members of the high council (HC). It also included that all members should engage in diplomacy, and all members will be represented. On October 17, 2022, the MPA treaty was officially put into effect and enforced.

The November Referendum

On the 2nd of November, 2022, Xander Mintz, the Emperor of Paxaris caused controversy by an updated version of his google my maps. This drama came from Paxaris' abnormally large size, a micronation larger then Norway. This led in a large argument which ended up causing a referendum for large micronations to be sanctioned. The referendum ended on 4 November 2022, and was enacted on 11 November 2022. This started a 6 month transition period, which at the end of it, membership of MPA members who do not downsize borders may be contested.

Exit Era (November 2022 - March 2023)

The Cronican Civil War and Cambrian Rebels

On the 13th November at 12:04 PM, a member state of the MPA known as The Empire of Cronic was sent into civil war when the AMO (Anti-Monarchy Organisation) sent Owen I of Cronic a Declaration of War, Owen then sent the Declaration of War to the Cronican Discord sever announcing that civil war had begun. A giant wave of support from MPA Members and other crucial figures were received just hours later during the Battle of The Foundation and after the battle too. Many other MPA member states have joined Ran's Besonia in Declaring War on the AMO including Terredepaix and Paraxis. The Conflict is currently ongoing but a majority of the MPA have stated that they will support Cronic in any way they possibly can. At a eariler date, American patriots are trying to force Cambria to disolve and rejoin the United States of America. This was unknown to the alliance for a long time but was eventually informed shortly after the Cronican Civil war started. There was a big wave of support for both Cronic and Cambria after their wars were announced. The MPA is also aware of a rebel issue in Besonia and is keeping a close eye on the situation. On the 2 January 2023, The civil war came to an end when the AMO surrendered to Cronic and a ceasefire was agreed apon at 17:00 PM. however the war would end on the following morning at 10 AM.

Besonia’s exodus from the alliance

On the morning of December 27, 2022, President Ran DB of the Republic of Besonia, a long time MPA member, who has been a member of the alliance since the WMA days, announced that, when he woke up later that day, he would have a big announcement regarding his membership in the alliance. Speculations and theories spread across the alliance until he woke up. When he woke up, he began a speech regarding the issues with the alliance and the drama. He then announced that he would be implementing a policy that states that Besonia could no longer be allowed to be in any alliances anymore. Besonia will start this process after the new year.

Paxaris’s exodus from the alliance

On January 9, 2023, the leader of Paxaris, Xander Mintz, got into a petty argument with other MPA members, as he often did. Eventually he got upset because of the argument, and he left the MPA official discord server, the main hub of communication and alliance and alliance government happenings of the MPA. This was a bit crazy considering that Xander was a member of the MPA since the beginning WMA days, as he and his best friend William Brown both founded the WMA together. The MPA considered this a vacation of Paxaris’s spot in the alliance, and Paxaris was quickly removed as a member state of the alliance. This caused Xander to begin spreading anti-MPA propaganda, calling the MPA “fake friends,” and trashing the people who were arguing with him. He also made his own alliance, the PFDN, and began focusing on that.

Cambria’s Exit

The Federal Republic of Cambria would leave the alliance on the 24 March. This would somewhat impact the alliance as the leader of Cambria, know as Darth, was a founder of both the UFAW and the MPA.

Second Growth Era (March 2023)

February - April 2023 Reforms

In February of 2023, the alliance would debate and implement the MPA Parliament. It would be decided that this parliament would partially replace the High Council. Now, the High Council acts more as an administration team for emergencies and other important situations/decisions. A brand new code of conduct has also been introduced and many other things are also being planned out by the Parliament. Ran DB, not a representative of Besonia but rather of himself in alliance, became the MPA President on the 14 February.

In March of 2023, Ran DB, president of the parliament, created many major reforms, which were all implemented after majority ruling in favor.

  1. Every alliance member shall be voted in by a 100% vote. Any members who vote against the new member joining will negotiate further. This will stop future drama ensuing.
  2. The Court of the MPA shall be created. Any members who may be kicked from the alliance as a punishment can ask to go to online court, where the jury, consisting of the parliament, will decide the verdict, whether the punishment will happen or not.

Collapse of the MPA

On 23 April 2023, Ran DB left the MPA after "PL", Federal Duke of the Aistiai Commonwealth, started to partially attack Ran online for saying that the MPA was dying out. After that, PL proceeded to deny most work that Ran DB did on the alliance.

On 30 April 2023, Legend, founder of the WMA, the first predecessor of the MPA, and co-founder of the MPA, left the MPA after Ran left, following in his footsteps. PL then insinuated that Legend was a coward by saying "How do you think quitting is going to help the MPA?" "I am not a quitter".

On the same day of 30 April 2023, Cronic, long time member of the MPA and co-founder of the UFAW, the second predecessor of the MPA, took a break and gave ownership of the server to PL.

On 1 May 2023, the MPA officially dissolved after the last MPACon, an event that happens around every 3 months.

Current MPA (July 2023 - Present)

On 22 July 2023, Ran DB proposed to recreated the MPA



Periods of Mourning

The Alliance was go into periods of mourning if someone important to the world, world history, micronationalism, or itself, has died.

Joining the MPA

To join the MPA, you must first ask to join. Then, an alliance member [usually from HC] will send you an application form to fill out. Once you’ve filled it out, the MPA members will vote on whether you should join the alliance or not. Your micronation must be 7 days old before being open for consideration to join the alliance. After you have been voted in by an at least 1/2 majority, you must join it’s official discord server.

After joining the server, you must agree to the MPA discord server rules. Then you must sign the official MPA treaty. Then you will be an official member of the alliance!


This is a comprehensive list of all of the member states and observer states of the Micronational Peace Alliance.

Empire of Cronic - Cronic

Aistiai Commonwealth - Aistiai

Kingdom of Yoppinland - Yoppinland

Molloxa of Garakhem - Garakhem

Serene Kingdom of Salem - Salem

Socialist Republic of Xartia - Xartia

Commonwealth of Miraguay - Miraguay

Republic of Pantonia - Pantonia

State of Woodlandia

Socialist Republic of Wakerrfowl

Republic of Arstoria

Republic of New Mercia

Observer states -

United Peoples Republic of Firenessia

St Pamela


Konigrech von Thorri
