Invasion of Taydrostia (Third Front)

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Invasion of Taydrostia
Part of Greater Metro East War - War of the Third Front

Map of Troop Placement in Taydrostia on 5 March 2024
Date4 March 2024 - 7 March 2024
Maryville, Illinois
Status Schpecktenian and New Prussian Victory
Commanders and leaders
  1. REO Colin Houston
  2. Dylan Buster
  • Kaiser Luka Tallerico I
  1. Generalfeldmarschall Jackson
  • Michael Scholz
  • Aydin Fisk
  1. Gregory Bard
Units involved
United Military of Schpecktenia
  • 1st Imperial Rifle Unit
  • 24th Klature Division Brigade
  • 4th Stallionisch Infantry

New Prussian Imperial Army
  • 5th Infantry Division
  • 11th Chemical Weapons Brigade "Achlys"
  • 501st Panzergrenadier Division
PMC Wotan
  • 12th Heavy Infantry Shock Division "Jomsvikings"
Taydrostian Nationalist Army
  • 13th Taydrostian Infantry
  • 2nd Syktorian Rangers
  • Nationalist Taydrostian Militia
26 16
Casualties and losses
6 15

The Invasion of Taydrostia was a battle of the Third Front in the Greater Metro East War. The invasion was carried out by the Provincist Republic of Schpecktenia and Kaiserreich of New Prussia in response to the failed Taydrostian Invasion of New Prussia. This battle saw three main locations of skirmishes, being heavily wooded areas, undeveloped urban areas, and trails/greenspace.


After the Taydrostian Invasion of New Prussia was won by New Prussia, the leaders of New Prussia and Schpecktenia quickly structured a plan to use most of their military to fully defeat Taydrostia in one quick operation. This late-war tactic was seen as a success in the War of the First Front and capture of Aydin Fisk.

National Views and Reactions

Schpecktenian input

For the first time, Schpecktenia used conscripts using Cochleari Film Co. posing the battle as an airsoft event. This allowed the United Military of Schpecktenia to have 19 temporary soldiers.

New Prussian input

New Prussia used its new Nidhogg Chemical Gas and the 11th "Achlys" Chemical Weapons Brigade in full combat. New Prussian PMC Wotan preformed greatly with continued cooperation with Schpecktenian forces.

Taydrostian input

The invasion saw the first use of the quickly structured Taydrostian Nationalist Militia (TNM), a group of Taydrostians rumored to be far-right and neo Nazi. The TNM had to receive reinforcements of other Taydrostian citizens near the end of the battle, but all militia soldiers were taken out during the invasion, along with most of the Taydrostian Armed Forces.


Before Combat

Simultaneously, on 4 March 2024, New Prussian 5th Infantry Division enters the South Meadowen Province of Bradford and easily take all land; while Schpecktenian 24th Klature Security Brigade enter unorganized South Meadowen fields. This was done to trap any possible Taydrostian forces in one condensed zone, separate from the rest of Taydrostia. Once it was safe, the New Prussian 11th "Achlys" Chemical Weapons Brigade enter the taken Province of Bradford.

The New Prussian 11th Achlys and 5th Infantry Division along with the Schpecktenian 24th Klature Security Brigade successfully take more South Meadowen unorganized land, preparing for the Schpecktenian 1st Imperial Rifle Unit to arrive. Half an hour later, the 1st Imperial Rifle Unit enter and blitz down through Taydrostia all the way to the Province of Erscholstia. New Prussian 12th "Jomsvikings" Heavy Infantry Shock Division and 501st Panzergrenadier Division enter southern Erscholstia.

While New Prussian and Schpecktenian forces were pushing south, the Schpecktenian 4th Stallionisch Infantry enter the unorganized land in the north, preparing to move further into South Meadowen. At this point, Taydrostia finally organized the military and deployed the 13th Taydrostian Infantry, 2nd Syktorian Rangers, and Taydrostian Nationalist Militia. New Prussian 5th Infantry and 11th Achlys set up defense and support for the upcoming skirmish.

First Skirmish

New Prussian soldier preparing to confront Taydrostian Forces.

The 1th Imperial Rifle Unit, 12th Jomsvikings, and 501st Panzergrenadiers prepare to confront the Taydrostian 13th Infantry and NTM in the Province of Erscholstia. New Prussian forces advanced north through the Goshen Trail and pinpoint 3 Taydrostian militia soldiers, and immediately take out 2. The 1st Imperial Rifle Unit then fired upon the rest of the Taydrostian militants and two 13th Infantry soldiers, taking out 2 more Taydrostians, while one Schpecktenian soldier was lost.

Schpecktenian forces then pushed east, taking land, while the New Prussian forces extended their line farther north. Taydrostian forces retreat to behind the Goshen Trail in valleys formed by a creek.

Second Skirmish

The 4th Stallionisch Infantry now prepared to push into South Meadowen and go against the Taydrostian 13th Infantry and 2nd Syktorian Rangers. Before 4th Stallionisch advanced, New Prussian 11th Achlys provided Chemical Weapons Support. Once the Nidhogg Gas hit, Taydrostian forces were overwhelmed by the 4th Stallionisch and were forced to retreat. The 4th Stallionisch Infantry suffered zero casualties while the Taydrostian forces lost 3.

Third Skirmish

Schpecktenian UMS Official, President Ruby Specht of Schpecktenia, and an anonymous Wotanite operator "Kladanets"

The Schpecktenian 1st Imperial Rifle Unit and 24th Klature Security Brigade along side New Prussian forces went against the 13th Taydrostian Infantry and Taydrostian Nationalist Militia in Erscholstia. The militia received reinforcements of 3 soldiers, but the Taydrostian forces were forced to retreat all troops to behind the Goshen Trail. New Prussian 5th Infantry begins to join the ranks in preparation for the next skirmish. Casualties on both sides were low, but Taydrostia lost a great amount of land.

Fourth Skirmish

All of Schpecktenia's forces along side the New Prussian 5th Infantry, 12th Jomsvikings, and 501st Panzergrenadiers in an urban setting against the remaining Taydrostian forces. In the north in South Meadowen, the Taydrostian forces retreated to join the troops in Erscholstia, leaving the 4th Stallionisch Infantry to take a great amount of land in South Meadowen with no resistance. The rest of Schpecktenian and New Prussian forces launch a massive offensive and advanced north, only facing 4 casualties. Taydrostian forces retreated back to Lakewood Ct., but were all taken out, leaving Gregory Bard alone with no support. New Prussian forces then captured Bard and took him as a prisoner of war.


Facing a full defeat, both Leader of Taydrostia Michael Scholz and President of South Meadowen Aydin Fisk left micronationalism entirely.