History of Kanindé

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Kanindé was initially founded on September 25, 2022, by Luís Felipe, days later, Gustavo da Silva Matos was sworn in as prime minister (in October). A few days later, the Prime Minister began to become quite inactive, however, his gainet remained relatively active. The Nation has undergone renaming since its founding, the first being in 2023 changing the "Kingdom" to "Empire" and the last time being after the 2024 Kanindeense political crisis

Kingdom of Kanindé (2022-2023)

Kingom of Kanindé
Império de Kanindé
Flag of History of Kanindé
Coat of arms of History of Kanindé
Coat of arms
Location of History of Kanindé
CapitalCanindé D.C (until January 27, 2023)
Official languagesPortuguese, English
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy (2022-2023)
• King
Felipe I
• Prime Minister
Gustavo da Silva Matos
Succeeded by
Empire of Kanindé

Independence and renaming

On September 25, 2022, the Kingdom of Kanindé was proclaimed by King Felipe I. He opted for a constitutional monarchy because in his vision at first, a monarch in charge of situations would be much easier to deal with crises that could affect the nation. Micronation has always had a physical territory that was in the possessions of Felipe I's family and some other lands that are his. On January 27, after some macronational disagreements, the Kingdom was relocated to another location and the capital Canindé D.C lost contact, forcing the creation of a new state the State of Liberty (Kanindé) and its capital Ruthville With the development of the project, the King decided to carry out a major renovation and rename it from Kingdom to Empire, changing the symbols, flags and other names.

Empire of Kanindé

Império de Kanindé
Império de Kanindé
Flag of History of Kanindé
Location of History of Kanindé
Official languagesPortuguese, English
• Emperor
Felipe I
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kingdom of Kanindé
Kanindeense Federation

On August 27, 2023, Kanindé underwent restructuring, putting an end to the Kingdom and bringing about the Empire. Initially it was supposed to be a visual change to make Kanindé have its own unique visual identity.

On January 20, Emperor Felipe I, enraged by a political crisis caused by members of the prime minister's office locally and insinuating a coup against the Emperor to depose him. Felipe had the the idea at first to transition the micronation from a monarchy to a republic, but, after the elections that placed the monarch as leader, in this case "president" of the committee, it was decided internally that it was unfeasible and that a remodeling of the monarchy would take place to prevent the micronation became a one man nation.