HMS Otonabee

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HMS Otonabee
HRNAS Wabasso
Badge of HMS Otonabee
TypeNaval shore establishment
Site information
Owner His Royal Navy
Site history
In use
  • May 2024 – present (as HMS Otonabee)
  • Nov. 2019 – Feb. 2022 (as HRAF Wabasso)
Garrison information
Gp. Capt. Duke of Tremur

HMS Otonabee is a naval establishment, and is responsible for training, kitting, and photographing, members of the Baustralian Armed Forces. It is the successor to the former establishment carrying out similar duties at Concord, Holderton, prior to its dissolution in March 2022.

Formerly an air station known as HRAF Wabasso / 1 Wing HRAF, it was home to 1 and 2 Squadrons HRAF. It went unused with the dwindeling numbers of His Royal Air Force, and was given to His Royal Navy upon the wing's dissolution in 2022. Shortly after HMS Concord's dissolution, plans were started to convert HRAF Wabasso into a naval air station. HRNAS Wabasso remained unused until March 2024 with the establishment of HMS Otonabee.


Former units

Badge of 1 Squadron, HRAF

1 Squadron HRAF was the oldest squadron in His Royal Air Force. Originally created as the HRAF Wabasso Squadron, alongside HRAF St. George's Squadron, it was based in Wabasso, Mild Pond on a farming field. The duties of commanding officer of the Wabasso Squadron fell on the Chief of the Air Staff, Lord Carleton. It featured minimal staff, while St. George's Squadron fell into the Supplementary Air Unit category.

It was reformed as 1 (Flying) Regiment, Baustralian Army upon the subordination of HRAF to the Baustralian Army, and then was reformed again as an HRAF squadron upon their seperation. When the air force was dissolved, it split into His Royal Flying Corps of the Baustralian Army to form 1 (Flying) Regiment, and the other half merged with No. 1 Squadron, Naval Air Arm. Upon re-separation, HRAF Wabasso Squadron was renamed 1 Squadron HRAF.

On 3 June 2019, command was taken up by Flight lieutenant Duke of Tremur, following his appointment as Baustralian Chief Warrant Officer. When 2 Squadron HRAF was taken out of the SAU category, 1 Wing was formed under the command of Wing commander Duke of Tremur, while still commanding 1 Squadron. On 11 January 2021, the Deputy squadron leader of 1 Squadron, Flight lieutenant Alcibiades Theocharidis, was promoted to Wing commander, and took command of 1 Squadron.

Badge of 2 Squadron, HRAF

2 Squadron HRAF was the second squadron in His Royal Air Force. Originally created as the HRAF St. George's Squadron, alongside HRAF Wabasso Squadron, it was based in St. Georges, Mild Pond on a farming field. It quickly fell into the Supplementary Air Unit category.

It was dissolved upon the subordination of HRAF to the Baustralian Army, and then was reformed again upon their seperation. When the air force was dissolved, it was once again dissolved. Upon separation, remaining in the SAU category, it was reformed as 2 Squadron HRAF (SAU).

On 11 January 2021, upon the re-establishment of 2 Squadron, command was taken by newly-commissioned WCdr Kaden Wright. It retained similar strength to 1 Squadron after this period of reforms.

Current structure

HMS Otonabee is split into two divisions, one containing regular sailors, Trent, while the second contains support members of HR Naval Stores Wabasso, and HM Support Group Wabasso, Crowe. The latter rates bear cap tallies relating to their department rather than the ship.