Giancarlo Montale

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Giancarlo Montale
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pinang
In office
12 June 2022- 17 July 2022
Spokesperson of the Socialists
In office
12 June 2022- 12 September 2022
Personal information
Born 2006
Citizenship  Italian and  Pinangese
Nationality  Italian
Ethnicity Italian
Political party Socialists (formerly)
Occupation Student, micronationalist
Religion Atheist

Giancarlo Montale (2006) is a pseudonym of an retired Italian micronationalist. He used to own political positions in Pinang, Roscamistan ans Stockhesia. Currently, he has been serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Pinang during the Brooke Cabinet. He has also one of the founders and the spokesperson of the Socialists. He is distinguished by his ideas of Direct Democracy and Libertarian Marxism.


His first experience of micronationalism took place in Pinang, where he was first part of people's democracy, then he created his party. At the time with centralist views, today Giancarlo is a staunch defender of libertarianism and rejects leninism as a way to implement communism.

Political Views

He describes himself as a libertarian marxist. His ideas are influenced by the italians Antonio Gramsci, Filippo Turati and Andrea Costa. On the international view is inspired a lot by Marx, Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Sartre and Zapata. Despite his strong anti-americanism, he considers Lincoln one of his favorite presidents. He is a pacifist, he tends to hate wars, preferring to use diplomatic means, and he shows a lot of love for the animals and the environment. He belives in posthumanism.