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Flag of Ghurklas
Created byTvvd
Date1 December 2022
Ghurklasian Cyrillic Script
Official status
Official language in
Lüodingosch Herzogtum
Language codes
ISO 639-1ghk
ISO 639-2gk
ISO 639-3ԑк

Ghurklasian is a conlang created by Tvvd. It has influence from French, Dutch, Russian, Danish, German, Greek, and Spanish. It is considered as a Indo-European language by the creator. The language was created to serve as Ghurklas's official language, it has now gotten a community in Austria under the nickname "Lüodingosch"


The alphabet that Ghurklasian uses is a modified version of the Russian alphabet.

Capital Lowercase estimated IPA value
Α α a~ʌ
Б б b
С с s
Ш ш ʃ
Щ щ
G g d
E e e~ɛ~æ
Ә ә ə
Ф ф f
Ԑ ԑ g
Ӝ ӝ h
U u i~ɪ
Ж ж ʒ
К к k
Λ ʌ l
М м m
Н н n
Ў ў ɲ
O o o~ɔ~ɶ
П n p
Ѱ ѱ θ
Р р r~ɾ
Х х x
Џ џ ts
Т т t
У у y
Ю ю u
Ѵ ѵ v
Ѷ ѷ w
Ŭ ŭ j~ɪ
З з z
Я я ja
Ԙ ԙ je~ɛ~æ
Ѧ ѧ jo
Ь ь
Ѣ ѣ :
Æ æ e~ɛ~æ


Ghurklasian is considered a SVO, but subjects can be removed from the sentences depending on the context.
If there is "go" before a verb, it will be at the past tense, a verb with "знα" before itself will be at the futur tense