Designated Terrorist Organizations Act, 2022

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Designated Terrorist Organizations Act, 2022
Legislative Body of Unitaria
Territorial extentUnitaria
Date of Royal Assent9 October 2022
Introduced byRachel Burklandssen
List certain organizations as designated terrorist organizations.
Status: Repealed

The Designated Terrorist Organizations Act, 2022 is an Act of the Legislative Body that lists certain organizations as designated terrorist organizations. Designated terrorist organizations are considered by Unitaria to engage in acts that "endanger the lives or physical safety of innocent civilians". The act lists nineteen organizations as designated terrorist organizations. It bans voluntary membership in these organizations; although, like all Unitarian legislation, it doesn't specify any penalties for violators.[a] Anyone who can prove their membership wasn't voluntary is absolved of any penalties in Unitaria.

It further states that any changes in the list, such as delisting or listing an organization, require an Act of the Legislative Body or Royal Decree. The act ends with a statement that the listing of any organization doesn't inherently impose sanctions. Any sanctions require a separate Act of the Legislative Body or Royal Decree and must take into account the harm of sanctions to civilians. As of October 2022, the act hasn't been to justify Unitarian action against any listed organizations. However, the Unitarian government referenced the listing of the Communist Party of China in the act while condemning the Uyghur genocide.

As Unitaria is a constitution egostan where Rachel Burklandssen is the sole citizen of Unitaria and is both the Empress of Unitaria and the Sole Member of the Legislative Body of Unitaria, this Act of the Legislative Body passed quickly. It was written, proposed in the Legislative Body, approved by the Legislative Body, and received royal assent all on the same day. No Act of the Legislative Body has ever taken more than a day to pass. As of October 23, 2022, the list has not been expanded or contracted.


The act has been criticized by non-Unitarian micronationalists for its arbitrariness when it comes to listing organizations. While the term designated terrorist organization is defined, there is no process for such an organization to challenge its listing. Burklandssen has responded that she has the right to list any organization as terrorist and that all such a listing does is ban the organization in her bedroom, which is the current territorial extent of Unitaria. However, the Constitution gives Unitaria the right to expand beyond her bedroom. All organizations listed are macronational organizations unlikely to be unaware of the existence of Unitaria or the Designated Terrorist Organizations Act, 2022.


  1. Capital punishment is specifically banned in Unitaria by the First Amendment to the Constitution of Unitaria (Capital Punishment Prohibition) Act, 2022. The Prohibition of Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Act, 2022 prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude in all circumstances, including as punishment.