Category:Hoax or Fictitious micronations

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The official movie cover of Kickassia(2010) which stars Doug Walker and Kevin Baugh that focusses around an conflict between the micronation of Molossia and the fictional micronation of Kickassia that lasts about two days.

A Hoax Micronation or Fictional Micronation, sometimes called a "pseudo-micronation" is a fake micronational Political Entity that looks or acts like a distinct micronation but are not for a reason or another. There are a number of types of "Fictional Micronations" but most are usually created as part of a lore-building exercise for a beneficiary or host micronation. Often created by newer inexperience micronationalists under an alias and typically play the role as some antagonist in a mock war, not too dissimilar to 'fake countries' in some war games. One of the most notable "Hoax Micronations" was Nostalgia Critic's Kickassia with Molossia in the movie Kickassia(2010), this movie may of inspired a number of these "fake micronations" as counterparts to the similar number of new micronations also founded after this date. Like real micronations, a pseudo-micronation might have a flag and military outfit and even actors. Motivations for creating Fictional Micronations include lore-building for a benefiting micronation, aliases for micronationalists being covert, ballooning a YAMO's membership list, trolling, personal entertainment, or even storytelling.


Some micronationalists might create a Hoax Micronation to serve as a fabricated adversary in a mock war. This is the most common Hoax Micronation and is usually led by an alias of someone affiliated by the host micronation. Typically they exist solely to lose then be annexed by the original micronation and become conquered "territory" and the name might persist domestically in a micronation's lore, or flee to parts unknown. In some cases they may be cited as a catalyst to a micronation's overhaul.

Covert & Intrigue

Some Hoax micronations might exist for conducting covert practices that the host micronation might not want to damage their reputation under such as false flag operations, these usually harbor malicious or mischievous intentions but not always. In late 2023 and early 2024 the Unseen Hand was founded supposedly by a former Ausverian with an unclear objective, possibly to disrupt or annoy certain Long Island micronationalists. The individual was probably an insider of the Micronationalists of Long Island Discord, and the identity an alias.

Ballooning YAMOs

This type of hoax micronation, could be called a paper micronation, theoretically a YAMO(Yet Another Micronational Organization) could fabricate micronations for the abject purpose of making their organization or alliance appear larger than it actually is. This can serve the purpose of incentivizing real recently founded micronations and mature established micronations into joining their organization over others. In the 2010's, Australian micronationalist George Cruickshank had been accused of this very thing with his Facebook page Micronationalists & Alternative Policies, to which he banned these accusers and other micronationalists he disagreed with at the time from his Facebook page. This lead to the establishment of alternatives to M&AP on the platform. This practice can help a YAMO grow but, if overdone, can lead to the downfall of a YAMO where they become dead organizations. This practice probably caused the defunction of numerous early YAMO's in the 2000's.

Entertainment & Storytelling

A fabricated micronation might not necessarily be a present invention. Much as humans have always created fictional creatures and settings for the sake of storytelling, and some fictional micronations are no different. In 2009-2010, Doug Walker approached Kevin Baugh of Molossia with a film proposal, the two as well as the extended cast of Channel Awesome would together produce one of the most popular micronational films Kickassia(2010) which was released in 2010. All members played the role of fictional versions of themselves, including Kevin Baugh and Doug Walker.

List of Hoax and Fictional Micronations

Flag Claimed Name Regions Source & Purpose Type Notes
Kickassia Nevada Created as a fictional antagonist to Molossia in the film Kickassia(2010) in a fictional war that lasted two days. Fictional Film Adversary / Evil Organization While clearly a fictional invention, in Molossian media, the events of the film are treated as real events.
n/a Republic of Pelau Korean Penninsula Wikipedia Draft/unknown Hoax In 2024, someone created a wikipedia page that falsely sourced a number of articles that made zero mention of the subject, Wikipedia admins determined the subject to be a hoax based on numerous misspellings of the name and fabricated sources that did not mention the micronation. See: for deletion/Republic of Pelau (micronation)
n/a Unseen Hand Long Island Discord/Trolling Hoax Organization In early 2024 an account under the alias of "HIM", possibly a reference to the Powerpuff Girls antagonist of the same name, contacted a number of members of the discord server "Micronationalists of Long Island", with an invite link to their own discord server "Unseen Hand". The motives were unclear if not trolling.


Pages in category "Hoax or Fictitious micronations"

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