Association of Ozark Micronations

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The Ozark Cooperation Council is an organization of Ozark based micronations who seeked to economically and diplomatically cooperate with one another to aid and bring stability to their region while simultaneously developing each other's nations economically and politically, founded on August 3rd, 2020.

First Alliance

Initially named the Association of Ozark Micronations, the organization was working on a non-aggression pact for all members and was a non-partisan group without affiliations to any macronational politics and a neutral stance on all micronational conflicts.

It had 5 members, the four founding members being the Republic of Arkadelphia joining before the official founding on August 1st 2020, the Socialist Republic of Ozark, Ethosia, and Aleksandriya, with the Imperium of Orini-Cimbrun joining on 13 August, 2020. New members were free to apply, however.

It was generally located in Arkansas and Missouri, with no representation's of Oklahoma counties in the Ozark Mountain range.

The Association of Ozark Micronations was abandoned on 4 October 2020. It now ceases to be unless any nation that fills the requirements of being in the Ozark plateau and wishes to start the Association again, it will be considered defunct.

Second Alliance

After regained interest in the development of the region, Ethosia and its government has taken large interest in the Ozark Region and the development of the Micronations that populate it. The sole purpose of the OCO is to act as a diplomatic and economic cooperation council speerheaded by the economic and influential sphere of the Republic of Ethosia.

The OCO is ran by a council with the opportunity for members to become permanent council members.

Goals and Purpose

The goal of the Ozark Cooperation Council is intended to act as a cooperative development outlet for micronations residing in the Ozarks region of the United States. Nations are able to apply for membership and propose ideas to other member states to take part in. Nations in the OCO are legislatively independent and are not expected to follow or implement every new idea proposed by member states. This is to prevent the OCO from gaining political power over the governments of independent member states.

The goal of the OCO is to ensure the security and development of the Ozarks region. Through collective economic might, infrastructural success, and military strength, the OCO is intended to act as a way to ensure peace and collective security for the region.