Freedom Amendment

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The Freedom Act of New Eiffel, or simply the Freedom Act or Freedom Amendment, was a four part act held and approved by public referendum in the Principality of New Eiffel. The act made the state Voluntary by allowing individuals total control of their property, in turn promoting a economic and social market, allowing individuals to practice any political belief on their own property, preventing taxation of any kind, and installing Anarcho-Capitalism. The act allows the government of NE to continue as it was originally, so long as it only protects these rights, and its laws and taxes are voluntarily followed by citizens.


The act was based on the five steps to the freedom of the nation, debated in the infamous Elijahgate. There was great debate at the founding of the act regarding why the acts were seen as unconstitutional in court, yet accepted afterward and proposed as law, while Elijah M still received punishment. At the time many criticized the government as being a dictatorship or that it was afraid of minor change, as the instant prosecution for treason was appeared to show a level of bias against change. The view of the government did though, improve greatly after the bill was allowed public referendum.