Grand Feudal Empire of Wyndela

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Grand Feudal Empire of Wyndela
Grandioza Feŭda Imperio de Vindela (Esperanto)

Ymerodraeth Ffiwdal Fawr Windela (Welsh)

𐑜𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑿𐑛𐑩𐑤 𐑧𐑥𐑐𐑲𐑼 𐑝 𐑢𐑦𐑯𐑛𐑧𐑤𐑨
Flag of Example
Coat of arms of Wyndela
Coat of arms
Motto: "Potenco al Potenculoj" "𐑐𐑬𐑼 𐑑 𐑞 𐑐𐑬𐑼𐑓𐑩𐑤"
"Power to the Powerful"
Anthem: "La Internacio"
LocationVarious areas around the United Kingdom (mainly in Nottingham)
Official languages Shavian English, Esperanto
Recognised regional languagesCalewan, Welsh
Government Feudal Monarchy
Empress Ĉiopova I
• Commander In-Chief
Douglas I
LegislatureThe Empress's Chambers
Chamber of Ministers
Chamber of Lords
• Independence
October-November 2022
• Invasion/Liberation of Old Zamenhofgrad
3 January 2023
18 September 2023
• Total
10.239 ha (25.30 acres)
• 2023 estimate
• 2023 census
very high
CurrencyWyndelan valuto (WYN)
Time zoneUTC+0 (Wyndelan Standard Time)
• Summer (DST)
UTC+1 (Wyndelan Standard Time)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+447 (unofficial)
Internet TLD.wy (unofficial)

The Grand Feudal Empire of Wyndela, more commonly known as Wyndela, is a micronation in Europe. The nation gained independence from the United Kingdom gradually between October and November 2022. In January 2023, the area of Wynterra (modern day Zamenhofgrad) was liberated, and on 18 September 2023 with joining the Calewan Union, the province of Valmont left the nation peacefully and the Thorn Revolution overthrew the government and exiled the then-president, Princeps I. The Empress was installed as leader, and the current micronation was established.

Wyndela is a feudal monarchy, ruled by Empress Ĉiopova I. The Empress has complete control over the government and can make people Lords or Knights at their will. However, peasants have little to no chance of ever gaining any significant role in government.


The name of Wyndela can be traced back to two words. The Old English rune 'Wynn' (ᚹ), which meant 'blissful' in Saxon poetry. 'Dale' is a word common in the UK meaning hill, so the name of the nation translates to 'blissful hill'. The nation was called Wynndale as it was the area of the first location claimed by the Republic. Later, it was changed to its local name, Wyndela due to local outrage and anger of having an anglicised name.


On 7 November 2022, the Wynndale Independence War began. This was a long and bloody battle that resulted in a Wyndelan victory. For two weeks, until 28 November, the Provisional Government led by Viktor Umlært of the United Wyndelan Liberal Party led the country. Umlært was extremely unpopular and so a coup led by the current President and the GWSPP took charge. Many political experts believe that the coup was staged to make Wyndela be put into the public eye of other countries. However, this is just a theory and was strongly denied by the President and their Party. After this, on 3 January 2023, the Republic annexed Wynterra/Zamenhofgrad in the Battle of Stoke Field resluting in a Wyndelan victory. On April 20, the province of Valmont's borders changed with a new nation called Micro Chicken claiming some land. This was recognised by Wyndela but tensions were still high. In June 2023, the government began moving the capital to a new location in Wollaton Park, Nottingham. On June 30th 2023, the Wyndelans formally withdrew from the former location of Zamenhofgrad. In early July, a war was fought with Micro Chicken's succesor, Assinus, which resulted in Wyndela taking back the southern areas of Valmont province. On 18 September 2023, the Republic began joining the Calewan Union, a union of nations such as Sammich and Dova, when the province of Valmont seceded from Wyndela and kickstarted the Thorn Revolution, which ended up exiling Princeps I, and resulted in the new feudal monarchy.

Thorn Revolution

The TV hacking that encouraged protestors

On the morning of 18 September 2023, the Province of Valmont declared independence and the WRT TV network was hacked, encouraging people to attack the government, resulting in many protestors flooding the streets of the then largest city, Wynndale. The tactic employed by the People Control was to shoot at the crowd, causing a mass exodus from the city centre. After this, however, an arsonist burnt down the Imperial Offices in Wynndale. This led to Princeps I being evacuated to outer Wynndale Province, but however, at 12:34 p.m., Princeps I ran away from Wyndela, and their whereabouts are still unknown. At approximately 7 p.m. that same day, the new government was formed, and the Empress was crowned.

Feudal Wyndela

Ĉiopova I was voted in by the Committee for Monarchial Restruction, a group of 5 senior Wyndelan politicians who had roughly two hours to decide on the country's future, as mandated by the Calewan Union. The beginning of their reign was dedicated to the reversal of many laws passed by Princeps I, and the restructuring of Wyndelan society. On May 20 2024, Zamenhofgrad was formally handed over to the United Kingdom and the capital moved to Brikakastelo.[1] On 21 May 2024, the Calewan Union was dissolved and Wyndela founded NAMTO (Nottingham Allied Micronations Treaty Organisation), which comprised most of the former CU members, and is more symbolic over anything else. On 2 June 2024, in the Empress's Birthday Honours, Nettle Islands formally entered Wyndela as its newest province.

Government and politics

The Wyndelan Governemnt is de jure fully democratic. however it de facto retains some power to the Empress. It is quite a left leaning country, which is uncommon for monarchies. The Empress has expressed support for a Two-State solution in Palestine, as well as the Antifacist and the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and these beliefs are shared among most citizens. Unsuprisingly, the People's Party is often the majority election winner.

The Empress's Chambers

The legislative body of Wyndela is called the Empress's Chambers. It is split into two bodies, the higher Chamber of Ministers, and the lower Chamber of Lords.

Chamber of Ministers

The Ministers are chosen by the party with the largest proportion of votes. They decide important factors based off their roles. Each minister is usually an expert in the thing they are to govern. The roles in this chamber are:

  • Prime Advisor
  • Minister of Transport
  • Minister of Energy
  • Minister of Health
  • Minister of Education
  • Minister of Finance
  • Minister of Foreign Relations
  • Minister of Justice
  • Minister of Culture
  • Minister of Defence
  • Minister of Public Information

Chamber of Lords

Two lords are elected for each province, as well as two for the Autonomous Areas. They vote on key descisions whicha re then passed to the Ministers for approval.

Their Excellency, Their Holiness, The Most Noble, The Empress

The Head of State, the Empress has supreme control over the state and anything that it does. In the aftermath of the Revolution, the Empress directed a period of 'De-Princepication', which involved renaming cities and pulling down statues. The Empress also serves as the Overseer of Parliament.

Prime Advisor to The Empress

The Prime Advisor is the person who gives The Empress their ideas. They are personally chosen by The Empress, but is usually a Lord.

Law and order

An example of a mugshot

The law system in Wyndela is quite corrupt. It operates on a basis where law enforcement spins a wheel to determine guilt/other factors.

Foreign Relations

The Empire has notably good foreign relations. It recognises all member states of the United Nations, including observer states. Notably, Wyndela does not recognize the People's Republic of China and it also does not recognise Hawaii as a US state. Wyndela is also a member of the Union Against Micronational War, due to the Pacifist views of the government, which it joined on 23 March 2024.


Wyndela is part of a micronational union called NAMTO (formerly the Calewan Union). This union was spearheaded by Sammich and Wyndela. This alliance was formed because the Empress of Wyndela and the Emperor of Sammich are good friends.


A border crossing with the UK

Wyndela only borders the UK. The border is managed by the Wyndelan Border Force and the area with the most border crossings are the Parko-Strato (Park Street) Crossings in Zamenhofgrad. A border wall was orginally proposed by Viktor Umlært, but after the coup, the plans were scrapped. However, the Empress has expressed some interest in a wall recently.


The Wyndelan Military has four branches. They are quite powerful and have successfully annexed and kept control of multiple areas.


A Wyndela Independence Army vehicle in the UK, October 2022

The Army is the most notable for helping Wyndela become the state it is today. They battled for around a month in the long grasses of Nottinghamshire, and in January 2023 they swiftly annexed the territory of Zamenhofgrad from the UK.


The navy is rather small in Wyndela, as it is a land-locked nation. The only naval base is Empress Shipyards, on the River Trent. This location is retained from when the Empire withdrew troops from Old Zamenhofgrad.

Air Force

A render of a future WAF plane above the Peak District

The Air Force is also quite small, as there is no room for a runway, however, Wyndela is in an alliance with several UK airports to use their runways instead.


The largest branch of the Wyndelan military is the Gardisto (Police). effectively serving as a police force and undercover agents. They dress in traditional armour and can be found roaming the streets on horseback.

Admnistrative regions

Wyndela is split into four provinces: Brikakastelo, Ivwell, Adaklif, and Nettle Islands . All of them do not share any land borders as they are all disconnected areas of the country. There are also Autonomous Areas, like Mideland and Pinarbo.

Flag Name Officials Notes
Brikakastelo Supreme Lord of Brikakastelo, Sheriff of Brikakastelograflando The capital of Wyndela, the official residence of the Empress, and the location of the Government.
Adakilf Supreme Lord of Adaklif, Commander In-Chief Located in Froggatt, Derbyshire and named after the adders residing there. Home to the steepest road in Wyndela and Wyndela's largest national park.
Ivwell Supreme Lord of Ivwell, Tunnel Queen A deep sandstone cutting, with a abandoned tunnel at one end.
Nettle Islands Supreme Lord of the Nettle Islands, Empress of Wyndela Two islands located in the River Lin, Newtown Linford, Leicestershire. Named after the large nettles residing on the islands.

Geography and climate

Many areas of Wyndela are situated in Nottingham Sandstone, and so have good quality rock for digging. During British occupation, a railway line was built in the West End (also known as Garden End) of Brikakastelo. However, this railway line was closed in the 1960s, and the cutting was filled in the 1980s. An old railway sleeper stays as a reminder of the occupation. The climate is the same as the mainland UK, with the highest recorded temperature of the country being 35∘C, and the lowest being around -10∘C. The highest point in Wyndela is at an elevation of 265 metres.


Wyndela's economy is practically nonexistent, as it mainly relies on imports from the UK to function. However, there are some small farms in the Garden End of Brikakastelo, but these usually are kept inside the Empire. The currency, the Valuto is fixed at a rate of one Euro to one Valuto. The official currency of the Calewan Union, the Valora is also used unoficially for international commerce.


Wyndelan culture is very complicated, with many traditions. It dates back to ~2017 when the first independent nations were established on the current site of the republic. The culture stems from British culture, but foreign influences are visible. Pagan holidays are also celebrated.


English is the main language spoken in Wyndela, however, Esperanto is the fastest growing language in the nation, and Wyndela is hoping to become the first Esperanto speaking nation in the world. As well as this, English is encouraged to be written in the Shavian alphabet.


The preforming arts are very popular among Wyndelans, with art museums and monuments present throuought Wyndela. The Den Art Museum, in Brikakastelo, is a grafitti space taken over as an art space. There is also the Wyndelan Drama Society, starring in such films as Bond James: The Wyndelan Cases and The Revengers. The Wyndelan Library also has a small collection of vinyl records.


The most popular sports in Wyndela are:

  • Cycling
  • Rounders
  • Speedwalking
  • Athletics

These sports are played often by Wyndelans.


The people of Wyndela are strong readers and often can be found reading and writing novels. Popular books include 1984, War Doctor and Holes. There is also an online newspaper, the Wyndelan Times, a semi-regular online newspaper owned and run by the Government.


The national dish of Wyndela is Sweet Soup of Brikakastelo, which comprises of one Bramley cooking apple exploded in a microwave mixed with vanilla ice cream.


Wyndelans celebrate many holidays, and these are all holidays on which schools are closed.

Date Name Information
1 January New Year's Day The first day of the year.
31 January Trenwan Day The 31st day of the year, with 31 being a lucky number in Wyndela.
29 February Point Two Five Day Celebrating the four quarter days coming together for Leap Years.
11 March Parent Day A day to celebrate the efforts of parents
The date of Western Easter Chocolate Day How Easter is celebrated in Wyndela, albeit with no religious value, with chocolate eggs (Ĉokoladajovoj) being gifted.
1 May May Day A festival of ancient origins marking the beginning of summer, celebrated by spending time in nature.
31 May Birthday of the Empress The official birthday of the Empress.
4 July Might of the Empire Day A day to celebrate the military, political and economical might of Wyndela.
19 August Cacti Day A day to celebrate the national plant of Wyndela.
18 September Day of Thorns A day that celebrates the Thorn Revolution.
31 October Halloween Originally a Christian holiday, it has been reclaimed into the Festivalo de la Vekiĝo de Diablo (Devil's Awakening Festival).
5 November Traitor's Day A day where traitors are strapped to fireworks and exploded.
1 December Occasion Begins A Pastafarian holiday comprising all of December
14 December Independence Day The day the Empire formally separated from the United Kingdom.
25 December Christmas A Christian holiday invloving gift-giving, however the religious aspect is ignored by most Wyndelans.
31 December Auld Lang Syne Day The last day of the year, named after the song many Wyndelans sing at midnight.

External links

  1. A statement from Ĉiopova I