Second Nazaskian Empire

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Nazaskian Empire (Second Nazaskian Empire). Officially The Grand Socialist Anti-Furrist Republics of the Second Nazaskian Empire of Knoxia and Williamsburg and Oversea Territories of 1 Rock Land of Salanda

Officially The Grand Socialist Anti-Furrist Republics of the Second Nazaskian Empire of Knoxia and Williamsburg and Oversea Territories of 1 Rock Land of Salanda
Recognized national languagesNazaskian, Anti-Furrish, Braydlish, Brandlish, English, Russian, Spanish
Common languages{{ublist|English
• Monarch of the Narozaskian Empire
Brandon Lavine, Brayden Schwabe, Ian Mittens, Thomas
• Prime Minister
Bryson Finnel
• Secretary of the Army
William Gannon
• Head Administrator of the Empire
Rafe Dean
• Royal House
Summey Family
EstablishmentDate of the start
• 2023 estimate
GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
HDI (2023)0.955
very high
CurrencyUnited States Dollar, (NN)
Time zoneEST
Driving sideleft
Calling code+1

is a landlocked micronation in Eastern Tennessee that came next after the Narozaskian Republic September 7th, 2023 after the N-Word Rebellion of the Narozskian Republic which was the Narozaskian Civil War or Sherwoodian War that has been caused by Kaleb Sherwood over him finished the rest of the N-Word on Gartic Phone on a public live call on the former Narozaskian Republic Discord server.


The Name Nazaskia comes from Braydens Nazaskian Script or Nazaski Script. Old language text script.


Brandon and Brayden meet up

In 2016 on the playground at the end of a school name, Brandon was on the swings and Brayden was the kid who needed friends at the time and went on the swings and the met, they were talking about the popular videogame that everyone played which was Minecraft back in 2016 and they were both fans and decided to play together about it and the relationship started to rise up in an matter of minutes, they managed to become best friends in a matter of one week and they were finally friends.

The 2 had life's which they would tell as secrets and more about it. In first grade of 2017, Noah Osborn and William Gannon joined a party at MPS called "The Angels Group" which would be for the cool kids, they would have passed which you would have to use to join them. They signed signatures and that's how they joined the group, instead of them being the "Cool Angel" They were VERY annoying towards the Chairmen of the party. They were kicked and it almost made Brayden leave the entire group as well. Those 2 were also banned right before you even know and that was the end of it until second grade until the major war started.

Boys and Girls War

The deadliest war out of all of Nazaskian History started in 2018, The Boys Group wanted to prove that Girls sucked and that they were weak during the time period. Girls started attacking on a matter of days, Noah joined back and was now more mature and was a commander and leader. Brandon, Brayden, Noah were the official main leaders and then used attacking skill on them. however. Girls took over injuring 20 soldiers of the Boys side was injured and came home bleeding.

The Boys Team took 10 girls out. In result if there were no treaty, Boys would have lost. Treaty of the BaG was signed by Brayden and Emma on the day. At the end of the day. The war was so bad, the teacher even the principle discussed to not fight and not have any war conflicts. Day was settled out and no more wars happened until 5th grade started. However, The Girls made "Girls who Code" and made boys completely broke apart.

5th Grade

Madisonville Communist Party, officially the Madisonville Intermediate Communist Party (May 3, 2022 - June 13, 2022) Is a historic Micronation located at the Madisonville Intermediate School in Madisonville Tennessee where it is today a Micronational Territory of New MISCP.

Its "Human of Arms" is drawn on MS Paint where it is completely custom. The micronation had its idea gave on May 2nd, 2022 when Brandon LaVine had the idea to start the micronation as a party. The micronation agreed to start 1 day after and the MISCP officially began.

MISCP had a few SSR's such as Orange Tower, Playground, 5th Grade Hall, 4th Grade Hall, 3rd Grade Hall, Orange Hall, and Grasslands. This micronation also began as well due to the fall of the Meow Mix and Green Bean Army which was a MIS meme back in 2022. MISCP was mostly know for Battle of the Grasslands. A war when Emma and Natasha's Italian Fascist Party took up Orange Tower and had bases started in Grassland SSR.

Start of the MISCP

The nation started off as an idea or alternate nation back on February 28, 2022, to May 3, 2022. After it was formed, 2 of these girl's named Emma and Natasha which would form an Italian Fascist party attacked the owners and the areas which would start as the Battle of the Grasslands (May 10, 2022) That would be a hand fight, the Italian Party also had boys and girls having to raid the capital and and try to kidnap the presidents of the party. After the battle, MISCP won a successful victory making the Party really small and owning another piece of land. Nothing much happened but arguments in the land making it like Cold War in the lands making other small fights in the area we would have another Party going independent taking half land This would be the Madisonville Intermediate School Christan Party (dissolved 2 days later) which tried to be "Better" Party but shuted down and turned into a state, after that is fell on June 13, going into the Nazaskian Empire that was better and more peaceful to the Party

Battle of the Grasslands

link=File:Battle_of_the_Grasslands_Plan_A-_Battle_for_Orange_Tower.jpg|thumb|Battle for Orange Tower link=File:Battle_Plans_a_of_the_bully_and_steal_era.jpg|thumb|Bully and Steal Era Plans A On c. 3/8/2022 - 3/10/2022 was the Bully and Steal Era. This event was for mass bully's and attacks and raids. they also stole the Orange Tower and made it theirs.

Attacks went on until the 10th of the month. The war started with MISCP almost falling and losing. during that Era, Eddie Edwards the III Made fun saying the party was a joke and does not exist on school property. Brayden used a lie as this would never make it give up.

Eddie bullied too and Brayden bullied which made the The President angry but realized bullies from Brayden were fake. After a friend bullied, the war continued, and mass land stealing was very bad during this time.

Beatings continued throughout the time being for about 3 days, so an idea was put into during the war and an idea to stop it.

This would be changing Ideologies and More. Propaganda was an idea from Brayden Schwabe and it was successful and made more of the army and population join MISCP. Joining made more of a stronger army. Growth continued for the few days while the army was fighting during the time. Plans were put out by Brandon to be sure which way of attack was put on there.

The Images that are shown are possible accurate images used during the War by these plans during the Propaganda Era. These show the failed attacks of the injured soldiers during this.

The injured where upon this mission shown during this Era. Plan A was going from the mulch border and go to the party and attack, however, the chance failed, and they were forced to be beat and get tortured by them. The plan was a failure and so they try Plan B.

This Was also a failure. No image is shown for this, but they walked on The Grasslands and then they sneaked and beat them up. This only resulted in one being injured which was Kaleb Sherwood. After Plan B failed, they returned to base injuries from the party.

A war that was a part of Battle of the Grasslands was the completed success to the army. This war would have a capitalist named Chris go into the rock-climbing entrance 1 and the other 2 go in from rock climbing entrance 2 and from slide, this made the army surrender and win victory. This resulted in pushing and loud arguing. the team with their armies rushed in and defeated with no one getting hurt so that they can surrender and give back the capital to MISCP. They handshake which means "hand signature" and so the agreement was settled and then they win with a successful victory. This was the most attacked part of all parts of the war. The reason why the team surrendered as they were bothering too much to the point where they finally gave up and surrendered.

They won the capital and a lot of land and won a lot of the Grasslands which split the left side and gave their rest of the other side for them after the war making them win their victory.

Battle of the Mulch

Battle of the Mulch has started due too E&N alleged "accidental" mulch trowing at the monarchs, the battle began and the team threw mulch almost making MISCP lose. Brandon within that war would be injured. 12 minutes after war start, nobody has won the war and it was left 1 injured and that was the monarch

6th Grade

Nazaskia, officially The Grand Socialist Empire of Nazaskia and Monroe County or as referred to NE, Nazaskia, GSENMC, Nazaland. is a micronation that succeeds towards the MISCP, and it is located another school away from MIS Or MISCP. The countries population is the 29 people (not including territories.) Nazaskian Empire is a micronation that declared its independence from being the entire school of Madisonville Middle School. Micronations history started after the end of the MISCP when Brayden Schwabe needed help with coming up with, the idea of a new language thats written in the "Nazaski" Script. Nazaskia has several policies that makes the micronation unique. Nazaskian Empire does not allow love or affection Communist-Monarch President Brandon LaVine.

The micronation does not support furries at any point. Nazaskia has rewards that they give out on Discord with the 3 main ones being Hero of Grasslands, Hero of Dawson Team, and Hero of Nazaskia. Nazaskia has smaller rewards but these are the most rare ones. Nazaskian Empire as also claimed territories such as Nazaskian Proclaimed Republic of Furry and Knoxia.

NPRF is proclaimed territory in the country of France which takes over the entire micronation of Furria. Nazaskia has unique activities, E-Newspapers, and other amazing stuff that some micronations dont have. Nazaskia has 2 leaders Brayden and Brandon and the anthem is "Safety too you, Nazaskia!"

Nazaskian Empire is also known for helping Vanersia getting more residents and Nazaskia known for stopping a 9 minute war against the United Midwest Republic (Mock Government aka Online Country) and the Republic of Pantonia.

Early days of the Empire

On May 15, 2022. The day was settled at MIS, Nazaskian Empire, formed with all the populations of schools, formed the Nazaskian Empire. This had more politics and went on to change ideology to Socialist.

This made it more powerful and have more of an army there. There were still wars, and these wars would be the "End of the School Year Wars" and put it as the 2nd deadliest battles of the Nazaskian History. Once the school year was over. They surrendered to the end and made the Nazaskian Empire go to next school and it would make the Nazaskian Empire a little smaller in size and city would change. On 8/8/2022, The nation finally formed, after meeting with Joeseph Green at MMS. This was a start and a nation reborn of Nazaskia.

On the 8th, The firat day of the nation started, there was no wars in the area and the first day was smooth, nation was doing well and president Brandon Lavine had a panic attack on the first day because the schedule was messed up. This caused panic but he was calmed after, the nation did fine for the first 2 days until he brought in a lighter and then Battle of the Grasslands 2 started.

The Small Battles

Battle of the Grasslands 2

This war was only 2 days long but actually, no fighting was the result and NE won victory against the Italians making them win against peace. No injuries and Casualties were reported during the war, and this marks the only war in Nazaskian history with no fights, this is ranked 5th "deadliest" battle in Nazaskian history, no injuries were also reported.

Battle of the Landgrass

Landgrass war is a part of the 2nd deadliest battles. This is the only war that resulted in Nazaskian Empire in conclusion losing, there were war practices still going on, from the day another war named the "Anthoneian Civil War" Started. This battle was against, and questions were asked, before the war started, Nazaskian Empire surrendered towards E&N Italian Fascist Party which included the war to begin a few seconds later. NE started to rush to see what was happening and then they just invaded them to get them to back off.

Anthoneian Civil War

This battle was against, and questions were asked, before the war started, Nazaskian Empire surrendered towards E&N Italian Fascist Party which included the war to begin a few seconds later. NE started to rush to see what was happening and then they just invaded them to get them to back off.

Battle of the Spy's (Original Name: Battle of the Light Dark/Light)

Battle of the Spy's is a war of Nazaskian Empire. This war is ranked 1 and 2 and mass and huge beatings were in result. This war included with 3 new Nazaskian Residents. The new ones also joined the army and and being professionally trained. commander and leader Brandon lead the way by using the "Sword Stick" it was used during battle and was lost. All plans failed and spying action. Commanders were being called names. But they were spying so they can reach their attack goal. Now today, peace was made against them and nothing was took and a speech was gave at the end of the war. neither NE nor E&N won the war due to the peace treaty.

Battle of Dawson Team

A war due to the rumor called Brandon x Anthony Propaganda spread through the entire micronation and it caused war, later after 1 day, the team surrendered but then started to fight again, later on, and micronation named Teachers Base would reform and take down the team making a full-on victory for Nazaskia, as a result after the war, Nazaskia took down the Crip Party and Dawson Team party and owns the rest of the State of Grasslands. Dawson, leader of the party disagrees to peace and makes a rude remark said from Dawson "Our Answer to you is... F*ck you."

Nazaskias fall for a day and then a week.

Yesterday, on Discord, Nazaskian Empire fell and went into the micronation of Nazaskian Union. Nazaskian Union is POSSIBLEY The shortest lasting Micronation in history. Nazaskian Union goes by ideas of the day. Nazaskian Union fell a day after on a call about that they should not do this and stick it with NE from the time being from now on.

Brayden started to do a vote to kill off the country for about one week. This was a voting suggestion for Nazaskian Empire or DPRN. Brandon stopped the vote and thought it was a good idea to let DPRN to sit for a few days. It was in, while during the time, wars still happened, and nothing changed. The last day of DPRN ended due to the micronation getting bored out. On Discord, a discussion was settled to end the micronation. The micronation now has now fell and turned to normal, however, the flag was changed to a Soviet Union ratio sized flag.

How Nazaskia stopped a 9 Minute War

Nazaskian Empire Monarch Brandon had been on Discord and met up with United Midwest Republic. Then the United Midwest Republic was talking about how the Republic of Pantonia has been bullying a suicidal girl. UMR didn't know that the girl was actually a sexual harasser and acting depressed. However, before the conflict. Nazaskias allies named the TDC Empire, were talking about how the monarch of Django was telling about how nasty the girl was on the Discord server. After 9 minutes of the war. It was July 4th and Nazaskian Monarch had to meet up with Kaleb Sherwood for the fireworks. Not that he just calls him Independence Day, he calls this West-Pan Peace Day. Brandon even setted up flags that he made with his Canon MG2522 Printer to honor.

Activities and culture


The have their own languages, such as Nazaskian, Brandlish, Braydlish, and Anti-Furrish. While though that the language is still in heavy development, it is still spoken by using ChatGPT AI. Which is very useful.

National Sports

The Nazaskian National sports is Kickbottle, Wiffleball, Basketball, Plasticball, KIckball, and finally, Baseball. They also have leagues as well for these sports to be played, such as the Nazaskian Basketball League (NBL). And the Associated Baseball and Variants League (ABVL). They also have their own Discord where you can play e-sports, such as "Putt Party" and "Do You Know What I Meme".

Discrimination towards Furries.

The Nazaskian Republic has zero tolerance for furries. As Brandon is an extreme Anti-Furry and Communist. Brandon does not like furries as he thinks they aren't cute, very weird and sexual. As it also violates the law of his constitution which has been said on multiple of his Discord Servers and posts. They also have multiple leading Anti-Furry Parties and all residents on the Discord server is a full Anti-Furry.


The main Nazaskian religion is Christianity. As for them to be Anti-Furry, they shall be Christians.


The Nazaskian Republic has many sources of media, formerly a radio station (1NM Nazaskia and 2NM Eagles View Radio). They have their own newspaper as well called the Madisonville Middle Times. Which is their main newspaper of all the country that has been recognized by the Monroe County Buzz Newspaper.

Nazaskias fall and come back

Nazaskia fell 7/15/2023 at 12:00 AM EST after Nazaskia lost battle to the Nazis such as Mr. Milk on Discord server United Coalition. Brayden had plans to split Monroe County separately but has decided to retire and help Brandon when needed.

Article Vandalism

8/14/2023. This Microwiki Article has been spammed and had been vandalized by The Potmelon Republic and Anti-Narozaskian Bases invading the base, causing destruction to the article.

Anti-Anthony Wars of 2023 and 7th Grade.

Narozaskia, officially the Anti-Furry Socialist Republics of Narozaskia of Monroe County and the Knoxville Territories and Narozaskian Oversea Territories is a landlocked micronation in Eastern Tennessee preceded by the Nazaskian Empire after the 7/14/2023 Nazi Anti-Furry Conflicts called Operation: No Nazi. Nazaskia fell due too the name sounding like "Nazi" and the Operation: No Nazi Conflicts that caused the micronation to fall. Brayden Schwabe had retired and gave all of the Narozaskian Territories to Brandon Lavine when Brayden had gave up on the plan after the 15th. Narozaskia is really the rename of Nazaskia when it had fell and has gathered up the territories.

Before War

Before the start of school, on 7/27/2023, Narozaskian radio station, Eagles View Radio announced an EAS Broadcast on the upcoming wars that will take place within the start of school after a few weeks. At a ¨Welcome Back to School Dance.¨. Brandon had shown Travis (Anthony) propaganda that will make him hate him for a long time, with the Monarch announcing the war date and many other things. Brandon had contacted the Narozaskian Republic Discord server and the reason why this war was started other personal issues that had been caused by Brandon and Anthony relations that take it to an horrible level. The Monarch, Brandon had given out battle plans to the other monarch Brayden. But he had told Brandon to sign a protection order against Anthony. After a few days, the war was supposed to start on 8/15/2023 but it had to be started on 8/16/2023 due to reports of bad weather of the 2023 Monroe County Floods. Multiple allies plan on joining, such as Pantonia, Vanersia, DTR, and the TDC Empire. But this is only if these allies want to join.

Battle of Goatland

On 8/16/2023, the first battle took place on the Son of Grasslands. This battle was called Battle of Goatland, or First Movement Towards E&N. Chris Turner, as a soldier of the Narozaskian Republic had been captured and he would be called The Goat of Emma and he was told to act like a goat and be one, multiple soldiers, including, Kaleb Sherwood, and Rafe Dean. The leader of E&N Emma poured Sprite all over the Monarchs shirt and threw the can, luckily, he had blocked it and punched it to the side however, hitting innocent people near that tree. Narozaskian Forces calls it a tie for getting back their soldier Chris but also might have lost due to the severe attacks, but no one is injured.

Operation: Enduring Anti-Furrism

On 8/17/2023. Narozaskia has went to battle. E&N had not participated in battle, Brandon, Rafe, and Kaleb had all participated, while Kaleb beginning of the battle, Gabe Whitted had pushed onto Kaleb for Kaleb just telling him to "Shut up." Kaleb was pushed and punched while Monarch was trying to break of the fight. Rafe and Brandon had marched up to Anthony and had attacked. Chasing Anthony and capturing him a couple of times. Brandon had been physically harassed by 2 girls and Anthony had injured the Monarch on scene. While Rafe continuing going at him causing another capture for a short time. Brandon had yelled he was down, and other volunteers had come to get him up. After so, the battle had ended, and soldiers retreated but it is unknown if Narozaskia or Anthony's allies had won the battle or not.

Operation: Order by the Orange Banner (Planned name: Operation: Enduring Narozaskian Freedom)

On 8/18/2023. The last campaign of the Anti-Anthony Conflicts had taken role. 1 Injury occurring. Monarch of Narozaskia and Chris had come back, Brandon announced the plans, Chris and Brandon were there going to run to base, Brandon had given out a hand signal on where to go and run to, as of making it to base, Chris has been captured and forced to join the base, Brandon unaware of what to do, the Monarch had gone back to retreat to the tree, receiving criticism by many former residents. Brandon has also saw 2 more members also joining that would overpower the group. Brandon had a plan to strike Emma. Using a "Stick Strike". Brandon had used 3 Strikes, 1 being successful. The last 2, ended up being blocked by residents. The Monarch had known that it was over for the war. Since no soldiers were there to support him. Brandon had declared a surrender to the battle but had not until 10 minutes later, he had surrendered to the team. Brandon gathered his member, Andrew Raper at the time and they had marched with their hands up. link=File:Battle_Plans.png|thumb|The Strike plan map.

Brandon had known that the war was lost. But however, the team instead of hating on the Monarch, they actually decided to love on him and be proud for making his surrender. Getting along. The Monarch felt happy and had a sigh of relief due to this. The Monarch had stated the end of the war and he had joined E&N. They had agreed to an alliance and the Monarch had stated a speech. The Monarch had settled the situation and had told one of the members the cause of this war. Having its surrender and forgiveness accepted. Brandon with some troops had marched away before his mother had come by to pick him up early to go meet with the Mayor-President of Grannyville, Linda Myers. Brandon had stated the speech in the German language.

Only after a few days, the Narozaskian Republic announced to the DTR the surrender and then the server as well. Since Order by the Orange Battle was lost, within only 5 days prior after the surrender, the Treaty of Grasslandia was signed, following main signatories to be Emma, Brandon, and Anthony, while Narozaskian Soldiers signed was from Chris, Bryson, Rafe, and Kaleb. The treaty states for the gays may join but they shall hate furries and they shall be a Communist, also they shall show no affection towards Monarch Brandon LaVine.

Naro-Noah-Karma War

The N-N-K Conflict was a short-lasting conflict that resulted in no injuries but would also be important for the probably be important because there were attempted IP Address grabbing and many lasting arguments and rumors.

The conflict was not really a problem, but it had started getting to the point on a school dance where this girl named Karma has been giving dares, like sexual harassing Brandon LaVine, such as touching him behind. And due to the fact, this has also been going on since for a while. On the other hand, Noah Aranda, has been spreading a rumor, while Noah was a bully, he would ever never really target the Monarch. It was a rumor about sending inappropriate pictures to an AI on a known website called While though it isn't true at all. Brandon has had context, he had said that had removed the option of sending pictures and if he would, admins would have banned him. Leading no beliefs. This had still continued for a long time before a teacher had noticed the IP grabbing plans. The Monarch and Principle worked out and managed to get Noah and the girls out the way and call it a huge apology. The N-Word Civil War and fall of Narozaskia

The N-Word Civil War, Narozaskian Civil War, or N-Word Rebellion was started during a Gartic Phone match while Prime Minister, Kaleb Sherwood had finished the N-Word in a sentence during the match, the Discord server then started going to chaos a few minutes prior. The Narozaskian Empire was collapsing, many DTR Soldiers, Derek and Anthony Muller were on the VC and had to leave, the Monarch, Brandon had surrendered and had wrote the file before Brayden