Republic of New Saint Johns

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State of New Saint Johns
Flag of Republic of New Saint Johns
Coat of arms of Republic of New Saint Johns
Coat of arms
Motto: "The ruler is you, the ruler is me."
Location of Republic of New Saint Johns
and largest city
New Saint Johns (Formerly Newf City)
Other languagesEnglish
Demonym(s)Saint Johnner
GovernmentMilitary Republic
• General Secretary
Cameron C. Strickland
Establishment12 January 2023
(as Peoples Republic of Saint Johns)
19 January 2023
(as Republic of New Saint Johns)
CurrencySlush de jure
Canadian Dollar de facto
Time zoneEastern Standard Time

New Saint Johns is no longer using Microwiki to present itself as we would prefer a privately made information page. NSJ's history up until the previous edit is here.

New Saint Johns, officially the Republic of New Saint Johns, is a North American micronation landlocked within the city of Kitchener. It is unofficially a Democratic-Anarchy.

The Peoples Republic of Saint Johns was founded on the 12th of January, 2023 before being replaced by the Republic of New Saint Johns The young nation, ruled by its first and only Dictator, was immediately a superpower in its region. Its neighbor, Dominion of Flouron, had existed years before New Saint Johns and did not like its power being challenged. This has resulted in large tensions, wars, and proxy wars which have rocked the small micronation for ages.


New Saint Johns was founded on 12 January 2023. Known at the time as the Peoples Republic of Saint Johns, Newfieboi was declared President. The nation was calm in its first few days, besides making its flag (Same one as todays flag) and marking its territory. Eventually, on the 19th of January, just a week later, it was renamed to the Republic of New Saint Johns.

First Flouronian - Saint Johnner War

New Saint Johns first conflict was a result of Dominion of Flouron asking for a loan, and not paying it back. This conflict occurred some time in February, 2023. New Saint Johns had demanded its money back several times over the time between its formation, and the time of the conflict. As a result of Flouron not paying its debt, New Saint Johns invaded. New Saint Johns quickly took over the Flouronian Capital city, before the two sides made a peace deal and the Saint Johnner's had to retreat. More info in First Flouronian - Saint Johnner War

The peace treaty consisted of few demands, shown below.

  • Flouron pays debt to New Saint Johns
  • Flouron organizes their territorial usage
  • Flouronian armed forces cease to exist
  • New Saint Johns retreats back to home territories

Dominion of Flouron would proceed to refuse to do these demands afterwards, which lead to more tension.

First Allies

After the war with Dominion of Flouron, a new micronation formed just north of New Saint Johns, the Northern Empire. Northern Empire, lead by the Sister of Dictator Cameron, had very good relations with New Saint Johns. They had formed a military alliance which allowed New Saint Johns to send weapons to the Northern Empire in the case of a conflict with Dominion of Flouron.

Second Flouronian - Saint Johnner War

Two months later, in March 2023, Dominion of Flouron had still not paid its debts and still had a army. New Saint Johns threatened war against Flouron, stating "If you refuse, we have the right to invade" Flouron had still rejected the demands, overconfident that their struggling government and weakening army would defeat the Saint Johnner Forces. New Saint Johns had not known the issues of Flouron at the time, so they had asked for their ally, Northern Empire, to help. At 9:50 PM at an unknown date, Saint Johnner and Northern Empire Forces entered Flouronian territory. It was a quick yet intense battle, with New Saint Johns Forces busting past the defense and catching the Flouronian Forces off guard. Northern Empire Forces fired Apon the Flouronians, but they failed to neutralize any targets. Saint Johnner and Flouronian forces clashed for a short amount of time before a truce was agreed on and, with foreign influence, Flouron paid its debts. More info on the Second Flouronian - Saint Johnner war here.

Over the next few months, it was peaceful. New Saint Johns developed its army, got new weapons, and founded its newspaper: New Saint Johns News (Now NSJ News) New Saint Johns Researched newer technologies, such as Artillery, Tanks, and Ships.

First ever Peacekeeping Operation

On the 23rd of June 2023 a dispute started between Dominion of Flouron and Northern Empire which resulted in conflict just next to the Republic of New Saint Johns. The conflict was over neutral territory, but still very close to New Saint Johns. New Saint Johns had heavily disliked this conflict, and without any permission by Flouron and Northern Empire, sent peacekeepers to deal with the conflict. This was the first time any micronation had sent peacekeepers to stop a conflict between other micronations, and this day is now celebrated as "Proven day" in New Saint Johns. During the peacekeeping mission, a New Saint Johns soldier was attacked by a Northern Empire soldier, and had fought in self defense. This resulted in the Republic of New Saint Johns breaking the alliance with Northern Empire and Sanctioning them. The conflict had ended shortly after and the peacekeeping operation was declared a success by the Dictator of New Saint Johns.

Failed Northern Empire Coup

On the 14th of July 2023 the Republic of New Saint Johns attempted a coup on its former ally, the Northern Empire in order to remove its monarchy and replace it with a more stable government. At about 8:50 PM New Saint Johns Forces moved into Northern Empire, instantly holding their leader hostage and temporarily occupying the nation. However, the Flouronian Forces were nearby, and heard the fighting, and so the Flouronian forces moved to the Northern Empire to investigate. The NSJ Forces attacked the Flouronian Forces, believing they were helping Northern Empire. This distracted NSJ, resulting in Northern Empire freeing their leader and pushing NSJ back to the neutral territory. Flouron, wanting to assist, fired apon the NSJ Forces, but a misfire occurred and struck a Northern Empire Soldier. This resulted in the Northern Empire retaliating and causing a 3 way battle. The 3 nations fought for 40 minutes before Flouron retreated for unknown reasons and NSJ was able to continue its coup. NSJ failed to push Northern Empire anymore, and chose to retreat under enemy fire. This battle was an embarrassment for NSJ's government and resulted in a military modernization program for New saint johns.

The Hallson Crisis

The Hallson Crisis was a long undeclared conflict between NSJ and Northern Empire over a certain bit of territory known as North Hallson. This land was a very strategic point for any side, and NSJ and Northern Empire were very interested in it. Both sides claimed the territory, but could not come to an agreement to who should own it. This resulted in several border conflicts over the territory. Neither side saw it as a war and tried several times to keep the peace, but nothing would work. Eventually, the Saint Johns Ground Force managed to push the North Empire army out and a treaty was signed which stated that NSJ was to own North Hallson.


After the end of the Hallson Crisis, NSJ expanded. They annexed a region of forest less then a kilometre away from NSJ known as Borden Creek, along with a park just east of the capital.

Borden Creek, NSJ

End of Northern Empire Influence

In the middle of NSJ's expansion, the Northern Empire surrendered to NSJ, eventually retreating to its home territory and giving NSJ all of Hallson.

Third Flouronian - Saint Johnner war

On November 2nd, 2023 the Flouronian Insurgency began a major offensive through the Greater New Saint Johns City region and through the Northern Empire, sparking the Third Flouronian - Saint Johnner War. It began at 6:20 PM with the Flouronia Insurgents beginning an attack and retaking their newly formed capital, Flouronia City from the Saint Johns Ground Force. The battle was short as there was little resistance from the NSJ. An hour later, they began the offensive through Hallson Province and again, did not face much resistance. The Flouronians quickly advanced and by 7:25 they had already taken Hallson. Fighting began on the border of the Northern Empire just minutes later and not long after, they began an offensive through Northern Empire. Their invasion of Northern Empire was stalled however, and just 10 minutes after the offensive began, the Northerners began a counteroffensive along with the NSJ. NSJ was in a perfect position to cut off Flouronia supplies, and took that advantage, allowing the Northern Empire to liberate its territories along with a section of Hallson Province. However, the Flouronians managed to beat the Saint Johnners back and make it back into their own territory whilst being chased down by the Northerners. After the Flouronian forces retreated, NSJ retook its territory back and the Northern empire agreed to transfer its territories occupied to NSJ. After this, the NSJ began a siege of Flouronia and a day later, they surrendered and were reinstated into the NSJ as a province.

End of the Troubles

It was December 23rd when the Government of NSJ officially announced that The Troubles (NSJ) (All the conflict and instability in 2023) were over. Shortly after this announcement, the NSJ went on a reformation spree. They had reorganized the provincial borders entirely and finally began making the government less corrupt.

Battle for Hallson

The Battle of Hallson occured on January 6th, 2024 when the SJGF announced they would build a military outpost in Hallson City to "Counter Terrorism." The Northern Empire, who was an ally of the NSJ, saw this as a threat and began an attack on the newly-made outpost. The Northern Empire Armed Forces were armed with weapons the NSJ leased to the Northern Empire, essentially using NSJ's weapon against itself. The battle began late around 9:30 PM on January 6th, 2024. The Northern Empire Division sent to the outpost was poorly trained and had very little ammunition stocks. This was due to the NSJ being their only supplier of weapons and ammunition and had full control over what they gave the Northern Empire, as such they decided to limit the amount of ammunition sent to the Northern Empire and only gave them single-shot weapons. This doomed the N.E Division. The NSJ had 2 divisions in the outpost at the time, the 1st Infantry Division and the 1st Special Operations Unit. They outgunned the Northerners and had much more ammunition. When the Northerners attacked, their force was immediately suppressed by the 1st Infantry and Special Operation units and they were forced to take cover. The SJGF Forces attempted to push back the Northerners but the 1st Infantry Division (the one specified for this task) had the wrong kind of weapons for such an offensive and was unable to do such. The Northerners were having a severe ammunition storage and as such they allegedly moved their whole ammunition reserves to a small warehouse outside of the battle. This temporary ammunition depot would be found near the end of the conflict by the NSJ. The Northern Empire had the same issue as the 1st Infantry Division and did not have the correct weaponry for an offensive. Eventually after about an hour, the SJGF had drained so much of the Northern Empire's ammunition reserves and exhausted them so much that the Northern Empire could not even fire their weapons most of the time and as such the 1st Infantry division was able to push the Northerners back and besiege them. Shortly after, the Northern Empire surrendered and all its weapons were confiscated.


The Greater New Saint Johns City Area has mostly flat terrain and is only plains. The Borden Creek Territory is a forested and moist area with a creek going through the middle, named Borden Creek, which is where the territory gets its name from. Elmsdale Territory is the largest territory, being mostly grassland with a small forest at the northern tip. It is a very hilly region.


New Saint Johns has a cold climate, being pretty far north. Its average temperature during winter is -5 Degrees Celsius and in summer, 25 Degrees Celsius.

Infrastructure and tourist attractions

In the Greater New Saint Johns City Area you can find The house of the dictator, Fort Johns, Elmsdale Warehousing, and plenty more buildings. The best tourist attraction there is Fort Johns, but it is not well maintained. In The Borden Creek Territory you can find Borden creek, one of the longest creeks in Kitchener. It does not have much infrastructure as accessing the territory is time consuming. In Elmsdale Territory there is a large but not very interesting park which is quite calming.

Government and politics

New Saint Johns is a Dictatoral Republic. New Saint Johns is ruled by its House of commons, but it is known that the government has most control over the H.O.C to only have people that agree with the dictators bills and acts, so as a result; dictator Cameron has most of the control. The country has a small police force, but the police force is owned by the Minister of defense.

Political Parties

The NSJ had 4 political parties with 1 having lead the country for its entire existance. The Dictatoral Party of NSJ is the political party of which the dictator of the nation is leader of. It is a Socialist-Democratic party with very militaristic policies. The Creatoral party was the original opposition to the Dictatoral Party but it eventually disbanded before reforming and only running in the Port aux Basque province, it was the same ideology as Dictatoral Party. The National Progressive Party of NSJ was the opposition for quite a while and had most seats and victories in most provinces. The National Progressive Party had a Liberal-Democratic party with policies focusing on equality and a true Democracy. The Peoples Party was a Socialist party and focuses on de-corrupting the nation and militarizing whilst also making things equal, however their popularity was tarnished after the NSJ Civil Conflict occurred where they revolted and tried to overthrow the Dictatoral Government. Nowadays the NSJ is a full dictatorship run by the Dictatoral party

Parties in NSJ
Name Logo Party Leader Ideology Seats in Parliament
Dictatoral Party Cameron C. Strickland Social-Democracy
13 / 13


New Saint Johns' economy is essentially non-existant, as they do not need one. However, they do have a currency which isnt used but does exist. The official currency of the Republic of New Saint Johns is the Slush, which is worth 2 Canadian Dollars. The Slush is split into 100 Flakes. The Slush is named after Slush, a watery or partly melted snow, and the Flake is named after Snowflakes. It is named after these things due to them being very common during the winter.


As of August 27 2023, the population is currently around 11. The sole official language of NSJ is English, but a portion of the population does speak Canadian French


New Saint Johns' Culture is based off of that of the surrounding nation, Canada.

Media and music

The leading news station in New Saint Johns is "NSJ News" which has 3 variations, including:

  • NSJ News Visual
  • NSJ News Digital
  • NSJ News Express

NSJ News Visual is the video version of NSJ News, only having 1 broadcast so far. NSJ News Digital is the digital newspaper version, its the most popular news source in NSJ NSJ News Express is the physical newspaper version, it is the least popular. NSJ News is a State owned media. New Saint Johns makes music rarely, it is typically for the state, or for outsiders.


Saint Johnner Cuisine is exactly the same as the Canadian cuisine.

Public holidays

Public Holidays in New Saint Johns are mainly patriotic holidays, with some being from military victories and others being major political events, however there is other events which are remembered. Holidays include:

  • Johns day - 12 January
  • Space Shuttle Columbia Remembrance Day - 1 February
  • Dictators Day - 27 May
  • Proven Day - 23 June
  • Discovery Day - 26 June
  • Memorial Day - 1 July
  • Canada Day - 1 July
  • Terry Fox Day - 21 August
  • Dogs Day - 12 September
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - 30 September
  • Thanksgiving - 9 October
  • Remembrance Day - 11 November
  • Christmas - 25 December
  • New Years - 31 December - January 1

National symbols

New Saint Johns most well known symbol is its flag, featuring two triangles, one white triangle in the top right standing for peace and cold weather, the lower left grey triangle standing for modernization.

New Saint Johns Flag

Military Branches

The NSJ Armed Forces consist on only two branches, them being the Saint Johns Ground Force and Saint Johns Intelligence Agency. The NSJ used to have a Air and Naval force, but deemed them as useless and they were disbanded.

alt text
Ground Force
alt text
Intelligence Agency


The Republic of New Saint Johns adopted its anthem, "The Ruler is Me!" sometime during March 2023, it was then replaced by a less controversial version in April. On October 7th, 2023, New Saint Johns changed its anthem to the current one, "We will never fall!"

Other symbols

New Saint Johns' national food is Poutine, a food made in Quebec of which is loved within NSJ. The national animal is the Siberian Husky. The coat of arms can be seen below.