NSJ Civil Conflict

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New Saint Johns Civil War
Date3 October 2023 - Now
Status Ongoing


On October 2nd, 2023, the Peoples Party of NSJ began a plot to overthrow the government of NSJ and was found out only an hour after creation. The plot was named Operation Rerise and was a plan to make NSJ Communist. New Saint Johns and the Dictatorial party, hating communism, censored the Peoples Party after the plot was exposed, this lead to the Saint Johns Civil War.

On October 3rd the civil conflict began. The civil conflict was a result of the Peoples Party of NSJ planning to overthrow the government and being exposed. The conflict saw no fighting but the Borden Creek Territory was occupied by the communists for the duration of the event. No shots were fired in the conflict and a peaceful resolution was made just a few hours after the conflict started. The treaty consisted of:

  • Peoples Party of NSJ backs out of Borden Creek
  • NSJ begins a decorruption operation
  • Peoples Party can run in the elections, but cant vote in the House of Commons

On 12 October 2023, during an election in New Saint Johns, the People’s Party of NSJ started a rebellion. The People’s Republic of New Saint Johns claimed the Borden Creek Territory as their own.