Republic of Inocria

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Republic of Inocria
Республика Инокрия (Russian)
Republic of Inocria (English)
Республіка Інокрія (Ukrainian)
Flag of Republic of Inocria
Coat of arms of Republic of Inocria
Coat of arms
Motto: "Democracy. Liberty. Equality."
Anthem: "We're walking over wide fields"
Largest cityIzria (10465 m2)
Other languagesEnglish, Russian, Comwrex
Secular state
GovernmentPresidential-premier Republic
• Head of Legislative Assembly
Alex Blaine
• Deputy Head
Absent (since Dec 1, 2023)
Legislature[Parliament of Inocria
• Independence of Pacifia
November 1, 2022
• Independence of Inocria
December 1, 2023
• Constitution ratified
December 4, 2023
• Total
0.05730579 km2 (0.02212589 sq mi) (Unknownth)
• 2024 census
GDP (PPP)Q1 2024 estimate
• Total
CurrencyInocrian Rin (IRN)
Time zoneUTC+2:30
Date formatMM.DD.YYYY, sometimes DD.MM.YYYY
Calling code+7949, +7950, +7900, +38071

The Republic of Inocria, shortly Inocria, is a micronation located in the Donetsk People's Republic, which is a separatist state inside of Ukraine. Ranks 108th in list of micronations (by territory).


It is located in Zorya village, which is occupied by Donetsk People's Republic, a secessionist state located in Donetska oblast of Ukraine. and is a successor to Pacifia, a micronation, which was there from 1 November 2022 until 30 November 2023. It was formed because the micronation needed big reformation.


"Inocria" was selected in a week through random word generator.


Pacifia period

Firstly established as Republic of Pacifia on 1 November 2022, Inocria tried to have a purely neutral standpoint, but was quickly involved in war.

Thaisia Autonomous Region

A region in Zorya, commonly called 'centre' was liberated in 1 August 2023, through a series of attacks on Armed Forces of Pacifia and DE by 6-7th graders between March 2023 and August 2023. The region consists of a large square, an area in front of the House of Culture, a sports ground, and wooden buildings, as well as a gazebo, as well as swings, slides, and sandboxes.


Iucrium is located in a house and yard on Mirny lane, which is part of the intersection Sadovaya - Mirny - Exit - Mirny. It was established on 6 May 2023 through an attack of an Armed Forces soldier, who came with peace. A 4-hour war with self-proclaimed Confederacy broke out. Pacifia won, and Confederacy was disestablished just two weeks later.

Tean Region

Was the first region in Pacifia, being established in December 2022. Part of it was given to a Confederacy on 11 March 2023, when it was established. Since 21 May 2023, the territories are given back to locals. The Tean region is located on Molodizhna street, and is currently is held (partially) by Inocria.

Inocria period

Inocria declared independence from Pacifia, dissolving Republic of Pacifia the same day. Inocria accepted constitution on 4 December 2023, opening citizenship and deputyship application, until Russian elections on 17 March 2024, on 21 December 2023. Inocria has also annexed new Zoryan territories.

Region of Clares

Region of Clares consists of abandoned land close to Greentown, capital of the region. These abandoned places were annexed 10 December 2023.

Legislative Assembly is located in it's capital.

Greentown is a newly found city with experimental status.

Scoana Region

Initially was established on 15 January 2024, and has been officially incorporated on 28 April 2024.

Money Crisis 2024

Crisis began five minutes before noon on 27 April 2024. Somebody stole 86.6 USD from mother of Alex Blaine.

An improvised court case had occured over course of next four or so hours.

Inocria together with DE woved to help the family and repay 86.6 USD.

Participation in competitions

Inocria submitted an application to compete in Schpecktenia's MIGON Winter Games of 2024. Although..

Politics and government

Legislative Assembly (Creator Congress)

This is a pro tempore unicameral parliament of Inocria, established on December 1, 2023.

After HoCC Act #10 (#1/424) was signed, the parliament was renamed to Legislative Assembly.

Law and order

The system is currently based on Constitution, but as more Codes will be written and ratified, it's usage will expand.



Keeps the following weaponry:

  • P-757 (Chinese)
  • NERF Elite N-Strike Jolt
  • 319 (Chinese)
  • 500+ bullets, three types


2 active (beginning April 2024)


Ministry of Reunification

The ministry of Reunification is responsible for reunifying with Ukraine, and is based off Korean peninsula's ministries. It was established on 1 December 2023 for maintaining connection with Ukraine.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Established 1 December 2023.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

It was established on 1 December 2023, and is responsible for internal things like law enforcement and public security.

Ministry of Energetics and Resources

Was established on 10 December 2023, after first blackout in Inocria.

Ministry of Finances and Commerce

A planned position for establishment in end of 28 December 2023, designed for economical growth of Inocria.

Ministry of Healths

Was established on Christmas Eve 2023 (24 December 2023) for mental and physical health monitoring of people's of Inocria.

Ministry of Culture and Information

Was established on 23 December 2023, after seeing the situation with propaganda and everything fully. Goal is to provide real information and enlighten people with culture of the village.

Ministry of Defense

Established 1 December 2023, is for defending Inocria and fighting against anyone people want.

Ministry of IT & Sports

A planned position for establishment in 2024 after MIGON WG 2023 and MOF request are done.

Ministry of Tourism

As there is not much, this position is not really needed, but planned for 2024.

Ministry of Ecology

Position established on April 29th, 2024. For preserving nature as-is.

Foreign relations

Inocria uses soft power and negotiations to reach the goals and satisfy both sides. It is idealistic and open to diplomacy, and economic incentives.

Unilateral recognition

Mutual recognition

Not recognized by Inocria

Administrative regions

Currently, Inocria has five regions.

Flag Arms/Seal/Emblem Name Area Population Officials
Iucrium Region 7 582,82 sq. meters 2 dogs, 2 people Head of state
Tean Region 24 842,30 sq. meters 2 people, 4 cats and 3 dogs Alex Blaine

Ministry of Defense Ministry of Ecology

Scoana Region 6 665,87 sq. meters 0 people Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Ecology

Autonomous territories
Thaisia Autonomous Region 10 775,16 sq. meters Transit point, no constants

recorded yet

Lyubov Vladimirovna (de-facto)

Teacher Committee (de-facto) Ministry of Reunification (de-jure)

Clares Region 7 439,64 sq. meters 5 people, 1 dog, 1 cat Alex Blaine

Ministry of Reunification Ministry of Energetics and Resources


Inocria is currently not releasing any money into circulation, and using Russian ruble.


Holidays, established by law:

Date Name Remarks
31 December - 1 January New Years Celebrating new year.
5 January Media Day Celebrating all media;
14 January Julian New Year A day, that is a tradition for locals (making money off of it :)))
8 March Women's Day The 2nd biggest by spending amount.
14 March Day of Diplomatic Services Day which commemorates anniversary of Pacifia partnering up with Kirbia.
Last saturday of March, 8:30-9:30pm Earth Hour All non-essential electricity off. Proposed by: Ministry of Energetics and Resources.
1 April April Fools Because why not.
2 April Liberty Day Day of official beginning of Liberation of Zorya by Armed Forces of Pacifia in 2023.
9 April Founding Fathers' Day Day established for celebrating the life of first Zoryan micronation of UIT, which was established April 9, 2022 and disbanded April 28, 2022.
12 April Cosmonautics Day Remembering the day, when the first person was sent in space.
1 May International Workers Day Peace. Work. May. Drink all day!
9 May Victory Day Remembering our fathers and grandfathers, who have fought in Great Patriotic War (Eastern front;WW2)
25 May Holy Day A purely holy day for school students in Inocria, because on this day summer holidays begin.
June Pride Month Celebrating all LGBTQIA+ people of the world!
Third Sunday of June Father's Day Celebrating Inocrian Fathers
1 August Border Guards Day Day celebrating Border Guarding Service of Inocria, and remembering Centre capture by Pacifian Armed Forces.
September Suicide Prevention Month Following Dracul's example, and having a success in establishing a Discord server about mental health, it was decided to dedicate September to SPM.
1 September Day of Knowledge Now the school begins.
10 September Day of Liberation from Fascism Mariupol was liberated from Nazi Germany on September 10th, 1943.
12-13 September Programmers Day 256th day. Celebrates Inocrian Programmers and Hackers, suggested by Ministry of IT & Sports
31 October Halloween Not scary.
1 November Thanksgiving Day to say "thanks" for all to God.
3 December Television and radiocommunications day Day, when first TV channel in Inocria was established
4 December Constitution Day Day, when Constitution of Inocria was adopted.


Date Name Remarks
4 May Star Wars day May the Fource be with you.
4 April 404 Day Information not found.

Geography and climate

Inocria is landlocked inside Zorya village of Donetska oblast. Climate is awesome: hot in summer, good for spring, warm in autumn, and the winter is just at random.



There are 20 Russian channels broadcasting on territories of Inocria. But sometimes channels could be manually added.


There are 14 Russian radio stations broadcasting in Deseret as of now.

  • 90.4 FM (Radio Russia)
  • 91.1 FM (Europe Plus)
  • 94.3 FM (Road Radio)
  • 96 FM (not broadcasting)
  • 97.6 FM (Radio Chanson)
  • 98 FM (not broadcasting)
  • 101.3 FM (Russian Radio)
  • 101.7 FM (Autoradio)
  • 102.8 FM (HUMOR FM)
  • 103.4 FM (Radio Breeze)
  • 104 FM (LOVE Radio)
  • 104.6 FM (Radio Comsomol Truth)
  • 105.8 FM (Children's Radio)
  • 106.9 FM (Vesti FM)
  • 107.3 FM (Radio Zvezda (Star))

External links


What's interesting in blackouts in Inocria, that all last approximately 18 hrs. and not a minute longer.