Principality of Senkland

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Principality of Senkland / Fürstentum Senkland
Capital city Fürstenstadt
Largest city Fürstenstadt
Official language(s) English and German
Official religion(s) None
Short name Senkland
Demonym Senkese


Government Absolute monarchy
Prince Chris
Established June 20, 2022
Area claimed 5.58 acres
Population 5 (as of 2022 census)
Currency USD, Senkese Dollar
Time zone UTC−05:00
National sport Swimming
National animal Calico cat
Flag of Senkland

The Principality of Senkland, more commonly known as Senkland, is a micronation in western Pennsylvania. This nation was created following the dissolution of all former micronations by Prince Chris, with his Majesty saying that "a clean slate is needed, Senkland seems to be exactly right for me." It was officially established on June 20, 2022, at midnight local time.


The name Senkland originates from the German word for "valley", Senke. The geographical location of Senkland is a valley, so the name was made accordingly.


The nation officially came to be on June 20, 2022. Due to the nation's new emergence, no other major events have occurred.

Politics and government

The government is ruled solely by Prince Crust, who has all the power, making the nation an absolute monarchy.

Map of Senkland

Law and order

The nation is considered to follow the same laws as the United States, as no official law book has been written. The prince, being one of the only residents, also controls the police and judicial branch.

Foreign relations

Senkland has yet to establish relations with any nation.


The military is very small, with only one troop, Prince Crust. He uses BB guns as his weaponry.

Geography and climate

The climate is as expected for Pennsylvania, a strong winter and summer. Temperatures, on average, can reach as high as 83 degrees Fahrenheit in July and as low as 16 degrees Fahrenheit in January.


The economy is quite small, only boasting around $20 on hand, with $105 stored in the Prince's bank account.

Culture and media

The nation follows American and some German cultures. No schools are in the nation, so all citizens are instead sent to nearby schools in the United States. It speaks English and German, as the Prince can speak both.

Press is nearly free, but there are some limits, such as slandering the Prince or his actions or reporting on classified topics.