Presidential Line of Succession (Aumarea)

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The United Federation Presidential Line of Succession is the order in which the Vice President of the United Federation and other officers of the United Federation Government assume the powers and duties of the Aumarean Presidency (or the office itself, in the instance of succession by the vice president) upon an elected president's death, resignation, removal from office, or incapacity.

Line of Succession

The order of succession specifies that the office passes to the vice president; if the vice presidency is simultaneously vacant, or if the vice president is also incapacitated, the powers and duties of the presidency pass to the Speaker of the House of Delegates.

The line of succession can be amended by an Act of Congress.

Constitutional Provisions

The UF Constitution provides some provisions for the succession of the presidency.

Presidential Eligibility

The constitution outlines a number of requirements to become president based around citizenship, length of residency within the federation and age.

Presidential Succession

Presidential succession is mentioned once in the constitution. Article I, Section I, Clause 6 of the constitution makes the vice president first in the line of presidential succession and allows for Congress to provide by law for cases in which neither the president nor vice president can serve

See also