Perejil-Iran War

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Perejil-Iran War
Perejil-Iran War
DateMarch 20, 2012 - Present
(12 years, 171 days)
Result Ongoing

Socialist Republic of Perejil
Green Movement Rebels
Appalachian Socialist Republic
New Catalonia


Islamic Republic of Iran

Western Iranian Militias

Mediterranean Pirates Empire

Commanders and leaders

President Olegari B. Oliver
Prime Minister Arthur B. Oliver
Defence Minister Daniel G. Casals
Captain General Ricard C. Montagut
President Oriol A. Pérez

Field General Mac Coat

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ayatollah Miquel the Great
Emperor Xabi Caname
General Xavié Pendragon

king mojtaba


S.R.P. Armed Forces
A.F. of New Catalonia
Green Rebels Activists

Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Navy Pirates Mediterranean
Casualties and losses
0 50+ injuries

The Perejil-Iran War is an ongoing conflict (in essence symbolic due the different nature of the main belligerents) between the Socialist Republic of Perejil and the Islamic Republic of Iran. It began as a preventive action of Perejil, who thought that Iran was a danger to humanity due to his increasing nuclear power and that its government was oppressive with their citizens, as the world could see in the Iranian Green revolution (2009-2010). The objectives of the Socialist Republic are finishing with the Ayatollahs regime and, with that, avoid a world conflict which would include USA and Israel, that, according to Perejil's authorities, would damage the iranian population and affect their sovereignty. At the moment, this will be made supporting in anything possible the rebel forces in the Islamic country.

As the Iranian troops are extremely much bigger than the Perejilian ones, it is seen as a Symbolic war of support of Iranian Rebels. However, since the beginning of the conflict, a lot of other micronations and organisations have joined to fight in it, becoming a war that englobes other minor conflicts. It is probably the most intense war that have involved micronations, with more than 120 injured people, and by the moment it seems far from the end.


Allegations and motives

Iran protests of 2009.

The Socialist Republic of Perejil, since the beginning of the Arab Spring, said they would support in any possible way the revolutionaries to reach freedom in their countries. And, even though that they are not allies of the USA, that are considered an imperialist country and the real base of capitalism by Perejil's leaders and citizens, Iran was considered a horrible state by the Mediterranean Republic, who had ever said that Ayatollahs and their religious dictatorship were the opposite example of what a country should be. After the last incidents in the islamic country, and wanting to help the Green Protestors and avoid a nuclear war, Prime Minister Arthur B. Oliver came with the idea of attacking Iran.

Preparation of the war

Arthur B. Oliver proposed the intervention to all the Government members and other authorities of Perejil related to military field. During the 20th of March 2012, there was the voting of the proposal. Finally, winning by a 75% of the votes, the war approach was aproved.

The population of the Republic, though being pacifists, supported the motion, because they believe that iranian people need support, and the condition of micronation will prevent Iran to damage them. Also it seemed it would be a great opportunity to demonstrate the military force of the country, and warn Spain and Morocco if they try to impede the future occupation of Perejil Island.

To clarify the foreign polices of the State to the population, the Government stated that this intervention is a single event and necessary for iranian people, but that they do not pretend to be an interventionist country as the USA or UK are. They said as well that the military forces of Perejil will ensure the integrity of civil population, and that they will stop the conflict if it seriously harms the Republic.[1]

Declaration of War

Oriol G. Heras, Foreign Minister of Perejil, wrote the declaration of war to iran, and the President Olegari B. Oliver, the Prime Minister Arthur B. Oliver and Defence and Interior Minister Daniel G. Casals also firmed the document. It was written in English and Persian.[2]

To the higher executives of Iran.
During the last weeks and months, we have noticed your lack of reason, freedom of speech, and of thought. Your extreme islamism is often mixed with your governing. This causes great social discord and destructs the harmony that every citizen of Earth deserves.
Because of these motives, the President, the Prime Minister and Goverment, the Archduke, and by natural extension every citizen of the Socialist Republic of Perejil have decided to send this notification of war to yourselves.
The forthcoming war will not be that of destruction. It will be of the freeing of your people from the grasp of the evil hands that are thoseof religion and your corrupt government.
We promise your civil population will not be harmed voluntarily. We promise your culture will not be destroyed. We promise we will tear down with the strength of words every last remnant of your beliefs and with those will fall those of the rest of the world.

Oriol G. Heras (Foreign Relations Minister), Olegari B. Oliver (President of the Republic), Arthur B. Oliver (Prime Minister) and Daniel G. Casals (Minister of Defence)

Course of the war

First Days

Iranian Soldiers.

The Socialist Republic of Perejil began the military operation at the same 20 March. The Captain General of the S.R.P. Armed Forces, Ricard C. Montagut, ordered to his troops to get ready. Some tactics were proposed by the different military authorities.

At 21 March, Perejil's Government made known that the Mediterranean Pirates Empire was a close ally to Iran and that wanted to invade all the Republic's territory.[3] As it seems, the former friendly nation controlled by Xabi Cáñame claimed that the Perejilian State was violating Iran's sovereignty and that Ahmadinejad's plans for occident were the correct ones. The Socialist Republic of Perejil declared the Empire to be an enemy of the nation and declared war to them too. An offer to participate at their side of the war was sent to Westsylvania, a micronation that was at war with Iran since a conflict known as Neda War.

The same day, at 21:00 p.m of Iran Standard Time (Central European Time at 18:00), the Intelligence Service of Perejil (S.I.E.P.) declared than Ahmad Vahidi, Defence Minister of Iran, had been assassinated with his three sons by Alfa Perejil command. The news seemed to be a false alarm, maybe a distraction tactic by the Socialist Republic.[4] Also, S.I.E.P. affirmed than the Empire had agents near to Newland, and that was preparing the occupation of the current capital of the Republic.[5]

At March 22, the web portal of Iranian Green Movement made known the fact that Iran's Government had bought a powerful surveillance system capable of monitoring landline, mobile and internet communications, interviews and contract documents show, to an important chinese firm.[6] This fact would make the green rebels, the only belligerent on Perejil's side that are in iranian territory, to have more complications where acting. Also Perejil's Government complained about Chinese implication in Iranian affairs.

The Battle for Fort Minor

As Westsylvania learned about the power of Iran, Westsylvania set a moch battle simulating an iranian invation against water bottles that represented enemy troops. After 20 Minuets the WTG succefuley defended the invation and claimed victory. With this conflict Westsylvania officially entered the Perejil-Iran War, at the side of the Socialist Republic of Perejil. The Battle for Fort Minor was the first armed conflict of the war.[7]

Parallel, in Iran, Green leader Mir Hossein Mousavi was allowed to see his family for one day, as he is under house arrest since last year. Perejil have considered it a progress, and hopes that he could be liberated to join the conflict.[8]

The Battle of Barcelona

Mediterranean Pirates striking on Barcelona.

At March 29 the first real battle took place in Barcelona, in a conflict with Spanish implication that was part of the General Strike of that country. 100 people was injured and damages about 500.000 euros were the consequence of this horrible conflict where the Mediterranean Pirates, with direct participation of their leader Xabi Cáñame, revolted against Catalan and Spanish authorities.

All began when the violent protestors, that Cáñame said that were Mediterranean Pirates, began to burn and destroy the Mediterranean City.[9] SIEP informed to the Government of Perejil about this implication of their enemies, and Arthur B. Oliver said that this was not only a part of the Spanish Protests but of the Perejil-Iran War. Perejilian authorities saw the war next to their, as the majority of them lives in Barcelona, and tried to help Catalan Police and protect the Republic. President and Defence Minister allowed the S.R.P. Armed Forces to act, and even Ministers Arthur and Arnau P. Playà fought in the battle.[10]

The result was uncertain. Cáñame claimed a total victory against occidental world, Catalan Government condemned the acts and Perejil authorities said that there would be retaliation. They said that it will be remembered along the years as a terrible moment, and that war was approaching to the Republic's frontiers. Of the injuries, there were more than 50 pirates, and there were no Perejilian people. There were about 74 detentions made by the Police.

However, there were good news for the Socialist Republic of Perejil. On March 29 was made the definitive creation of the Socialist Nations Military Union with the Appalachian Socialist Republic (A.S.R.), that entered the war too.[11]

After the conflict was over, the President of Perejil made an official valoration at his blog. He said that this battle was shameful for Barcelona's citizens, and that things like this will never happen in Perejil.[12] Also, the Defence Minister Daniel G. Casals made a news conference to talk about the measures taken at the battle and the future of the Perejil-Iran war. He promised that, although the pirates were strong and pretended to conquer Newland, the S.R.P. Armed Forces were ready to strike back.[13]

New combatants

The President of the Dale Republic, who controls the Armed Forces of Westsylvania, made the Westsylvania Territorial Guard leave the conflict, because the American country had not request its involvement in the War. At the moment, Westsylvania officially remains on the conflict, because there are not communicates, but without an army it will be difficult for them to keep fighting.

But the Socialist Republic gained a new ally on April 3, consisting in the State of New Catalonia, an S.N.M.U. member. President of NC, Oriol A. Pérez, promised to eradicate all the Mediterranean Pirates, who controlled the Dark Island, a territory reclaimed by them, and fight with honor against Iran. The same day Ayatollah Miquel the Great announced the creation of the Western Iranian Militias, who became the fighting forces of the Islamic Republic placed on the Mediterranean Sea. He said they were ready to help the Mediterranean Pirates Empire in anything they wanted.[14]

The Battle of Newland

The Perejilian Forces with an Iranian captured, in the Battle of Newland.

The moment of the Invasion of Newland arrived the same day of Perejilian Presidential Elections, 6 of April od 2012. The Western Iranian Militias, leaded by Miquel The Great, entered pacifically on Milltown, and then they acted. They kidnapped the President, and wanted the Armed Forces to surrender and give the land to the Mediterranean Pirates. But the Government and the Armed Focres knew about the intention of their enemies days ago (thanks to SIEP) and had infiltrated two men in the Militias. The First Division of the Army, with help of Laura M. Oliver, Admiral of the Navy, and even members of the Government, were ready to strike against the invaders.

The Militias hided in the Wood of Milltown while Miquel was away from there,distracting some Perejilian citizens. Arthur B. Oliver, Prime Minister and one of the infiltrates, convinced the Iranian Soldiers that he was negotiating the surrendering of Perejil. But he organized the troops and prepared the operation Blue Dragon, created two days before by Ricard C. Montagut. The Secretary of the Government, Nicolau O. Burwitz, was sent to negociate with the Iranian, but they captured him too. It was then that the Army attacked, and after a brief but intensive battle, Minister Lleonard O. Burwitz, the other infiltrate, revolted against the Militias and the invaders were arrested. The Pirates on Mallorca, that were waiting a victory of their Iranian allies, didn't attacked and retired. They surrendered the day after.[15]

The Battle of Perejil, the most important battle at that moment of the Perejil-Iran War, was a clear victory of the Socialist Republic of Perejil and the S.N.M.U., that far from winning the war, have defeated the main part of the Western Iranian Militias and have their territory safe from the Pirates. All the members of the Militia surrendered and apologized, and were accepted as citizens of Perejil, becoming part of the Army. Miquel surrendered too, but as he was an spiritual leader, he said that the militias were still active, but that is unkown who is their current leader. The SIEP says that they will investigate that. The President allowed the National Guard of Perejil to control all the suspicious movements inside the frontiers of Perejil.

The Battle of Palma

Toni O. Bonnin, General of the Marines, celebrating the victory.

At 7 of April, the day after the Battle of Newland, two operations were done by the Government of Perejil in an attempt to eradicate with the possible threat of their land on Mallorca, that had been extended in a considerable way.[16] An exploration was done by members of the Government and the President itself in the new territories, where the pirates were found, and the authorities determined that they were not a danger, as they had learned the lesson in the Battle of the day before.

But the major conflict was held four hours later, when in Palma, the capital of Mallorca, the Marine Corps of the Army of Perejil captured in an incident known as the Battle of Palma the only known leader of the Western Iranian Militias. It was a fast and effective operation, the Marines had been watching him since three days before, and with help of Miquel Àngel O. Bonnin, chief of the National Guard of Perejil, attacked and arrested him in a local of the Mallorcan City. After an interrogatory, the Iranian militar joined Perejil as his companions had done.[17]

Before the Battle, the General of the Marines sent a overwhelming message to the enemies of Perejil, and promised that they will protect the Socialist Republic until the end. The Battle was another major victory of the side of the enemies of Iran.

The 2nd Battle of Newland

A soldier of Perejil with a military dog, in the 2nd Battle of Newland.

At Sunday 8 of April, another two Operations were done. First, a diplomatic exploration in the territories of the Pirates of the coast, that included the Dark Island. It confirmed what the SIEP suspected, that the Pirates had abandoned the place. Some rests were found.

At the afternoon of the same day, a military operation was held in the Woods of Milltown, in a preventive action in case there were some rebels there. A part of the First Division of the Army was sent there, with a military dog. The President and the Prime Minister supervised the operation. As it was a Military offensive action, it received the name of 2nd Battle of Newland. The soldiers explored the territory, and didn't find anything but some rests and a Pirate military dog, that couldn't attack the troops because a wall separated it. The Pirate owner of the dog was one of the Cañame's followers who had surrendered immediately after the first battle.[18]

The result was satisfactory for the Government, as finally Newland is in peace. Miquel Àngel declared that now that Newland is 1000 times bigger than before, the National Guard have an Important Mission to prevent internal attacks from the former Mediterranean Pirates there, and that they are not rival against the Socialist Republic of Perejil.

Eshtard join the war

eshtard entered the war on 6 July 2014,king mojtaba announces This war is bogus and we will prove

Smithville supports the war

The POTRSV has asked Parliament a thing about Iran in a speech. "The Axis of Evil still has 2 members left, North Korea and Iran. The Iranians are making WMDs, they must be stopped as soon as possible." It may be a possible to combat Pro-Iranian Micronations as the president of the Republic hopes. But, on Decmber 16th 2014, declares Neutrality because Smithville wants peace.



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