Peoples Congress of Juniperia

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Peoples Juniperian Congress

Aîszcongreszién Ayunipearos
Majority Leader
Political groups
Juniperian Peoples Democratic Union(JPDU)
Meeting place
Grand House

The Peoples Congress of Juniperia, known as The Congress, Senate and abbreviated, JPC was the chief legislative authority in the Republic of Juniperia, the Juniperian Peoples Congress originally was created on September 1st 2022, but has since been changed and reformed.


The Juniperian People's Congress was founded with the nation, and it was listed in the constitution as the primary legislative authority, the Juniperian Peoples Congress had passed two bills.

List bills

  • Constitution of the Republic of Juniperia
  • Peoples Defence Bill


The Juniperian Constitution sets out the expectations of a sitting congress, along with the role and Information regarding their duties. Officially, their role is "to represent and serve the people of the Republic without any reservation".


The People's Congress had the ability to organize occupied lands into territories, the first step in becoming a state. These territories could be authorized to be represented in Congress if it had a population. The Peoples' Congress can still enact its laws on territories and states alike.


Congress could enact economic bills with a 2/3rd or higher vote, this was established by the Congressional Finances Bill of 2022. The Peoples' Congress can enact bills on currency, foreign trade, economic sanctions and other topics, including creating financial organizations and state banks.


If needed, Congress can be summoned to advise the President in military situations, and if needed, can enact bills for declaring war or sanctions on a country, though this can be done by executive decree.


In order for congress to enact a bill to join an organization, it must be approved by the President, who is the "chief representative and Plenipotentiary of the nation" Congress can also enact bills to ally with another nation

Voting in Congress

In Congress, a congressman or congresswoman can enact a bill, but it must pass a voting procedure. In order for a vote to pass, it must receive more than half the vote from the present quorum. Certain types of bills may have more voting requirements. Economic bills need 2/3rds of the vote, and votes to declare war need 3/4ths of the vote. Congressmen are elected every two years to serve. Voting begins on December Third every two years.

List of Congressional Elections
  • December 3rd, 2022 General Election (Pending)


The Congress is led by the General Secretary, who is the highest figure. If absent, the main figure is the Deputy General Secretary, who will preside over the Congress in absentia of the General Secretary.