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PRF1 - (Full name: The first Television Program of PRF) – public broadcaster in Polish Republic of Freeland. PRF founded 15 May 2016. The program is broadcasting in polish language (Except for of the program "Telejournal", which is suitable in English). The program is broadcast every Saturday and lasts about an hour.

Now PRF emission the programs like:

  • Telejournal - polish news (In the news are presents the most important information from country - about 8:00 PM)
  • Disco Play (Forgotten the disco polo hits of 90ts years)
  • Telecinema (Every week, PRF1 shows a movie, usually takes 40 minutes)
  • Telejournal - english news (The television news are in English - about 8:50 PM)

The director of PRF1 is Media minister- Dominik Barczewski

Program PRF1 in every saturday:

19:56/7:56 PM - Hymn narodowy PRF/National Anthem PRF
19:59:30/7:59:30 PM - Otwarcie (zegar)/Opening (clock)
20:00/8:00 PM - Telejournal (polski)/Telejournal (polish)
20:05/8:05 PM - Disco Play
20:10/8:10 PM - Telecinema
20:45/8:45 PM Telejournal (angielski)/Telejournal (english)
20:50 - Hymn narodowy PRF/National Anthem PRF
20:53 Zamknięcie/Closing

The PRF1 information service can be viewed here[1]