New Virginian Police

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New Virginian Police

NVP officers at a training exercise
Founded 26 February 2020
General nature Law enforcement
Local civilian police
Commissioner Charles Kitchen
General information
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of New Virginia
Standard weapon varies by unit

The New Virginian Police, commonly known as the NVP, is the national civilian police force of the Commonwealth of New Virginia, responsible for enforcing the law, enhancing public safety, maintaining order, arresting criminals, and protecting the government. Under the provisional government, the NVP is directly responsible to the Chairman of the Provisional Council.

The NVP was established by the Administrative Divisions and Police Resolution 2020 and is modeled on the Austenasian Police, which policed the majority of what is now New Virginia prior to the secession of the first three municipalities from Austenasia. The NVP is notable for being the first government agency established within the Commonwealth.

Role and organisation

The primary responsibilities of the New Virginian Police are law enforcement, maintaining public safety, and the investigation and prevention of crimes. Additionally, the NVP is tasked with border control.

The professional head of the NVP is the Commissioner, currently Charles Kitchen, who is appointed by the Chairman of the Provisional Council. Every municipality has a local police force led by an inspector, and territorial governors possess the authority to establish an NVP force under their own leadership. Inspectors and governors are assisted by a sergeant, and lead a police force consisting of various constables. In smaller municipalities, it is common for the inspector to be the only active police officer.

The current heads of NVP forces are as follows:

  • Commissioner: Charles Kitchen
    • Inspector of the New Richmond Police Force: Commissioner Charles Kitchen
    • Inspector of the Terentia Police Force: Inspector Jason Thompson
    • Inspector of the Augusta Police Force: Inspector William Hewitt MAO
    • Inspector of the Carolinia Police Force: Inspector Luis Medina
    • Inspector of the San Scoglio Police Force: Vacant
    • Governor of Kush Village: Michael Whiteman
    • Governor of Sandra's Isle: Inspector William Hewitt MAO
    • Governor of Nubes Peaks: Major General Alex Francis MAO


The rank structure of the New Virginian Police, from most senior to most junior, is as follows:

  • Commissioner (COM)
  • Inspector (INS)/Governor
  • Sergeant (SGT)
  • Constable (CNS)