Ministry of Trade (East Evinsa)

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East Evinsa Ministry of Trade is one of twelve ministries of East Evinsa government. Ministry is responsible for intercity trades , interfederal trades and intermicronatonal trades.

Trade between citizens are also protected under permissions of the ministry.East Evinsa Ministry of Trade exports lemons to the western part of Evinsa from Lemon Trade Center located in , capital , East Noelamsterdam.

According to ministry, there are eight trade centers registered and there are many companies and business centers which get involved with trade.

There are regular trade activities between Mainland and Northwest , East Noelamsterdam to western part of Evinsa , Ozermanchester to Northwest and many other. Shortly, there is a high level of intercity and interfederal trade but not any official intermicronational trade yet.

East Evinsa's first attempt for an intermicronational trade was suggested to Templar Kingdom by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Two micronations with a strong diplomatic relationship discussed about trade and then it forgotten and never mentioned again.