Micronational Irish Nations United

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Micronational Irish Nations United
Flag of Micronational Irish Nations United
Official languagesEnglish
  • 3 full members
  • 0 observer states
• Foundation
16 February 2023

Micronational Irish Nations United (MINU) is an organization that was founded on 16 February 2023, by the micronations of Roscamistan, Coinín, and Östruck. MINU is modeled after the United Nations, but it is a micronational organization that focuses on promoting cooperation and resolving issues among Irish micronations. The organization aims to create a platform for dialogue, information sharing, and cooperation among its members.

The founding of MINU was a response to the rising tensions and conflicts that had been occurring between Irish micronations. In order to prevent further conflicts and promote peaceful cooperation among Irish micronations, the founders of MINU decided to create an organization modeled after the United Nations. The goal of MINU is to provide a platform for dialogue, information sharing, and cooperation among its member states in order to address issues of common concern and prevent future conflicts. By bringing together Irish micronations in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, MINU aims to foster a more stable and peaceful micronational community.