Politics of Eniarku

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Grand Duchy of Eniarku

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Politics and government of

Constitution of Eniarku

The Grand Duchy of Eniarku is fully defined as a unitary semi-constitutional monarchy, in which the monarch is both the head of state and head of government, acting collectively with the appointed Council of State to exercise governing power as The Government under the 2024 constitution. Unlike previous incarnations of Eniarku, there exists no separation of powers in the grand ducal system, nor distinct executive, legislative, or judicial branches.


The Constitution

The Constitution of Eniarku, officially the Constitution and Basic Law of the Grand Duchy of Eniarku, is the supreme law of the Grand Duchy of Eniarku. Granted by Alexander, Grand Duke of Eniarku, on 29 May 2024, it is the first fully codified constitution in Eniarku's history and established the current grand duchy as the successor state to the defunct Kingdom of Eniarku.

The constitution serves as the foundation of Eniarkian sovereignty and the source of legitimate governing authority, defining the fundamental rights of citizens and providing a framework for the organization of the government under the Crown. The constitution draws inspiration from numerous sources, including the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the American Bill of Rights, the 1921 constitution of Liechtenstein, the 1868 constitution of Luxembourg, and the 1962 constitution of Monaco. The document is unique in that it does not provide for the separation of powers, but rather vests power in the grand duke (together with the Council of State), who serves in various institutional capacities to construct, enforce, and interpret the laws of the state within the constraints set forth by the constitution.

The Crown

This Constitution is the supreme law of the State, and The Throne is the fount of all State power and honour, which is exercised by and granted on the highest authority of The Sovereign.

— Article 7 of the Constitution

The Eniarkian monarch, currently Grand Duke Alexander, is the head of state and head of government, and is the source of all political power and governing authority held over the state, its territories, and the citizenry. These powers are sometimes referred to as royal prerogative, and can in theory be used for any purpose that is congruent with the provisions of the constitution. The grand duke also functions as the "chief of state" in his role as Eniarku's representative to foreign nations and international organizations.

Council of State

The Government shall comprise The Sovereign and the Council of State, the members of which are known as Councillors of State and shall be appointed exclusively by and serve at the pleasure of The Sovereign.

— Article 22 of the Constitution

All laws of the State are issued by The Sovereign in consultation with the Council of State. [...]

— Article 26 of the Constitution

The Council of State is the body of senior government ministers appointed by the grand duke to serve as a privy council to the sovereign. In the monarch's capacity as the Crown-in-Council, he chairs the Council's meetings and all actions of the body are taken in the sovereign's name. While the Council of State operates principally as an appointed privy council, its members coordinate with the sovereign to fulfill various institutional functions required by the constitution, such as serving as the only judicial forum authorized to hear legal trials and appeals. In addition to their positions as privy councillors, members of the Council are sometimes granted status as a Great Officer of the Crown, which are ceremonial positions with responsibilities within the royal household. Traditionally, members of the royal family or nobility have occupied the majority of seats on the Council, but this is not required by law.