Independent Sovereign State of Storej

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Storej is a Marxist state in Leng and Apollonia bordered by Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu and Frazenland with an area of 377,568 square kilometres in total area. Though the president was a critic of Micras he made Burkland's presence in Micras as a cultural project. One of the reasons was need for Burkland to contact Tiana after their departure to Micras as their main sector. However, this reason was dropped after Tiana started to go back to MicroWiki and the President got Skype. It gained independence from Burkland and it is considered a citizen-run project, like Frazenland is to Zealandia.


Storej is a citizen-run cultural project of the government of Burkland. Has with such, the Burklandi government regards an in-character history as important to the project. This often contradicts with other Micras nations' history.


Leng was discovered in 1929 by the Ultrafascist Party of North Micras, led by Warner Arkontaky, as a way to escape the ban enforced by the National Mussolinist Fascist Party which ruled North Micras. As a result, the Ultrafascist Party took over Leng and its surrounding islands, named it Lengland and declared independence. The War of Independence started between the two forces, and the Antifascist Front in North Micras and Lengland and the Micras World Government-in-Exile joined the fight. Since there was 4 forces fighting against each other, it was one of the worst wars in history. The war was fought for two decades (exact to the nanosecond) until the Antifascists won the war. However, they didn't get control over the rest of North Micras.

Post-war history

The antifascists led an almost anarchistic government for the first five years, until a dispute between centre-right libertarians and imperialists occurred over who won the Lenglandic elections. This sparked a civil war which lasted for 57 years until the MCS decided that libertarian controlled areas would be given independence on April 3, 2011. The nation, called Libertaria, was unpopular among its people as it said that regulating businesses to give mine victims a day off or even making businesses check for mines when it made building was fascist. In addition, they legalize slavery and exercised the dominance of man over women. This gave the Communist Party of Burkland (Burkland was the name of the country used by anti-libertarians) popularity. When the Communists took power, on June 9, 2011, they made a referendum to make Libertaria a socialist republic and rename it to Burkland. This passed with 98.7% of the people supporting (only one voter didn't vote). Libertarians called for a check into the validity of the election and, after the MCS confirmed the votes were the same as the official voting results, Burkland was founded on July 9, 2011. On March 4, 2012, Burkland gained land in Apollonia for economic reasons.[1][2]

Austrian crisis

On March 25, 2012, it was confirmed that on 1913, Austria-Hungary annexed Freedom Island and since it was part of Austria in the empire, and it was never officially annexed by Burkland or officially gained independence, it was decided by many legal scholars that Freedom Island was technically Austrian territory. This caused mass riots between forces that wanted it to be Austria, those who wanted it to be Burkland, those who wanted it to be Hungarian, those wanted the reunification of the empire and those who wanted Freedom Island to be independent. 10,000 people have been confirmed dead after the riots started, most of them were killed by being burning alive or by being stoned to death. Both Austria and Hungary have renounced the claim, with the Austrian nationalists and Hungarian nations both calling their countries that they are racists against the main ethnic people of their respective nations and that they are for a Burklandi agenda.

Islamic Republic of Freedom Island

Provisional flag of the Islamic Republic.

On April 2, 2012, the riots stopped. After that, however, a peaceful secessionist movement was founded called the "Islamic Republic of Freedom Island," which had its government system based on the Iranian governmental system and many Freedom Islanders supported it. The Burklandi government and Freedom Islander government started talks with each other. Although most, including the president, are willing to give independence it will not likely be recognized by the MCS according to many in Burkland and Freedom Island. Another issue in the talks is the possibility that violence will start again citing the Austrian and Hungarian nationalists that started the riots said "Whites are victims, whites should be the victimizer to .... Arab aka Muslims." Both the Islamic Republic and Burkland have condemned it, although if they will be tried for hate crimes is also being discussed.

On May 3, after much inactivity, the Islamic Republic changed its name to the Autonomous Islamic Republic and many supported it. Then the Burklandi government allowed it and the Freedom Island Autonomy Party won 67% of the vote and is the only Freedom Island party to date that operates nationally as well.

New Society dispute

Map of the New Society.

In 1654, the only two countries on Apollonia, East and West Apollonia, were involved in a dispute over an area known as New South England. They decided that it would be a stateless land and built fences to mark the borders of New South England. On May 1, it was discovered that New South England was full of oil, and claiming it became popular in Apollonia. Only Burkland and Frazenland refused to claim it, as they both used alternative energy. While New New Southeast Wales didn't take an official stance on claiming it and Old New New England didn't claim it as it found the move imperialist and against MCS principles. The residents of New South England refused to belong to any other nation and claimed independence on May 4. They called their ideology and nation the New Society. The New Society is a revolutionary socialist ideology created by Katharina Lemmonds.

Burkland recognized the New Society on May 5, and the Frazenland government hasn't officially taken a stance on recognition. On May 6, New Society was invaded by countries claiming it, and a bill calling for peaceful talks between the parties was proposed in the MCS General Assembly in the New Xalexland enclave in Old New New England. However, the New Xalexland enclave became the subject of terrorist attacks from extremists in claiming nations which the governments of the claiming nations denounced. Burkland has sent aid to the New Society and is the only nation officially recognizing them.

As a result of that, those extremists began to attack Burkland and Frazenland, which gave aid to the New Society despite not officially recognizing them. As a result, many people were killed and Burkland joined the war. Frazenland didn't join the war, although it is being protected from terrorists from claiming nations by Burkland. Later, support for the terrorists became popular in claiming countries, and many people wanted the invasion by those countries to turn into a full-scale war involving the claiming countries themselves, not just the terrorists.

Following massive protests in the New Society, the New Society tried to be on the offensive side. It attacked Fort Unity, an international heritage area in the New Society that many anti-New Society terrorist organizations had been headquartered. However, the terrorists won the war. Many New Society members wanted a way for independence and peace. Burklandi forces gave military aid to the New Society and fought alongside it. Frazenland de facto recognized it but the Parliament still hadn't finished the vote. As with this, they got encouragement.

The New Society, which was using nuclear energy, planned to get rid of all oil in the New Society so it could no longer be invaded. While they did get rid of their oil, many terrorist leaders benefited economically from their terrorism. Since the countries that once claimed the New Society no longer claim it, and it had been given de facto recognition, they decided to execute the terrorist leaders. While this was proposed many times before, many politicians in those nations feared that the terrorists, who then had high popular support. Now that popular support was gone, the politicians supported it.

The terrorists hid in Burkland, the only state in Apollonia (including the Union of Apollonia, the MCS authority over unclaimed land in Apollonia) that hadn't issued them the death penalty. However, the Burklandi government did a crafty trick and created a ship that was designed to look a hotel. When they were sleeping, the terrorists were sent to the Supreme Court in Lenin City to try them. They were found guilty and executed by the method they chose (as is the case in all death penalties performed in Burkland).

Storej sovereignty referendum, 2012

The flag of Storej

The Burklandi government said on May 22, 2012, it would allow an sovereignty referendum of Storej, until then called Burklandi Micras, after massive protests for and against independence. The options on the referendum were higher autonomy, unitary province of Burkland and sovereignty. However, the referendum didn't go as well as planned, the Storej United Democratic Party protested near a voting booth, and one of the protesters burned the voting booth. In addition, the SUDP in itself was having divisions, these were over a debate about declaring independence before the referendum was finished. This led to ex-members of the party that were kicked out to form the Storej Micran Republic. This didn't make a majority of the secession movement and the Storej United Democratic Party ignored the SMR.

After series of ads for and against secession, the option polls was divided almost 50/50, expect for the 2% that supported Storej becoming anarchistic. The option polls then started to have results that contradicted each other. Most likely it was still 50/50. As a result, the Popular National Assembly decided that a demarchically-chosen panel would be the tie breaking vote.

On May 23, 2012, an official referendum primary was conducted. Many state their desire for independence but keeping the current popular-party system. The lower house, the United Assembly, had a vote opposing independence. The People's United Front in the United Assembly and the Dissents United Party stated it would cause an unneeded restructuring of the government. The Storej United Democratic Party said it would be the same government as before, only with more declensions in the hands of Storejians.

On May 24, 2012, the vote was counted. 70% of the voters supported independence, 11% supported higher autonomy, and 10% of the voters supported it becoming a unitary province of Burkland. Therefore, the Storej government declared itself the Independent Sovereign State of Storej, a state recognized by the Burklandi government.

Government and politics

Storej is a semi-authoritarian popular-party state run by the People's United Front. Many people in non-communist nations have called it a dictatorship, a claim which is highly denied by the Storejian government.

Political parties

Seating of the Popular National Assembly.

Although, unless officially banned, non-United Front parties are legal, they cannot take the presidency. While they can take seats in the Popular National Assembly since it became unicameral, they are limited to at most 100 seats. However, the regional and autonomous government of Freedom Island has many non-United Front politicians in power which include the mayor and 67% of the local council.

The list of United Front parties and their ideologies (excluding the Popular Marxist–Leninist Front, which runs the united front and has the most national power):

Major non-United Fronts parties which aren't banned and their ideology:

  • Dissents United Party
    • Peaceful revolution to a non-communist state
  • Lengland Nationalist Party
    • Lenglandic unification
  • Fun Party, YAY!

Banned parties and their ideologies:

Public opinion of the leadership

Public opinion of the leadership is favourable, however, during early 2012 many protesters demanded that the government of Storej look into state unions, which were attacking the workers. At first he was slow to take action as he didn't realize how bad the unions were being. After he found out, he decided to pass a bill regulating unions to not act like the corporations they are supposed to keep under control.

Geography and geology

Storej is largely in a low elevation area of Leng and Apollonia[3] which makes farming a popular occupation in Storej. In addition to this, Storej has few mountains, most of which are just 10 feet above sea level. Many believe that the government is planning to make a mountain which will be 540 kilometres above sea level. This is highly unlikely seeing that the flatlands have actually has economically benefited the country.

Administrative divisions

The country is divided by contiguity, only Lenin City and Freedom Island have an official name. The government wishes to change this via a popular Internet survey where people can submit their proposals and where the names are selected randomly (although all the names will still be moderated after being randomly selected) and people will vote on those names.


There is few resources in Storej however there is some iron in the place[4] which has made it, and the "Iron Area" of Leng, a major trading port in the island.

Trade have bought much cattle, grain and salt to the nation. Resulting from such, Storej has relied on farming however farming is very limited. The limited farming has cause much poverty in the nation, which resulted in a socialist revolution. The nation also trades chocolate-covered ants.


In Storej, a multiethnic and multireligious view is taken by its citizens with that view being promoted by the Storejian government. While the ethnic make-up of the country is not known, the religious make-up is common knowledge with 50% of the population being pagans, atheists being 30%, Muslims being 10%, Christians being 5% and other religions having 5% of the population (as seen in the graph at the side).

References and notes

  1. Burklandi News 3/3/2012 - The Online Burklandi, retrieved March 4, 2012.
  2. Burkland expansion - Hub of Micronations, retrieved March 4, 2012.
  3. Micras Topological Map
  4. Micras Resources Map