House of Lords (Wellmoore)

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House of Lords

Câmara dos Lordes
Kingdom of Wellmoore
Term limits
Founded14 March 2020
Head of the House of Lords
None Appointed
Meeting place
Houses of Parliament, Midnight City
Constitution of Wellmoore

The House of Lords is the upper house of the Government of Wellmoore. Membership is by appointment. Members of the House of Lords are drawn from the Peerage of Wellmoore.

The King's Speech is delivered in the House of Lords in the State Opening of Parliament.


The House of Lords was founded on 14 March 2020 along with the House of Ministers and the Kingdom of Wellmoore.


Legislative Functions

The House of Lords debates legislation, and has power to amend or reject bills, if a bill is accepted then it's sent to the Monarch for Royal Ascent.

Relationship with the Government

The House of Lords does not control the term of the Prime Minister of Wellmoore or of the government. Only the House of Ministers may force the Prime Minister to resign or call elections.


Only those who are Wellmoorean Peers may be members of the House of Lords.


Peers appointed to the House are typically nominated or appointed by the Prime Minister or by the Monarchy of Wellmoore on advice of the Prime Minister


No person may sit in the House of Lords if under the age of 16. Only Citizens of Wellmoore may sit in the House.


The House of Lords and the House of Commons assemble in the Houses of Parliament, located in Midnight City (Wellmoore's Capital).

The Lords Chamber is the site of many formal ceremonies.

In the House of Lords, members need not seek the recognition of the presiding officer before speaking, as is done in the House of Ministers. If two or more Lords simultaneously rise to speak, the House decides which one is to be heard by vote. Speeches in the House of Lords are addressed to the House as a whole ("My Lords") rather than to the presiding officer alone. Members may not refer to each other in the second person (as "you"), but rather use third person forms such as "the Noble Duke", "the Noble Earl", "the Noble Lord", "my Noble Friend", etc.

See also