House of Harte-Claudia

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House of Harte-Claudia
CountryKingdom of Erlanda
TitlesKing of Erlande
Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans
Prince Roman
Current headDenis I
Founding2015 - Denis I
EthnicityTatar, Russian

Warty or Warty-Latischa dynasty (port. ) — Royal dynasty of Erlandу, early Royal and Imperial dynasty of Westphalia in 2009 - 2015. Since the XVI century Russian nobility, the ancestors of the Royal house — a small noble family of the Russian Empire, formerly the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire. Dynastic color — light blue. The dynasty of the Kings of Ireland, a representative of the dynasty has noble titles with the appeal: His Royal Highness.


April 30, 2015 Warty-Klavdiya dynasty was the ruling dynasty of the Kingdom of Erlande.

Since 2009 Warti was an Imperial dynasty of Westphalia Empire, later when the region became the Kingdom of the dynasty had lost the Imperial title. April 30, Westphalia, was practically abolished and was founded as a new Micronation, United Kingdom, Irlandia.

To Warty-Claviscom home belongs to the Branch house And Waits (a branch of the king's brother) and the Branch of the family Odintsova, brothers and sisters of the grandmother of the King.

The order of transmission of the throne

Under the Constitution the king has permanent residence, with April 2, 2015 the king accepted the Constitution, according to which the former monarch, who abdicated, and died receives the title of Duke Irlandskogo. And before the birth of the heir of the current king, the former king is heir to the throne. The heir to the throne can be any member of the dynasty, except illegitimate children (bastards), each a descendant of the monarch is given the title of Prince. According to the Acts of the Regency authorities under the age of 18 monarch, or physically or mentally disabled shall be made Regent.