Golden Eagle

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Benerian Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle
A Golden Eagle
 1/10Silver Lion
PluralGolden Eagles
 Silver LionSilver Lions
 Silver LionSL
NicknameGaijin Coin
 Freq. usedGE1, GE10, SL1, SL5
 Rarely usedGE100 (Referendum to reinstate pending as of 23/10/2022)
Date of introduction10/10/2022
User(s)-The Empire of the Benereich
Central bankBenereich High Command

The Golden Eagle is the currency used by the Empire of the Benereich. The Golden Eagle may be represented in two separate ways, one is the physical Golden Eagle and Silver Lion forms of currency which are, instead of the more common floating currencies used by the western world, pegged to the exact value of the United States Dollar (USD). However their digital form (stored in the banking system 'War Thunder') has a fixed value of 0.0066, however due to this extremely low, and subsequently hard to calculate quickly, value it is usually rounded up to the following denominations (displayed on the website)

USD to GE Conversion Chart
0.0066 1
0.99 150
6.60 1000
16.50 2500
33 5000
66 10000

The chart above accurately displays the most commonly used denominations of the Golden Eagle (Digital).

Due to this system it is common for the separate forms of Golden Eagles to have their own symbol, GED representing the Digital variant of the Golden Eagle and GEP or usually just GE to represent the physical form of currency.


The term Golden Eagle arises from the Benereich's national animal, the golden eagle.

The term Silver Lion derives from the medal ranking system used by the Olympics, silver coming before gold. The term Lion was an animal picked at random and holds no significant sentimental value.


The most commonly seen unit in the Benereich is the GE1, as they are the most plentiful coin and thus the best for paperweights and other recreational activities. The GE10 is the largest unit currently in circulation and is used for especially opulent paperweights. The most commonly traded units are the SL1 and SL5, as they are both useless as paperweights due to their lighter weight and so can only be used for economic purposes. The GE100 is not in circulation in the Benreich due to inflation concerns, although rumors persist that one GE100 was minted and allowed into the market. This coin is known as the "One piece" by The Empire.


When the golden eagle was first decided upon as the Benereich's national currency, it was known that they would need to replace the now-obsolete former currency endorsed: the Warthunder Jet. At the time, this seemed like a daunting challenge. But due to hyperinflation in the Warthunder Jet market, Golden Eagles were able to become the new currency. To combat the hyperinflation that plagued the previous tender, the Benereich made incrementally smaller subunits, such as the SL1 and SL5, instead of the likes of the WJ20,000 that was seen in the past.

A Silver Lion


The Golden Eagle and Silver Lion are as valuable as the material they are made out of, and so are effectively worthless as anything other as a paperweight. This is by and large due to The Empire treating destruction of legal tender as a crime, so those who come into possession of GE cannot melt the coin down to sell the far more valuable metal it is made out of.

Legal status

The Benerian Golden Eagle is recognized exclusively within the Benereich.