Easwegian Revolutionary Council

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The Easwegian Revolutionary Council, officially the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Mainland Council (OSEMC), was the highest executive authority of the Mainland of Easway on Bear Island during the Provisional Government era of 19 December 2017 to 14 January 2020.

The OSEMC was founded on 5 November 2017 as the leadership committee of the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway alliance (OSEA) movement as an immediate successor of the semi-underground Cyber Council and advocated Easwegian independence. After facing severe hostility from Norway, the OSEA launched the Easwegian Revolution on 24 November. Following the successful conclusion of the Easwegian Revolution on the 14 December and the election by the National Electoral Commission and Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Alliance on the 19 December 2017, it was tasked with the "general administration of core state affairs" in the newly independent Mainland of Easway on Bear Island. Throughout its existence, it was led by the head of state the Chief Curator, the commander-in-chief of the national defence the Grand Marshal (changed to President of the Provisional Government in 2018), the second in command to the commander in chief the commissar-in-chief, the heads of the districts the commissars, and the governing department heads the commissioners. The OSEMC was responsible to and elected by the People's Committees, the direct democratic legislative bodies of Easway. A body of high ranking Easwegian revolutionaries, the OSEMC did not contain official political parties, but was regulated by the constitutional rules set by the Ouroboros' Serpents of Easway Alliance, an umbrella term for the civil service and militia which organised the Provisional Government.

The OSEMC began to meet less beginning 2019 when constitutional reforms devolved powers, transforming districts with provincial councils and replaced the People's Committees with fixed provincial and national councils. The newly created Easwegian Committee for Language & Culture (first National Directorate) replaced operations of the commissions. The ratification of the 2019/2020 Directorial Federation Constitution of Easway on 14 January 2020 abolished the OSEMC in favour of a federalised Mutualist High Government, containing a head of state Easwegian Grand Chamber 'House of Zerri', the head of government High Government of governors, and their cabinets the Federal Easwegian Directorates.

Composition and General Actions of the Easwegian Revolutionary Council

First OSEMC (19 December 2017 - 19 December 2018)

The First OSEMC contained the following members:

  • Emizerri - Chief Curator
  • Aleksou Meizcherni Desourre - Grand Marshal (19 December - 12 June 2018) and then President of the Provisional Government, which the powers of Grand Marshal were retired into
  • Geno - Commissar-in-chief and Commissar of Urdport district (19 December 2017 - 11 December 2018)
  • Wreno - Commissar of Essrina (19 December 2017 - 24 October 2018)
  • Railiy - Commissioner of Education
  • Zanlam - Commissioner of Justice (from 24 October 2018)
  • Alperen - Commissar of Essrina (from 29 October 2018) The OSEA held an All-People's Committee between 14 and 19 December 2017 and elected Emizerri as Chief Curator (chief of state) of the Mainland of Easway, who would continue to head the OSEMC, elevated to the executive committee of state. The APC also voted to establish a National Electoral Commission, overseen by a spokesperson, which would regulate the Provisional Government and the actions of the OSEA. The council's seat of governance was named Niyvezun (capital settlement) on the centre of Bear Island, which included parts of eastern Essrina, what is today western Urdport, and north of Realmsedge, the centrum of Easway's national guard. For security reasons, national governance operations were not centred on Boriopa City in Bear Island's north until 2020. Symbolically, the capital contained parts of both the Ezerryen and Norwegian Easwegian population to indicate equal representation of both groups.

The council passed a language law on 19 December which established Easwegian, Norwegian and English as the official languages of governance in Easway.

The All-People's Committee voted on 11 June 2018 to incorporate the powers of the Grand Marshal into a new position known as the president, who would act as the chief of government and gain their own presidential branch, responsible for certain policies of internal management.Then Grand Marshal Aleksou Desourre was elected as the first and only president of the provisional government the next day. In his acceptance speech, Desourre said:

"I will be a president obsessed with only one thing: the survival, preservation and prosperity of our people above all."

Desourre's proposal to establish a new flag, the 'Ouroboros' Banner' to act as a distinct flag from that of the OSEA was accepted by the APC and signed into law by Chief Curator Emizerri on 12 June.

Second OSEMC (19 December 2018 - 10 August 2019)

  • Emizerri - Chief Curator
  • Aleksou Desourre - President of the Provisional Government
  • Alperen - Commissar-in-chief and Commissar of Essrina district
  • Eichorn Bai - Commissar of Urdport district(from 24 December 2018)
  • Sneawy - Commissioner of National Intelligence and the Interior (from 27 December 2018)
  • Railiy - Commissioner of Education
  • Zanlam - Commissioner of Justice

Third OSEMC (10 August 2019 - 14 January 2020)

  • Emizerri - Chief Curator
  • Aleksou Desourre - President of the Provisional Government
  • Csyeigo - Director of Language and Culture
  • Alperen - Commissar-in-chief and Commissar of Essrina district (until 6 September 2019)
  • Eichorn Bai - Commissar of Urdport district (until 6 September 2019)
  • Sneawy - Councillor of State for Justice and the Interior
  • Alperen - Governor of Essrina province (from 6 September 2019)
  • Eichorn Bai - Sheriff of Easway (from 6 September 2019)
  • Wighammer - Governor of Urdport Province (from 30 September 2019)