Draft:Parliamentary Republic of Frelistan

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Parliamentary Republic of Frelistan
Parlamentarna Republika Frelistanu (Polish)
Flag of Frelistan
The CoA of Frelistan
Coat of arms
Motto: "Za wolność - naszą, i waszą!"
"For freedom - ours, and yours!"
Anthem: "Rota" (Frelistani modified version)
Map of Frelistan as of September 2024
and largest city
Official languagesPolish
Recognised national languagesPolish
Recognised regional languagesPolish
Ethnic groups
Polish (100%)
Roman Catholicism
GovernmentParliamentary republic
• Przewodniczący
Paul S.
• Przewodniczący
M. S.
LegislatureSejmik and Parlament
from Poland
• Declaration
18 February 2023
• Total
1.93678 km2 (0.74779 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• Estimate
3 (real-life) 11 (online)
• Density
[convert: invalid number]
CurrencyPolish złoty
Frelistani Muszelka (FMU)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
IMSO 1 codeFS

The Parliamentary Republic of Frelistan abbreviated as the "PRF" and known informally as Frelistan' is a nation located in the town of Żnin, Poland. It's culturally Polish and reflects Polish ideals politically. It was founded on the 18 February, 2023. It is the successor of the Democratic Republic of Ziberstein, and its original name was "The Social Republic of Uniostan". Since the SRU was never dissolved, Frelistan serves as its continuator. The micronation is divided into seven significant areas: Iwelsteg, Las Południowy, Las Północny, Centralny Frelistan, Płasków, Pole Północne, and Zaróśl. The nation also gains the most traction in winter, as it is easily explorable.


The name "Frelistan" originates from the words "freedom", "liberty", and "stan" (synonym for "land"). This is the explanation given by the Frelistani government, however, the actual reason has been lost to time. Its former name, "Social Republic of Uniostan" originated from the Latin word "Unionis", meaning "Union", signifying the communalist values of the Social Republic of Uniostan.

Official Names

11/31/2022 – 17/2/2023 "Social Republic of Uniostan"

18/2/2023 – "Parliamentary Republic of Frelistan"


Frelistan's conception had begun in late 2022-early 2023. The leader of the Democratic Republic of Ziberstein, having changed views on authoritarianism, liberalism, and monarchy, deciding that Ziberstein was unsuccessful on the micronational stage due to several failed attempts at reform and modernisation, chose to disband Ziberstein and proclaimed the Social Republic of Uniostan, being a transitory government between the communism of the Democratic Republic of Ziberstein, and the right-leaning Parliamentary Republic of Frelistan.

Early History

The PRF was established on the 18 February 2023. However, the PRF originated on the 1 December 2022 as the Social Republic of Uniostan. It succeeded the Democratic Republic of Ziberstein, claiming one citizen instead of six, less land around the western border and relinquishing the claims of the Leśna street and houses in the east. The country also let go of its anti-liberal ideology and entered a period of dormancy. This period lasted from the 18 February 2023 to the 16 October 2023 (although chat logs from that period suggest that Frelistan was active as a virtualist micronation at that point without full dormancy.)

Later History

On 16/10/23, the Frelistani shell, (a common currency among citizens) was adopted as the national currency, despite it being the de jure currency ever since late 2022 – early 2023.) In this period, more citizens were gained, resulting in a population count of 3 real-life citizens. On 24 October 2023, the FMF entered for the first time on Frelistani soil, carrying KR-1 "Straszak" slings. This began "The war on soil", which is a series of expeditions into the territory that aim to scope out the land and help the local bird species. On 28 October 2023, the flag of Frelistan was changed. On 1 November 2023, the first parliament meetings took place, and later that month, Frelistan was divided into voivodeships and economic reform was set in place. On 9 February 2024, Frelistan officially created the Michaelograd colony, incorporating it into the Frelistańskie Biuro Kolonialne (Frelistani Colonial Bureau) On 6 September 2024, Frelistan officially instated a dual power agreement between the Main Keisach and Prime Minister (at the time), renaming both roles to "Przewodniczący" meaning "Leader". Since then, to pass a bill or law, both of the prewodniczący had to agree on it beforehand.


The head of state and head of government roles in Frelistan are combined. Many internal decisions are left for government-controlled companies, such as the managment of colonies being left to the Frelistani Colonial Bureau.


The role of the przewodniczący (pol. "Leader") is both the combined role of the head of state and government. The przewodniczący can be voted out by the higher house of the parliament if the majority (51% and up) decide to vote the przewodniczący out. However, if in an agreement between both przewodniczący, the parliament can be disbanded for an indefinite amount of time.


The juridical system in the PRF consists of an open jury voting on whether or not they find the convict guilty following the evidence. The punishment for crimes is usually excommunication or citizenship denouncment, as physical capture of a convict would be illegal.


The parliament in the PRF is a group of parliamentary representatives that use votes to pass laws or examine the rules and leaders in the nation. The parliament building uses a natural formation as its headquarters. The lower house (Sejmik) and higher house (Parlament) are different entities, whilst the Sejmik is virtual, the Parlament is held in real life. The first votes took place on 1 October 2023.

Political Parties

As of 2023, the current ruling party is the Conservative Party. Due to the parliament voting on October 1st 2023, creating a communist party in Frelistan is impossible.

Political parties in Frelistan
Party Leader Ideology Parliament
The Logo of the Conservative Party of Frelistan Conservative Party
Partia Konserwatywna
CPF/sCPF Paul S. Social conservatism
2 / 5
Democratic Party
Partia Demokratyczna
DPF Paul S. Libertarianism
1 / 5
Christian Party
Partia Chrześcijańska
ChPF M. Tonna Christian pacifism
1 / 5
Parstollist Party
Partia Parstollistyczna
PPF Rp. Dzyozyp Parstollism
1 / 5
SOF Vacant Nationalism
0 / 5
Liberal Party
Partia Liberalna
LPF Vacant Liberalism
0 / 5


The FMF (Federal Militia of Frelistan) is the military force of the PRF. At the moment of writing, it has been used only once - in the war of soil. The FMF has 3 members, as well as a command chain.

Military Departments


The Milicja (translating from Polish, "Militia") is the main army focused on by Frelistan. It currently has two divisions (listed below).

  • 1. Dywizja Piechoty (2 members)
  • 1. Dywizja Obrony Cywilnej (1 member)

Siła Lotnicza

The Siła Lotnicza (translating from Polish, "Air Force") is an unmanned division focused on the skies. As it is unmanned, it's subject to the Milicja. It consists of a singular, superlight class plane. The plane served mostly as a civil aircraft and was never used in combat.


The Marynarka (pol. "Navy") serves under the purpose of transporting and protecting goods and people in the bodies of water surrounding Frelistan, aswell as transportation to local islands. There have been plans of constructing a boat, as the previous one broke.

Foreign Relations

The PRF has active foreign relations with several other micronations and organizations, including, but not limited to:

Geography and Climate

The PRF is made up of territories covered mostly in forests and hills. The southern and western borders of the PRF are forested, whilst the north and east are made up of a grassy hill. The nation reached its peak cold at -12°C, whilst the highest temperature was about 32°C. Multiple species of birds reside in the nation, and the only agricultural plant growing in the PRF is the chive, although several types of wild berries can be seen as well.


As of 2024, the PRF is made up of 8 voivodeships.

Region Name Region Capital
Iwelsteg Iwelsteg
Las Południowy Drzewów Starych
Las Północny Barykada
Centralny Frelistan Strzelka
Płasków Szczypiorów
Pole Północne Pointe-de-hill
Zaróśl Brawniczność
Michałogród Michałogród


The PRF remains under most Polish culture. However, there are two outliers to this, which are the national spirit and the holidays.

Holiday name Time celebrated
Zimnodzień 1st of December
Founder's Day 18th of February