Draft:Kingdom of Ruboria

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Kingdom of Ruboria
Flag of Ruboria
Coat of arms of Ruboria
Coat of arms
LocationNova Scotia, Canada
CapitalNorth Richmond
Official languagesEnglish, Cyrillish
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• King
Roland the First
• Chancellor
LegislatureGrand Council of Ruboria (dormant)
from the Dominion of Canada
• Fort Unification
16 October 2013
• Declaration of Independence
3 July 2019
CurrencyCanadian Dollar
Time zoneUTC-4 (AST)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright

The Kingdom of Ruboria is a micronation located in eastern North America. Founded in 2019 by King Roland I, it is the successor to a micronation-like entity the king helped to create in 2013, known as the Leaf Fort. Since 2019 Ruboria has grown and changed, discovering its own identity separate from the Leaf Fort based on self-sufficiency, conservation, and tradition.

Ruboria is an absolute monarchy headed by King Roland. The monarch is invested with supreme authority over the vice royalties and territories of Ruboria, but is expected to act within the guidelines stated by the Ruborian Charter. The monarch has the right to establish the Grand Council of Ruboria at any time, a legislative body with the purpose of delegating responsibility.

Ruboria is an isolationist micronation. It does not accept citizenship applications, nor does it engage in diplomacy with other micronations. Only one (now defunct) micronation has ever established diplomatic relations with Ruboria since its founding in 2019.


The name Ruboria is derived from two words. The Latin word for oak, "robur", and the English word "ruby". Oak trees and their leaves were very important to the culture of the Leaf Fort that came before Ruboria, and given that oak trees are often symbols of resilience and strength, the King took inspiration from them in naming the country. Ruboria was also founded in July, and since the birthstone of July is the ruby, it was also a factor in determining Ruboria's name.


Ruboria began in September of 2013 as a playground game that King Roland had engaged in with his friends at school. At this time he knew nothing of micronationalism, but unknowingly created an entity quite similar to a micronation. This entity was a small fort he had made, named Grand Hall. A few friends had joined the future king in this endeavor, and together they formed a small but close community. He had gotten the idea after seeing another group of kids construct a similar fort nearby, and so he decided to embark on his own.

Unfortunately for Roland and Grand Hall, the original fort, known as Four Trees, did not appreciate the formation of new potential enemy. Tensions began to rise, and soon enough Four Trees engaged in active aggression against Grand Hall. The two groups of kids were in conflict, a fight that would last until the beginning of October. Roland took on the role of leader for his smaller fort and became a rallying figure in the fight against Four Trees, which was both larger in area and outnumbered Grand Hall in membership. Both forts conducted raids on the other, and at one point Roland was even taken hostage by the enemy fort. The conflict reached its height with the battle of Grand Hall, in which nearly the entirety of Four Trees' members would storm and lay siege to Grand Hall. The small fort faced destruction, but Roland's forces were able to hold off the attackers and claim victory.

In the days after the battle however, Roland called for a meeting. One between himself, and the dual leaders of Four Trees. The three met on neutral ground in secret and together they reached an agreement. The fighting had gone on long enough. They agreed to a truce, and the conflict between them came to a close. In the days following, the two forts began to work in collaboration, assisting one another in rebuilding and gathering resources. Some on both sides resented the idea of collaborating with their former enemy, but most enjoyed the era of peace. It became clear that working together would produce prosperity. And so, the leaders of the forts held a second meeting. They agreed to unite.

The Leaf Fort

Upon unification on October 16th, 2013, the forts took on a new name: The Leaf Fort. They combined resources, relocating to Grand Hall and expanding upon the old fort. Roland, along with the dual leaders of Four Trees became the Tri-leaders of the new fort, equal heads of state and government. The Leaf Fort would go on to eventually control a large area, establishing colonies well beyond its immediate area and into the backyards of some of its members. One such colony would go on to make up part of Ruboria's Richmond vice royalty, the last remaining holdout of the Leaf Fort.

The Fort persisted for another year, even making it into 2015. It gained enemies in that time, namely former members of Grand Hall and Four Trees who could not swallow the idea of unification. But the Fort endured despite those who wished it harm. It became a very important project to a younger Roland, who dedicated a great deal of time to maintaining and operating it, keeping intact the community he had contributed so much to.

But as Roland and his friends grew up, they began to outgrow the old game. Some lost interest and left, others remained. What ultimately led to the death of the fort was when the bulk of the group moved schools, including Roland. Faced with no choice, he was forced to abandon the core territory of the Fort, leaving everything he had helped to build behind. One leader remained, but with the majority of the Fort's remaining members having been taken away, it quickly began to crumble. The Leaf Fort entirely collapsed in September 2015.


Shortly after the collapse of the Leaf Fort, Roland discovered the concept of micronations. He immediately drew connections to the Leaf Fort and micronationalism. It had a claimed territory, a government, a flag, many of the typical attributes of a micronation. Had he known of micronationalism a year prior, the Fort would have been declared one. But since he no longer had access to the old lands that his mini-country stood on, and with the former members showing no interest in their old pastime, Roland dismissed the idea of keeping the fort alive under the banner of micronationalism.

That is until 2019, when Roland remembered the colony he had established near his home. The small wooded area was the last piece of former Fort territory to still be under his control as it was owned by his parents. So on July 3rd, 2019, the former leader officially signed the declaration of independence for Ruboria. At the time, its official name was "The Leaf Fort Holdout of Ruboria" (LFHOR), and aimed to operate exactly as the fort had. Its sole purpose was to keep the old fort alive as not only demonstrated by its name, but also its flag and policies.

New Identity

Over time, Ruboria would come into its own. First, Roland would declare himself king of the LFHOR on July 8th of that year, a title previously forbidden by the Grand Council during the days of the fort. The flag would be changed from one that depicted the Leaf Fort flag in the canton to the current Ruborian flag on December 20th of 2019, and the LFHOR name would quietly be dropped in favor of the Kingdom of Ruboria.

Ruboria was becoming something much different than the Leaf Fort. Primarily a solo project, King Roland found himself creating trails and forging a new country in the wilderness on his own, rather than battling rival forts on a playground. It was more hands-on as he was creating something long-lasting and meaningful. Ruboria was more than just a bastion to keep old memories alive.

In 2021 Ruboria entered the online micronational community with the creation of its Twitter account, shortly followed by a Reddit account. The original holdout and capital would be renamed to the state of Richmond (later vice royalty of Richmond), and the micronation would expand with the acquisition of New Georgia.

Since 2021 Ruboria has continued to cultivate and reshape its land into the image of the king. Trails have been cut, food has been grown, and plans are in place to go even bigger with the construction of a small building in New Georgia. Ruboria aims to be a respected and long-lasting micronation.

Politics and government

Ruboria is an absolute hereditary monarchy. Currently, all authority and government responsibilities are rested with the King. He has the option to establish the Grand Council of Ruboria, which will serve as a legislative body to delegate responsibilities.

Early government

Ruboria, as the Leaf Fort, initially began as a republic. There were no monarchs, just three "leaders" who lacked an official title. The three leaders all sat on the Grand Council, the governing body of the fort that was made up of several individuals who had taken charge of matters ranging from defense to construction. The three leaders were unelected and held supreme authority over the fort, but remained in power thanks to popular support from the fort's members.

Ruboria's founder and first King, Roland I, served as one of the three leaders from the beginning of the Fort in 2013 until its collapse in 2015. During the Fort's height in the winter of 2014, he briefly served as "emperor" after a large portion of fort members declared him as such. However he was forced to abandon this title as the other leaders were against it.


The monarchy is central to modern Ruboria. As stated in Article 1 section A of the Ruborian Charter, "Ruboria is an absolute monarchy. Supreme authority over the governance of Ruborian territory rests in the monarch. They may do whatever they wish with Ruboria as long as it does not conflict with the charter, other laws, or the daily lives of the citizens of the kingdom."

The monarch is expected to obey the Ruborian Charter, brought into effect by King Roland on July 21st, 2024. The charter acts similarly to a constitution, outlining guaranteed laws and freedoms as well as guidelines for the operation of the country. Chapter 2 of the charter specifically outlines the rights of Ruborian citizens, and declares that all citizens are entirely free. The charter also states that the monarch is socially equal to all citizens, and rituals such as bowing and referring to the monarch as "your majesty" are never to be expected.

While the monarch is free to amend the charter at any time, removing or nullifying any section can only be carried out after consultation with the entirety of Ruboria's population. If the proposed removal is unpopular, it is not to be removed.


The chancellor serves as head of the Grand Council of Ruboria (GCR) while the body is active. The Chancellor's purpose is to lead the GCR, and to act in accordance with the expectations of the monarch. The chancellor may be appointed by the monarch or selected through a democratic election. True power will always rest with the monarch, but the charter states that they may delegate powers and responsibilities to the council if they see fit.

As of yet, there has never been a chancellor of Ruboria.

Grand Council of Ruboria

The Grand Council of Ruboria (GCR) is the dormant legislative body of the Kingdom of Ruboria. It is a direct continuation of the Grand Council that governed the Leaf Fort. Its purpose is to take on responsibilities delegated to it by the monarch, ranging from potential foreign relations to domestic matters such as agriculture and public safety.

The monarch has the right to establish or dissolve the GCR at any time, and its creation is not mandatory. The council will consist of elected and/or appointed individuals who will fill the following roles:

  • Chancellor
  • Vice Chancellor
  • One representative from each vice royalty
  • Secretaries for various fields

Law and order

Ruboria is an absolute monarchy and follows the guidelines set by the Ruborian Charter. The micronation adheres to and is bound by all Canadian laws, and does not seek to disobey the laws of its macronation. Ruboria does not seek, nor will it ever receive macronational recognition, so Canadian laws will always apply.

The charter adds additional rules and regulations for those on Ruborian property, such as the prohibition of clear-cutting wooded areas. Ruboria is also not permitted to become part of any other micronation, doing so would conflict with Ruborian law (colony of Westarctica, associated state of Stomaria, etc).


Ruboria does not have a standing army. Plans were floated in 2022 for the establishment of a navy, but so far no progress has been made on acquiring a vessel.

Foreign relations

Ruboria is an isolationist micronation. It is not seeking to join alliances or establish diplomatic relations with other states. Diplomacy is not forbidden, but formal relations between Ruboria and other micronations are rare. To date, only one (now defunct) micronation has ever forged relations with Ruboria.

Ruboria follows the Apolitical World Map[1] as its view of the world. It does not recognize or unrecognize any macronation. Ruborian recognition is given based on actual control. If an organized government has claimed a territory of its own and has effective control over that territory, it is considered a sovereign macronation by Ruborian standards.

By default, Ruboria gives informal recognition to all micronations. Recognition is rescinded, rather than bestowed.

Provided below is an example of a list of relations with other nations and organizations. For more information on flag icons, see {{flag}}, {{flaglist}} {{flagicon}}, and {{flagicon image}}.

States with recognition through the apolitical world map

Micronations that recognize Ruboria

Formal micronational relations

  • Currently, Ruboria has no formal relations with any micronation

Previous micronational relations

  • Kingdom of Kemdaya (defunct)

Administrative regions

Ruboria is currently made up of two subdivisions. They are the Vice Royalty of Richmond, and the Vice Royalty of New Georgia. The two vice royalties are not connected to one another geographically, but are both under the direct control of the king and his family. Each vice royalty is entitled to one representative on the GCR, and may be headed by a viceroy if the monarch wishes. The nature of the viceroy's job may range from ceremonial figurehead to head of local government, depending on the degree of autonomy the monarch wishes to grant. No vice royalty has the right to secede from Ruboria, and new vice royalties can only be established on privately owned land.

Although none exist yet, Ruboria has two other subdivision templates should the need arise, those being territories and dominions. Territories are areas with no population, or lack any efforts to utilize the land but have been declared Ruborian soil. They do not get a seat on the GCR. Dominions are other micronations or lands owned by another individual that wishes to be part of Ruboria. Dominions are highly autonomous, and the Ruborian Charter will not apply to them. Their citizens are not considered Ruborians, and they are not entitled to a seat on the GCR. Their only link to Ruboria is recognizing the Ruborian monarch as their head of state.

Geography and climate

Ruboria experiences a humid continental climate. Temperatures are fairly regulated by the coast, rarely exceeding 90° F. Winters have been getting warmer with less snow every year, but throughout the winter months at least one foot of snow often blankets the ground.

Richmond's terrain is more flat and open, while New Georgia is forested and hilly. Both vice royalties have a forest composition of a normal Acadian Forest.

Invasive and dangerous species have been threatening Ruboria in recent years, namely japanese knotweed and various species of ticks. Knotweed is highly resistant to efforts taken to control it, spreading across landscapes uninterrupted and ravaging local ecosystems. Ticks meanwhile have infested all grassy areas, and have likely contributed to a decline in local wildlife.

Ruboria recognizes Sasquatch as a legitimate species. Said creatures have never been observed in the vicinity of the micronation, but the possibility that a Sasquatch has visited Ruboria in the past has never been eliminated.


Ruboria has been culturally influenced by three primary regions: Nova Scotia and the Maritime provinces of Canada, the American Southeast, and Western European traditions.

While isolationist on the inter-micronational scale, Ruboria strives to be friendly and welcoming to others, embodying the hospitality seen in the Maritime provinces and American South. Additionally, the recognition of Christianity as the micronation's official religion also somewhat connects it to the often fairly religious southern states as well as the Christian faith's historical importance to Europe. Likewise, many European nations in the past were absolute monarchies, as Ruboria is.

Although Christianity is recognized as the official state religion, it is not a theocracy nor are other faiths banned. However, Christianity is known to influence some state decisions on occasion as shown through the high importance of Christmas and Easter.

Ruboria places high importance on personal liberty and respect towards others. This is evident by the omission of certain traditions associated with monarchy such as referring to the ruler as "your majesty" and bowing. Socially, the monarch is equal to all citizens, and they behave and are treated as such. Ruborians are citizens, not subjects, and the monarch has no authority over their personal lives.

Ruboria considers itself to be first and foremost a Nova Scotian micronation rather than a Canadian one. The kingdom has strong loyalty and attachment to the province it originates in.

Guiding principles

Ruboria is guided by three main principles:

  • Self Sufficiency: Reducing the kingdom's dependence on the macronation.
  • Conservation: Living with the land rather than at its expense.
  • Tradition: Keeping alive values that have historically been important to Western civilization, such as monarchy and Christianity.


Ruboria has several symbols to represent its national identity.

  • National Flag: The Ruborian national flag is a horizontal tri-color of black (determination), white (purity and Christianity), and green (nature). The central crown represents the monarchy, and the three stars above it represent the original three leaders of the Leaf Fort, the micronation that Ruboria directly succeeds.
  • National Emblem: The emblem features a wheat wreath to represent farming, the Ruborian banner and crown to represent the nation and monarchy respectively, two rampant pumas for the national animal, two pine trees for nature, and a ruby gemstone. Since Ruboria was founded in July, the ruby is the nation's birthstone.
  • Eastern Cougar: The Eastern Cougar is Ruboria's national animal. Considered to be extinct, Ruboria recognizes the species as still living, and our refusal to give up in it is symbolic of our dedication to conservation. The large cat also represents strength
  • Intermediate Wood Fern: The Intermediate Wood Fern is a common plant found across Ruboria, and is recognized as the official plant of the micronation. Ferns are ancient, and represent persistence and longevity as well as tranquillity.
  • Flag of The Leaf Fort: The flag of the micronation that preceded Ruboria still has official status, and is to be treated with respect. It was a horizontal tricolor of orange, white and orange with the outline of an oak leaf in the upper left corner.


English is the sole official language of Ruboria. However, a unique form of English called Cyrillisch[2] has official status. Cyrillish is spoken exactly the same as regular English, but is written with the Cyrillic alphabet rather than the Latin alphabet.

The Maritime dialect of English is the branch of English spoken in Ruboria.


Date Name Remarks
1 January New Years Day First day of the new year
6 January 12th day of Christmas Final day of the 12 Christmas holidays
1 March First Day of Spring Ruborian Spring begins on March 1st and ends on May 31st
Easter Holidays Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Observed on the first Sunday after the full moon on/after the Spring equinox
28 May Nova Scotian Flag Day Recognition of the 1625 grant that gave Nova Scotia its coat of arms
1 June First Day of Summer Ruborian Summer begins on June 1st and ends on August 31st
3 July Foundation Day Anniversary of Ruboria's declaration of independence
5 August Naval Day A day to spend on the beach or in the water
1 September First Day of Fall Ruborian Fall begins on September 1st and ends on November 30th
October Holidays A week of celebration Ruboria
16 October Fort Day Ruboria's national day. Celebrates the unification of the forts and the founding of Ruboria's predecessor.
20 October Sasquatch Day Celebrates the filming of the famous Patterson Gimlin Film
11 November Armistice Day Acknowledging the end of the First World War
1 December First Day of Winter Ruborian Winter begins on December 1st and ends on February 28th or 29th
24 December Christmas Eve
25 December Christmas Day The birth of Christ. First day of the 12 Christmas holidays.

External Links
