Donkrean Subsector

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General information
LocatedKolniari Sector, Glasgow, Scotland
Total population of sector40 (estimated)
Sector founded2018 (most likely)
Nations in areaValdgeperepublik, West Donkrea, Falconiac Union, Republic of Colvarasia, Empire of New Riga, Federal Republic of Spritsnasque

The Donkrean Subsector is a subsector of the larger Kolniari Sector in Glasgow, Scotland. It was named after the earliest documented Kolniaric nation, the Republic of Donkrea, which used to control the land. Donkrea was once considered to be the main part of the Kolniari Sector, but gradually lost its status to North Kolniari. Donkrea is arguably experiencing a second peak in 2023 not seen since Ancient Kolniari.


It’s unknown where the name 'Donkrea' came from, but it’s believed to have emerged at some point in 2018 as Ancient Kolniari progressed, along with multiple other nations that came and went during that time. Donkrea was the name of the earliest recorded Ancient Kolniaric nation, and although other nations existed on the land, the Republic of Donkrea became the most powerful and influential of them, which is part of the reason why the subsector took the name of this nation. Donkrea is believed to have lasted from 2018 until 2020, making it the longest lasting nation in Kolniaric history, until the Sprinske Empire’s third anniversary on 30 October 2023 gave it the title.


The Donkrean Subsector was the first part of the Kolniari Sector reached by micronationalism. When the founder of the Republic of Donkrea travelled to Canada in 2017, he discovered micronationalism and decided to experiment with it for himself, creating a simulationist micronation to test it. He created a very short-lived micronation which did not have a name, but is now commonly referred to as the Windsor State. This micronation accomplished very little other than laying the foundations for Ancient Kolniari. The Windsor State lasted for around 16 days, and dissolved when its president travelled back to Scotland. After he returned, he continued to experiment with micronations, creating multiple nations that have been lost to time.

The earliest known micronation in the Donkrean Subsector was the Ancient Kolniaric nation of Grassistan. Not much is known about Grassistan, except that it had a language, 'Grassistani', which has a mostly incomplete translator on LingoJam[1], it’s unknown when the translator was first made, but it’s believed to have been abandoned at some point in 2020.

Another micronation that existed around this time was Springaland (or Sprengaland as some records show). This nation is believed to have been socialist, as well as some believing it to be somewhat warlike and violent, which was not uncommon in Ancient Kolniari.

The earliest micronation to be somewhat recorded was the Republic of Donkrea, it most likely existed from 2018 until 12 August 2020. The government system was modelled after Ireland’s government, and it was a socialist nation. With around six citizens, Donkrea’s intended system of democracy didn’t really work, and as a result it was a de facto dictatorship. In March 2020, Scotland went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Donkrea slowly declined throughout lockdown. By early August, the nation was recovering as the citizens were able to meet again, but a nearby communist tribe led by Zachary Stewart had been struggling against Donkrea for territory, until Donkrean Taoiseach Aaron and Zachary Stewart reached an agreement to unite the tribe and Donkrea to form the Sprinske Communist Republic. Zachary would become King whilst Aaron would be Prime Minister. The Sprinske Communist Republic was the last Ancient Kolniaric nation, and is today the most well known one. The Sprinske Communist Republic remains somewhat controversial in modern Kolniari, in many Kolniaric nations, it is widely hated, but there are some people who believe that it was a good thing. The SCR is often mocked and satirised for its laws, which have been described by many who used to be a part of it as extreme and over-the-top, the nation was strictly communist, and any sort of business not controlled by the state was strictly forbidden. The nation had a secret police force, who would on occasion use real violence to make sure that citizens obeyed the nation’s laws.