Diadochism (political theory)

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Diadochism is a political theory stating that there is one absolute Emperor, or Basileus, who is the vassal of the Olympians, and that said Emperor has a mandate that can be given and taken away by the will of Zeus.

It is currently practiced by the Hellenistic Empire of Cimbrun, although it was abandoned for a time between August 25, 2021 and May 21, 2022.


Diadochism is practiced in Cimbrun, and as such Cimbrun is the first micronational mandate holder. The first mandate holder was Chaos, then Ouranos, Kronos, Zeus himself, Heracles, through several great Greek leaders to Alexander III of Macedon, and through the Ptolemaic kings to Gaius Julius Caesar. After Caesar, the mandate passed to every Roman emperor until Theodosius the Damned banned Hellenic paganism and thus caused the mandate to disappear until 2020 when Alexander I Irikladis converted to Hellenic paganism, allowing the mandate to return under his reign.

It was abandoned for a time on August 25, 2021, and returned to prominence on May 21, 2022, with the Cultus of Avadonia serving to provide a story that shows how loyal those who are subject to the mandate holder should be.


There are several tenets of Diadochism as explained below:

  • The title of Emperor/Basileus cannot be held by more than one person - if there is a Western and Eastern emperor or some other scenario where the title could go to one or the other, only one of them may hold the mandate. This is to be decided by a casus belli that allows those who are given dynitikós, or potential to be the mandate holder, to fight a war for the mandate.
  • The title of Emperor/Basileus is considered the highest diplomatic rank a mortal can achieve, all other leaders rule by the will of the Gods, not the Emperor/Basileus.
  • One cannot simply assume the mandate, they must be given the mandate by the Gods or by the ruler currently holding the mandate (who would then proceed to give up the mandate themselves.)
  • All mandate-holders are the successors of those mentioned in this article, regardless of legitimacy. A non-Hellene can hold the Mandate just as well as a Hellene can.
  • Every nation ruled by the mandate-holder is considered part of the Hellenic realm, and the nations ruled by the mandate-holder AND others that practice the Hellenic faith comprise the Hellenistic realm.
  • The mandate-holder, by virtue of holding the mandate, holds Epikrátisi or dominance, making it so that all realms in the Hellenic realm must follow his will (but those in the Hellenistic realm and not the Hellenic realm are completely independent.)